posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 02:35 AM
There was a time I was skeptical of the 'dumbing down of America' conspiracy; I'm a believer now!
With everything having computer input in some fashion these days, how was spellcheck avoided?
My granddaughter is in high school and has never had a course in cursive writing; they only teach kids how to print these days, it seems. She has
great difficulty reading anything I write. I could just print, but I won't. lol
Some kids never learn to tie shoes; with velcro closures and slip-ons there's no need.
When my kids were in grade school and began routinely asking me how to spell this or that word, I bought them each their own dictionary. Few own
dictionaries now; they have spellcheck. Spelling doesn't need to take up space in our long term memory.
WE aren't smarter; we just have greater access to computers to do our thinking for us. Unplug the power grid and watch what happens.