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‘Sexualization Of Children’: Radical Feminists, Conservatives Team Up To Blast Biden's Order

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posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 06:48 PM
I am glad to see some Feminists and LGB organizations have enough moral character to stand up and say "No, this is wrong" on the sexualization of children in our public school systems and the recent Biden Executive order pushing this insanity.

Any reasonable parent should know this and stand up for their children. eer-and-intersex-individuals/

‘Sexualization Of Children’: Radical Feminists, Conservatives Team Up To Blast Biden’s New LGBT Executive Order

Biden has strengthened the growing coalition between social conservatives and gender-critical feminists against transgender ideology

this ideological odd couple shares common ground on the primacy of sex-based rights, the harm of pornography and even the "sexualization of children" through exposure to adult themes such as drag.

Gender-affirming care is a euphemism for procedures and treatments, often irreversible, which facilitate a sex change such as puberty blockers or sex change surgeries. WoLF and FPA claimed that Biden’s policy puts gender-confused youth on a “one-way street” to make young girls become more masculine and sterilize themselves.

“In one fell swoop, the man who holds the highest office in our nation labeled over half the country—including Democrat primary voters, Christian ministries, and radical feminists—as ‘bullies,'” the statement reads. “We’re ‘bullies’ simply because we believe Americans should have access to ethical mental healthcare, that girls’ sports should be reserved for girls, and that children should not be the guinea pigs in the political agenda behind gender theory.”

WoLF, a self-described radical feminist organization, and FPA, a group advocating for religious freedom, pro-life policies and parental rights said they may not agree on much, but will come together to fight Biden’s “dangerous” LGBT policy: “Though we may not agree on every issue, rest assured that our organizations will use the full weight of our resources to oppose this dangerous and out-of-touch executive order.”

The order threatens to "erase" women's sports as a category "egregiously on the cusp of the 50th anniversary of Title IX," she said, hinting at litigation to block the order's implementation by federal agencies. The White House did not answer Just the News requests to respond to the criticisms.

WoLF's concern about the sexualization of children is not new, though recent pushback is associated with conservatives taking on age-inappropriate school curricula and "Drag Queen Story Hour" events, Legal Director Lauren Adams told Just the News.

The group offered feminist objections to drag events targeting children more than two years ago and has continued to discuss it in interviews and social media, she said.

Executive Director Mahri Irvine said some lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) groups, as opposed to those that prioritize transgender issues, have long taken issue with applying "adult concepts about sexual orientation" to kids because "they're just kids."

But what critics want is even worse: "telling children and teens not to trust their parents and to instead discuss sex and sexuality with other, unrelated adults, [which] undermines everything we know about how to safeguard vulnerable populations."

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Oh. Oh. Oh.

It's when radical feminist and pro-life groups shed their differences, start to pull on the same side of the rope, you know that things really went too far.

I applaud this! It's a well received sign not everything is lost. If those two groups can shed their differences and step in for the children's good, that is a good sign in these crazy days.

More of that please.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 07:10 PM
This tranny education at school is just another step on the way of the political perverts to legalise peadophilla.
Sodom and Gomorrah.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 07:30 PM
From the ones I know, I never thought the LGBT were all into going after the children. I think is a very tiny number that feels left out of that group because most never wanted to include children.

The political part is just politicians going after votes and getting it all wrong again.

It seems Biden is very good at making every kind of people not like or even hate him.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 07:42 PM
This is what I want to see.

Now, when the national LGBTQ groups start to be more vocal I will also stand with them.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 09:37 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again; those with a true LGBTQ persuasion want the same things as any 'straight' person- to just live their life peacefully to the best of their ability. The ones being the squeaky wheel are in it for the attention, notoriety, agenda and most likely the perk$ they get from Soros funded organizations.

Nobody in their right mind could condone the grooming of children and I applaud the LGBTQ community for standing up against the crazy people trying to harm children.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: infolurker

With this useless 'president' , the most important issue was not the high gas prices, rampant inflation, the US provoked/started war in Ukraine, the crashing economy , tanked hospitality/restaurant industry, loss of confidence by most people in the US stability, no , the most important issue was this 'lgtbiQ' crap .

Honestly , what took the feminist/lgtb community so long to finally stand up with us against this insanity that's taking over the US

posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 04:27 AM
the LGB crowd would do well to distances themselves from all the other letters
People are starting to realize there's an important difference who you love,
and who you're pretending to be, and the difference is huge!

posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 04:42 AM
Please stop.

We need a revolution.

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: acackohfcc
the LGB crowd would do well to distances themselves from all the other letters
People are starting to realize there's an important difference who you love,
and who you're pretending to be, and the difference is huge!

Exactly... if I could give you a hundred stars I would, but here is one at least...

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: nugget1

They are using LGBT to push their agenda and likely to make other people hate the LGBT, this couldn't be no more from what is likely going to happen.

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 05:52 PM
It's, IMO, the Q in the LGBTQ movement that is causing the problems. Firstly because queer seems to be such a broad all encompassing umbrella for anything you want it to be and secondly it's influenced by post modern ideas relating to overturning - not equalizing - power dynamics, the sexual' liberation' of children and the desire to destabilize society. This is why queer theory wants to push at the boundaries and queer existing institutions. Gone are the days when gay activism was simply an attempt to find our space while abiding with the core principles of society. It's all about overturning it and replacing one hierarchy with another. It's not about equality anymore no matter how many smiley faces they hide behind. It's a power grab, cynically exploiting groups and attempting rebuild the world as they see fit. I no longer identify as LGBT because it does not speak to the values or ethics I believe in.

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