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Gun applicants in New York will have to hand over social accounts

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posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: VierEyes
Not because she was wanted.

The Fredo's Brother/Hochul ticket sure was.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 07:12 AM
Can we place social media checks on New Yorkers that want an abortion to make sure they were not just probably whoring around?

But if you bend the rules on shall not be infringed with application to MIGHT issue a license to purchase. Then you can expect a bending of “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Which was already dinged up pretty hard when they decided you can be searched the instant you step into a public place at any time for any reason.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 07:51 AM
Hmmm... let's see here... I don't do a lot of social media, so how would this work?

Facebook? OK, I got one of those. Never use it. As in, never use it. If someone wants to talk to me on Facebook, they have to call me and let me know they posted something. Then we just talk on the phone. Once in a while, I'll log on to check out some pics. That'll take all of 5 minutes to look through.

No Twitter, no Tic-Tac-Toc (whatever that is for), no Instagram, no Snapchat.

Does Discord count? I got it. Mayby 5 people on my list, mainly people I occasionally video chat with.

Skype? Hmm, that could be a problem. I use it for business. My business. There's a few things on there that do not get revealed to anyone except those I spoke with. Sorry, not sorry, not gonna happen.

ATS? Ummm, got a big problem there. I promised to never reveal certain things when I was promoted to staff. Someone better get that Romulan mind shredder out if you want that one. Not gonna happen. Redneck don't break promises like that. Try to grab that login info and you'll start your own little war.

A background check is one thing... public records like criminal complaints, police interactions... I can see some logic in that. Not a lot, but some. But when someone starts deciding they have a right to my personal information? Uh, that's a big, fat hell no. You want it, come get it. Bring body bags.

This is actually the only reason I oppose background checks. They are bad enough, but the real danger is when the background checks are not deemed good enough. Then someone gets a little more intrusive... and more intrusive... and more intrusive... until finally everything you do, say, think, eat, or watch is being scrutinized. At that point, you might as well be in a cage somewhere... the effect is the same.

Hopefully the Supreme Court will slap this one down at least as hard as they did "may issue." In a just society, those tho proposed or voted for this social media rule should have their rights as citizens stripped and be deported to the country of their choice... anywhere but here.


posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 08:05 AM
I think I should point out one more thing: it does not require logins to check social media. The only thing logins give one is the ability to see things the poster deemed as "private," and that could be solved by agreeing to "friend" the investigation account. Consider ATS; everything I post on these boards is public domain. I agreed to that when I posted it. This post is public domain; if someone wants to see it, all they have to do is look.

And yet, we have mass murders happening after they are advertised for sometimes years on social media in the public domain! Sounds to me like NY just said "We'll do our job if you give us more power." Sorry, folks, don't work like that... do your damn job and then maybe you'll get more power. You don't get more power on a promise that you'll do your job.

Especially when you're New York. Don't forget the last Governor, Andrew Cuomo, is a confessed mass murder who purposely and personally killed hundreds of nursing home residents using the Chinese virus as a deadly weapon. He also screwed over everyone who helped when he was crying that New York was being destroyed by the Chinese virus epidemic (which was never true). Wouldn't surprise me if the death toll from guns paled in comparison to the death toll from Andrew Cuomo.

If New York were on fire, I'd write Ivey and demand she not send one drop of water. New York would probably waste it and then try to tax Alabama for exporting it.


posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Fun Trivia: For a decade or so prior to the Civil War, NY threaten to secede from the US. The other states said to go ahead and leave.

All these years and things haven’t really changed that much as I would tell them to go ahead and take California with them.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 08:42 AM
I'm not much for amending the US constitution which if followed would get the government I desire (small footprint) however one amendment I could get behind if a critter or braves souls brought it forth would be a judicial review of legislated laws for constitutional muster. If a proposed law is found to lack constitutionality, then it should be kicked back to legislature for reconsideration. Happen to believe this was original intention that's been bastardized.

Far to long now congress and various states get years of a free ride trampling our rights as patently unconstitutional laws are legislated, signed into law and enforced. Citizens have to spend much time and treasure fighting obvious infringements in the court system for years. Meanwhile no consequences are experienced by those acting in such a manner.

One other to add would be teeth enforcing the oath of office which is violated at will with no consequences.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: havok

It's funny isn't it they are working so hard for a secret social credit system. I think the net has had it for a while which is why I get 'crap' old results I wonder if I'm on a special filter.

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