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Covid cases surge again in Europe as Moderna says its booster candidate??

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posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 12:38 AM
What a coincidence that these magical covid case numbers had magically re appeared as soon the politicians and leaders removed the restrictions and as soon Moderna was readying its booster candidate.

Just maybe people should just stop testing in general.
These covid test kits are unreliable.
Just because you test for something doesn't mean you have C19 or covid.

Its no doubt that there are those health "experts" who appear on the media that would love to see the restrictions return again. And the return of the passport vax system.

If the last four, three five boosters of Pfizer shown.
It still doesn't matter you would get infected either way.

Its only the media still fear mongering the covid for their agenda.
Covid cases surge again in Europe as Moderna says its booster candidate??

Of course as the "EXPERT" Say

“The holiday season is about to start, almost all restrictions have been relaxed — things could take off again very fast indeed,” he said. “It’s concerning that only 29% of over-60s have so far got the fourth dose to which they are all entitled.”

Of course of course.
The magical covid case numbers are magical back as soon the restrictions all are removed. Because these top doctors and politicians love to see ordinary folks locked up.

If all the restrictions do return and force people to take more of their boosters i dont think its going go very well.

There are many who had refused the third boosters.

These top exerts on the MSM haven't being doing to well on selling their boosters nor to the un vaccinated.

edit on 25-6-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 12:39 AM
MSM should just shove it with COVID as there majority who are so over the nonsense.
And the questionable covid data case numbers.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: vNex92

FYI, Europe isn't in America.

Do they even use the Moderna immunization in any European countries apart from the UK?

What COVID vaccines are used in different countries, including the UK, US, China and Israel

edit on 25/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 04:41 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
What a coincidence that these magical covid case numbers had magically re appeared as soon the politicians and leaders removed the restrictions and as soon Moderna was readying its booster candidate.

Just maybe people should just stop testing in general.
These covid test kits are unreliable.
Just because you test for something doesn't mean you have C19 or covid.

Its no doubt that there are those health "experts" who appear on the media that would love to see the restrictions return again. And the return of the passport vax system.

If the last four, three five boosters of Pfizer shown.
It still doesn't matter you would get infected either way.

Its only the media still fear mongering the covid for their agenda.
Covid cases surge again in Europe as Moderna says its booster candidate??

Of course as the "EXPERT" Say

“The holiday season is about to start, almost all restrictions have been relaxed — things could take off again very fast indeed,” he said. “It’s concerning that only 29% of over-60s have so far got the fourth dose to which they are all entitled.”

Of course of course.
The magical covid case numbers are magical back as soon the restrictions all are removed. Because these top doctors and politicians love to see ordinary folks locked up.

If all the restrictions do return and force people to take more of their boosters i dont think its going go very well.

There are many who had refused the third boosters.

These top exerts on the MSM haven't being doing to well on selling their boosters nor to the un vaccinated.

Doesn’t matter if everyone stopped testing tomorrow they would just fix the numbers to say whatever they wanted.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 08:44 AM
Colds are deadly and fake PCR tests are accurate.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 02:05 PM
The EU renewed the covID.

This cohona b#llsh#t ain't over. They are gearing up again.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 04:33 PM
Just you wait until the summer is over, the numbers will skyrocket.

In general I keep my distance, take vitamin D everyday and workout 3 days a week, no vaccine either, and so far is working quite well.


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