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Solar System Travelling to An Area Much Hotter and Denser Which Could Explain Climate Change.

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posted on Jun, 20 2022 @ 05:00 PM
Very informative. It makes one wonder what they're doing in Antarctica and if that possibly has something to with our trajectory in relation to orbit and relative angle.

Harnessing magnetic power grids would certainly be a factor if that technology has been discovered. Statistically it is better to believe all scenarios lest you miss minutiae relevant to possibility.

a reply to: BlackArrow

posted on Jun, 20 2022 @ 05:34 PM
Man made or otherwise one thing remains true.

We have to prepare and adapt or lower the temps.

Witch one are you guys doing? And how?

posted on Jun, 20 2022 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

So...we fukd?

posted on Jun, 20 2022 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
Man made or otherwise one thing remains true.

We have to prepare and adapt or lower the temps.

Witch one are you guys doing? And how?

Good luck with trying to thwart Mother Nature. How idiotic.

posted on Jun, 20 2022 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
Man made or otherwise one thing remains true.

We have to prepare and adapt or lower the temps.

Witch one are you guys doing? And how?

Maybe we should be focused on that instead of making money for people invested in Green energy.

The idea that we can stop the climate from changing is the height of human arrogance and lack of respect for the natural world. It will march on no matter what we do.

So yes, we should focus our resources on adapting to the changes that will come, not a fake "Green" plan to prevent the changes.

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: Violater1

Do you have a link to that video?

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: GeosAlien
Hi Electric Universe;
Great research and thank you for your explanation...
Some conclusions, however, I am not so sure about.
Our star system completes its journey through the milky way every 25920 years
In our last cycle Earth has been going through heat periods/waves and an ice age and this must be a pattern, in each of this long year cycles. If this happened to Earth so it must have happened to our companions in our solar system.
So it is repetitive, and our solar system came through this fairly unharmed each time.

Now you state that the universe in total is heating up, and that may lead to catastrophic outcome within a period even as short as 80 some years... Did I read that correctly...?? This part seems to me unproven, as in that case we should have proof that the same warming is happening in our solar systems in our milky way, or in our galaxies, isn't it?

Best wishes//GeosAlien
i think the solar system goes through the galactic plane every 25,000 yrs or so like you said.

it encounters all kinds of different stuff. debris, radiation etc..

and it circles the galaxy every 250 mil yrs.
i would bet no amount of CO2 reduction would stop our fate.

who knows, we could lose or pick up planets, moons or another sun or 2.

we are not the center of the universe.

just riding the planet like a boogie board through space.

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 04:25 AM

originally posted by: BlackArrow

So if I did the math right, your telling me that we were in a cloud of 4kalvin which is 6740.33 F, and we are about to be entering a 1million kal cloud which is 1799540.33 F that it is a 266.981 times difference,

With the Earth's "average" template being 15C which is 59F

That in less then 100 years we will be sitting at 15,751.88 F degrees average... Seems drastic, and we will be seeing that type of change occuring at 1-2 degrees average per year.. with the end spiking higher and faster.

What I posted came from various sources which I included in the op, except one which forgot to add.

The one thing which is my opinion, but it is an educated guess, so far is in believing that one of the things that will occur once our Solar System, and more specifically Earth, is completely inside this Interstellar Cloud is more warming because as the atoms from the cloud interact with Earth's magnetic field one of the side effects will be more heat occurring on Earth. Not to mention that in space because the atoms of the cloud are so spread out there is no heat but as the atoms of the cloud hit the EArth's atmosphere they will concentrate and heat up our upper atmosphere, heating the planet more. That's also not counting what this Interstellar Cloud can do to Earth's core, which as I have explained before has been already found to affect most if not all planets and moons with an atmosphere in our Solar System. But again my view that as the atoms of the IC are concentrated in our atmosphere it will cause it to heat up is my opinion and I could be wrong. But it is an educated guess and it is not a wild guess.

I did forget to add this link.

The following article was posted on May 24th, 2010 and it states the following.

