as a part-time optimist (and it's hard to be an optimist in these confusing times), i believe in the good in people. you should regularly remind
yourself that we are, in fact, one species and that every human being is connected to all the others - our shells may differ, but at the core we are
all the same.
i wasn't a stranger things fan. i dropped out at some point. but i love kate bush and one of here older songs (running up that hill)
was used in the show and hits the charts worldwide. so one thing led to another and i started watching again. as a child of the 80s, the series
finally caught me. highlight of the current season (and for me one of the greatest sequences in a tv series ever): max's scene. the eternal
fight. good against evil. the power of music, friendship and love.
which brings me to hope. i like watching reaction videos. i'm fascinated by watching others discover new things, like stranger things. here are some
reactions to max's scene. what touches me here: the feelings, the fear, the confusion, the joy and finally the relief - all this is almost congruent,
no matter what kind of people are sitting there, the emotions are always the same and also the call: run! it's the primal instinct deep inside us,
it's the same for everyone. take a look. it's fun and heartwarming.
Kate Bush is a genius with her music. A prodigy of Pink Floyds David Gilmore. Made it big all over the world, apart from America where i think she
was to artistically creative for.
Songs you may enjoy. First one she wrote when she was age 13.