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Clown World - Fauci Admits No Proof Covid Shots Prevent Hospitalization Or Death In Children

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posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: chr0naut
The facts you don't seem to be adding up here, none of which are in contention:

1. Children have died from this vaccine.

2. Fauci said he has no evidence it works.

3. The vaccines are far less effective than they claimed.

Through the magic of science we can conclude that you were lied to by officials, those officials subsequently admitted there is no evidence for this demographic, you still support killing children based on zero evidence of any benefit.

This is fact.

It's really messed up.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 10:32 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: chr0naut
The facts you don't seem to be adding up here, none of which are in contention:

1. Children have died from this vaccine.

2. Fauci said he has no evidence it works.

3. The vaccines are far less effective than they claimed.

Through the magic of science we can conclude that you were lied to by officials, those officials subsequently admitted there is no evidence for this demographic, you still support killing children based on zero evidence of any benefit.

This is fact.

It's really messed up.

Also the fact he literally went into VAERs as was able to track deaths for an age group that isn't even supposed to be vaccinated yet. Why are there even any deaths now?

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

Now that Sars-CoV2 has finally met it's maker, Rand Paul realized it was the perfect opportunity to expose Fauci, but this time about the recent approval of covid shots for children. It turns out there is zero evidence that shows the shots provide any meaningful protection for children. For children it's all risk and no reward.

It's now blatantly obvious that big pharma has complete corporate capture of the FDA and CDC. Their risk management departments have determined having immunity to lawsuits for yet another EUA drug is all reward and zero risk. That's because this is once again, being granted EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION. Where is the emergency? Do people really need a 5th beach house or second yacht so much that it's an emergency?


Today I searched for the number of deaths, by age group, for all age groups under 5 years old, and for all COVID-19 vaccines, in VARES in all areas, using CDC Wonder database search.

There are six deaths.

(one of which, I discovered by drilling down, was a 'completed suicide' by 'gun shot wound' and another seems to be a miscategorized case in a 49 year old male with type 2 diabetes and several long standing comorbidities at time of death).

Do the search yourself:

Query Criteria:
Age: < 6 months; 6-11 months; 1-2 years; 3-5 years
Event Category: Death
Vaccine Products: COVID19 VACCINE (COVID19)
Group By: Age; VAERS ID
Show Totals: False
Show Zero Values: False

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Results Data current as of 06/03/2022

Wait you mean you searched for deaths in an age group that hasn't been given the shot yet and there weren't a lot?

Yes, we know how they inflate the numbers with died WITH covid versus died FROM covid. I'm not going to repeat myself anymore on that one.

Also VAERS is underreported by a factor of at least 40x.

Wait, you are expecting Fauci to have studies on the effects of a shot on particular age groups which haven't been given the shot yet?

Two of the cases were of the deaths of babies in utero after their mothers had been vaccinated, so, that happens, despite the shots not being explicitly given to that age group. It would indicate that VAERS is carrying valid data.

Also, VAERS is very likely to be under reported for really minor or temporary things, where people might think "why bother", but for major serious health events, like deaths, especially those occurring in high medical care situations, I doubt it.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

You're denying reality.

It used to be

"The vaccine still reduces death and hospitalization so it's worth the risk."

Now it's

"The vaccine has only killed a couple unborn babies that haven't been vaccinated yet, therefore it doesn't matter that the efficacy is poor and neccesity non-existent for children."

This is shocking denial of science, shocking. You're advocating killing kids because you backed the wrong horse two years ago without enough information.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: chr0naut

You're denying reality.

It used to be

"The vaccine still reduces death and hospitalization so it's worth the risk."

Now it's

"The vaccine has only killed a couple unborn babies that haven't been vaccinated yet, therefore it doesn't matter that the efficacy is poor and neccesity non-existent for children."

This is shocking denial of science, shocking. You're advocating killing kids because you backed the wrong horse two years ago without enough information.

It's easy to understand if you're a sociopath.

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 01:17 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: chr0naut

You're denying reality.

It used to be

"The vaccine still reduces death and hospitalization so it's worth the risk."

Now it's

"The vaccine has only killed a couple unborn babies that haven't been vaccinated yet, therefore it doesn't matter that the efficacy is poor and neccesity non-existent for children."

This is shocking denial of science, shocking. You're advocating killing kids because you backed the wrong horse two years ago without enough information.

It's easy to understand if you're a sociopath.

I have no explanation.

What I do know is that once you start arguing a comprehensive approach to any of this mess, then things get quiet because the totality of the information overwhelmingly supports NOT giving this vaccine to kids. They like sniping individual points because they can't argue the sum total of the data. From neccesity to efficacy to risk it is all against vaccinating children. Every single data point.