May 24, 2010
Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences
Is the Sun going to enter a million-degree galactic cloud of interstellar gas soon? A U.S.-Polish team of scientists suggests that the ribbon of enhanced emissions of energetic neutral atoms, discovered last year by the NASA Small Explorer satellite IBEX, could be explained by a geometric effect due to the approach of the Sun to the boundary between the Local Cloud of interstellar gas and another cloud of a very hot gas called the Local Bubble. If this hypothesis is correct, IBEX is catching matter from a hot neighboring interstellar cloud, which the Sun might enter in a hundred years.

Ribbon at edge of our solar system: Will the Sun enter a million-degree cloud of interstellar gas?

One thing I have explained in other threads several times is that this cloud used to be thought to be much farther away. Some research in the past put the Solar System entering the Interstellar Cloud in around 10,000 years, while others thought it was 50,000 away. But the research from 2010 states it is much closer, and within around 100 years from 2010 is when it is thought the Entire Solar System would enter it, but who knows if it is even closer than that?

Since it was posted in 2010 and back then it was thought we could enter it in 100 years, which means that in 2022 we are about 88 years away from being completely inside this Interstellar Cloud. You also read that they say in the research/article that the Interstellar Cloud is 1 million degrees kelvin in temperature.

BTW, they do say "which our Solar System might enter" but that is normal grammar when talking about space and the distances involved. We are moving towards that Interstellar Cloud and only divine intervention will stop us from entering it.

Apart from that our Solar wind changed directions a few years back, and now we know it is because of this Interstellar Cloud which means that either the IC is either unusually turbulent or that we are really close to it, both of which could also be true.

As for the temperature of the region of the Local Fluff in which we have been in for around 45,000 years, that is also known to be around 4k kelvin. Although some other estimates put it at about 6,000 Kelvin to up to 7,000 Kelvin. But remember that the time we have been inside this region of the Local Fluff and it's temperatures are only an estimate.

Our solar system's trip through the Local Fluff Cloud started between 44,000 and 150,000 years ago.

14 Facts About the Local Fluff – A Mysterious Interstellar Cloud the Solar System is Traveling Through

However, about your question on how will we feel this temperature on Earth? They are not felt in space the same as in a planet like Earth. In space the atoms are so spread out that it won't feel exactly like heat, but it does act a lot like radiation burns and that's one of the main problems we will have to face, because the radiation will change the dna of every living thing on Earth and we can experience radiation burns, the incidence of cancer will increase dramatically, etc, more so if the Earth's magnetic field continues to weaken as it has been doing.

As to what exactly will this dense interstellar cloud do with Earth's atmosphere and what their interaction will cause it is an open question as we don't really know what will happen.

Oops, also forgot about this link and how I got the maximum temperature of 4 million Kelvin from this Interstellar Cloud.

According to their calculations, in the past 10 billion years, the mean temperature of these gases has increased by more than 10 times, Universe Today reports. Their analysis revealed the cosmic gas spread across our universe can reach temperatures of roughly 4 million degrees Fahrenheit. The scientists published their findings last month in the Astrophysical Journal.

The Universe Just Keeps Getting Hotter. That Shouldn't Be Happening.

And I did make the mistake of saying it could be 4 million Kelvin, when it should be Fahrenheit.

edit on 21-6-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment, excerpt and link.

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

You seem rather convinced about the giants thing...

Can you provide evidence as to why you hold such a strong belief in this in particular?


posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
Man made or otherwise one thing remains true.

We have to prepare and adapt or lower the temps.

Witch one are you guys doing? And how?

How can we lower the temperature? Gina McCarthy, today's EPA witch as she was during Obama's admin admitted that even if we were to implement every single drastic change that Obama wanted to implement which would stop our manufacturing, would cripple our economy and would cause a lot of suffering and even death. Implementing every single wish from democrats aka "the Green new deal clown show" the most that global temperatures could lower is by 0.01C. And the 0.01C is lower than the normal and NATURAL variations that can and do occur in our climate in changes of temperature which makes it impossible to say for certain it will lower global temps even by 0.01C...

I even gave a link to a thread in which I posted the video where she admits this. She even admits that their reason for this is to actually change the global economy and that is the truth of these drastic changes they want and are introducing which will cause suffering, death and the worse economic crisis that will make the U.S. into a third world country dictatorship.

EPA Chief concedes climate rule; it's about 'reinventing a global economy'

Ironically Pluto's temperature increased by 2 C in 2002, and now it is hotter. The "Green new deal' proponents claim that CO2 would increase Earth's temperature by about 2C or more... Which coincides with the changes in temperature in Pluto and probably other planets and moons in the Solar System.

edit on 21-6-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: CptComa88
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

So...we fukd?

I think so. At least for most of mankind. There are only so many people that will be willing or able to relocate underground and live underground long enough and until it is safe to come out again.

As for the elites? There is a reason they want to push for "drastic changes" that will make them lots of money meanwhile the rest of us suffer. It is very possible they just want to make enough money so they and their own families survive this event. Even though they are leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves and are lying about the cause of Climate Change and what is the real reason why it is happening.

Those that stay in the surface of Earth will suffer at the least more instances of cancer, will have genetic changes due to the radiation, and will die in excruciating pain.

Ironically the prophecies of the Hopi, the bible and many others state that the end of this cycle will occur through fire.

The ancients sure seem to have knows a lot of things we as supposedly "more advanced civilizations" are still trying to deny as a whole except for a few people like myself and other scientists like Irene Baron who agrees with most of my assessment.

edit on 21-6-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: face23785

The narrative is a control freak like it is preventable... when the real concern is desalination death from ice melt and loss of property along coastal areas due to rising. The narrative of course leaves time for contingency and bankrolling so it's an easier transition into the large bloom like we once had occurring all over the planet... losing two seasons is what we can expect over the long haul and such a thing is about as far back as recorded history could get from peoples word of mouth carrying the same stories as a cultural dictum relative to the area. Core samples in some arctic areas have pulled up palm trees... meaning the earth has been through what we are going to experience in a few if not several generations from now... where it is all temperate and only has a wet or dry season and the weather as global temperature goes? Stable... desserts even will see grass and trees again if those were core sampled they'd probably find some layers that match up and finding out what they were like to the Arctic palm timeline.

Some see our future as a mixture of Mars and Venus the way the current narrative is moving; and it's a stupid thing to push as those are worst case scenario and we'll likely be colonizing another planet by then and "Unesco" this whole entire thing at some point as a heritage planet. Of course some are stuck in the thicket of views or all those what's your history stranger? Then writing all of that down and want to argue or debate or war over it when it isn't even theirs and if it is? Why haven't you embraced the new home yet you have generations of ancestors locked up in there that want the place you live to like there? If so look at the there now... is it better? Yes? Cool then why not go ahead and move back there and make them happy... No? Then why not just continue to be a good citizen of here until it is?

Science has withstood the test of time; Even though many still think science a theory, instead of a method...

But no aside from the desalination and some fish not well adapted to so much less salinity the planet remembers having gone through it many times and will bloom whatever life the suits it and can adapt to it... and that's kinda where some science and nature are at odds but not really when it's more the nothing to see here yet politics trying to do themselves and each other and then us all favors... despite the facts of whatever it is occurring and that's just the way it is; knowing that means less to stress about and not have a stroke over when science is clear cut and dry as it's supposed to be a Dragnet wet dream of "Just the facts" remembering fame and fortune quells that passion in one's heart should keep the science pure and clean or to just the facts.

Thanks OP and others for bringing in some facts... there's quite a few people it seems relieved that they can run away from the politics they backed of GLOBAL WARMING! But poetically; Maybe It was just in the hand or heart.

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
Man made or otherwise one thing remains true.

We have to prepare and adapt or lower the temps.

Witch one are you guys doing? And how?

Neither, I'm more concerned with the state that my country is in so that's what I'm more focused on with my preparations.

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
Man made or otherwise one thing remains true.

We have to prepare and adapt or lower the temps.

Witch one are you guys doing? And how?

Problem is, the "experts" and "authorities" are steering profits and NWO mass-authoritarian control instead of real precautions.


posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

Problem is, the "experts" and "authorities" are steering profits and NWO mass-authoritarian control instead of real precautions.


Sequestering atmospheric CO2 will not stop nor mitigate the changes that will continue to occur. But what it will do is lower the global vegetation, which will lower the amount of food available for humans and animals. Lower levels of atmospheric CO2 will also cause all vegetation to need more water, which would leave less water for humans and animals.

We have all seen the evidence that shows the globalists don't just want population control. They want depopulation. More so so that those that survive will be more easily controlled by the globalists.

I don't think people like AOC have been told the truth, she is among the "disciples of the Climate Change false religion" who actually believes her claims that it is mankind that is at fault.

Mankind is at fault of a lot of things, but not of the ongoing Climate Change. At least not directly.

Whether people believe in God or not even science states that we as humans cannot create or destroy energy. Our thoughts and actions are energy. Throughout the entire Earth there is a lot of violence, a lot of death of innocent humans and western nations are no different with the claims that unborn humans are not human and have no value.

All that death and negativity attracts more death and negativity from the Multiverse/God.

Even science tells us that there is a strange intelligent force that exists even among the smallest of particles and energy. The duality of electrons to be both wave and particle. The fact that electrons change from one state to another when they are observed. The mystery of entanglement that if you separate two electrons that were entangled no matter the distance what happens to one electron is "felt by the other," as if the electrons are alive and bonded together in ways that normally can't be separated.

Anyways, the globalists love this death cult they have created. It is another tool in their arsenal to lower the world's population to levels they want.

If you have noticed after all the lies that the "human-induced scientists and crowd" have been caught using throughout the decades they still openly call for the drastic changes, and don't seem to be afraid anymore to push for such drastic changes. Even when in reality most of the population in countries like the U.S. and even in Europe are waking up to the reality of what globalists actually want with their "drastic changes to combat climate change."

We have seen people even in Europe stand up and protest against these "green changes."

Most people in the "human induced climate change crowd" don't understand what they are doing. These "drastic changes" they keep cheering for will change the U.S. and other western nations to be like Venezuela. Chavez also introduced "electricity rationing to combat climate change" in Venezuela, and what it did was cause a lot of deaths of innocent people as hospitals had no electricity for many hours every day, a lot of suffering and poverty to levels not seen in Venezuela ever. The same will happen if we allow these "drastic changes" to be implemented in the U.S. or other western nations.

edit on 21-6-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: PerfectAnomoly

No. They are completely make believe. There were no giants removed from mounds in America. There were no articles in top US news papers of all the many they found. Its not illegal to dig in mounds. Go right ahead. Smithsonian never confiscated hundreds of skeletons. I was just pulling your leg. There is no such thing.

posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 05:01 AM
Wow great thread. We tend to think about things from the little lens of earthlings. We are just a speck of dust on a speck spoke of dust on a .....

posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

I don't think people like AOC have been told the truth, she is among the "disciples of the Climate Change false religion" who actually believes her claims that it is mankind that is at fault.

Science education should be mandatory for all politicians. I guess if that were the case, however, they'd all have to fired and replaced! Not a bad idea though.....

posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

from what im gathering the reason for the warming is unknown still, though im not sure why you're linking it to this new cloud since we won't encounter it for another 3000 years if we even encounter it.

posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: namehere

from what im gathering the reason for the warming is unknown still, though im not sure why you're linking it to this new cloud since we won't encounter it for another 3000 years if we even encounter it.

I posted research in this thread that states the Solar System will be inside this cloud in 88 years, not in 3,000 years as you claim.

May 24, 2010
Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences
Is the Sun going to enter a million-degree galactic cloud of interstellar gas soon? A U.S.-Polish team of scientists suggests that the ribbon of enhanced emissions of energetic neutral atoms, discovered last year by the NASA Small Explorer satellite IBEX, could be explained by a geometric effect due to the approach of the Sun to the boundary between the Local Cloud of interstellar gas and another cloud of a very hot gas called the Local Bubble. If this hypothesis is correct, IBEX is catching matter from a hot neighboring interstellar cloud, which the Sun might enter in a hundred years.

Ribbon at edge of our solar system: Will the Sun enter a million-degree cloud of interstellar gas?

As for the "it might happen" unless something major occurs and changes the direction of the Solar System we will enter this cloud within 88 years.

However, the effects of this Interstellar Cloud have been already felt and have been affecting planets and moons with an atmosphere and that are geologically active.

Here is a graph showing about where we are and where the Solar System is moving to.

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