Parents can make their own decision, but this should only be recommended for the highest risk groups. It's unconscionable to be defending the vaccine for blanket application on kids. I can't believe this is where we are. It's disgusting. It's like a cult at this point.

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

But we already knew this.

The purpose of the shot in kids is to reduce community transmission.

Kids don't usually get sick from covid with or without the shot.

We knew this back in 2021.

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

Now that Sars-CoV2 has finally met it's maker, Rand Paul realized it was the perfect opportunity to expose Fauci, but this time about the recent approval of covid shots for children. It turns out there is zero evidence that shows the shots provide any meaningful protection for children. For children it's all risk and no reward.

It's now blatantly obvious that big pharma has complete corporate capture of the FDA and CDC. Their risk management departments have determined having immunity to lawsuits for yet another EUA drug is all reward and zero risk. That's because this is once again, being granted EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION. Where is the emergency? Do people really need a 5th beach house or second yacht so much that it's an emergency?


Today I searched for the number of deaths, by age group, for all age groups under 5 years old, and for all COVID-19 vaccines, in VARES in all areas, using CDC Wonder database search.

There are six deaths.

(one of which, I discovered by drilling down, was a 'completed suicide' by 'gun shot wound' and another seems to be a miscategorized case in a 49 year old male with type 2 diabetes and several long standing comorbidities at time of death).

Do the search yourself:

Query Criteria:
Age: < 6 months; 6-11 months; 1-2 years; 3-5 years
Event Category: Death
Vaccine Products: COVID19 VACCINE (COVID19)
Group By: Age; VAERS ID
Show Totals: False
Show Zero Values: False

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Results Data current as of 06/03/2022

Wait you mean you searched for deaths in an age group that hasn't been given the shot yet and there weren't a lot?

Yes, we know how they inflate the numbers with died WITH covid versus died FROM covid. I'm not going to repeat myself anymore on that one.

Also VAERS is underreported by a factor of at least 40x.

Wait, you are expecting Fauci to have studies on the effects of a shot on particular age groups which haven't been given the shot yet?

Two of the cases were of the deaths of babies in utero after their mothers had been vaccinated, so, that happens, despite the shots not being explicitly given to that age group. It would indicate that VAERS is carrying valid data.

Also, VAERS is very likely to be under reported for really minor or temporary things, where people might think "why bother", but for major serious health events, like deaths, especially those occurring in high medical care situations, I doubt it.

Why would they be recommending it if there's no data on whether it's effective or not? Should all children just go ahead and get a booster and THEN we'll find out if it's safe? Good idea Pelosi

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: chr0naut

You're denying reality.

It used to be

"The vaccine still reduces death and hospitalization so it's worth the risk."

Now it's

"The vaccine has only killed a couple unborn babies that haven't been vaccinated yet, therefore it doesn't matter that the efficacy is poor and neccesity non-existent for children."

This is shocking denial of science, shocking. You're advocating killing kids because you backed the wrong horse two years ago without enough information.

The immunizations have significantly reduced the incidence of hospitalizations and deaths of those that have had the disease and are immunized. That hasn't gone away, and is evident in case data.

And I am not advocating killing kids.

COVID-19 (the disease) has killed 1,341 children in the US as of March 18 this year. Immunization will reduce the hospitalizations and deaths of children from COVID-19.

To withhold the immunizations from those age groups means that the hospitalizations and deaths for those age groups will continue at similar rates.

So what you are advocating, is now killing children, and will kill more in the future.

edit on 17/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

The purpose of the shot in kids is to reduce community transmission.

Kids don't usually get sick from covid with or without the shot.


This makes perfect sense, NOT.

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: chr0naut
The facts you don't seem to be adding up here, none of which are in contention:

1. Children have died from this vaccine.

There is insufficient evidence to say that.

Just because there is an event in the VAERS database, does not mean that the immunization caused it.

The VARES database is to assist in looking for statistically significant correlations between immunizations and events, and so that no unforeseen issue is taking place.

The numbers relating to child mortality are such a small dataset that making inferences from them at this stage is entirely invalid.

2. Fauci said he has no evidence it works.

He didn't. He said that there was insufficient evidence yet, from which to draw conclusions (and such as what a researcher might write a paper on).

However, there are numerous papers and clinical studies showing immunization effectiveness and safety among immunized groups.

There are also studies of the safety of immunizations for pediatric use.

There also are records of deaths and hospitalizations of children from the disease COVID-19. The immunizations will significantly reduce those.

3. The vaccines are far less effective than they claimed.

The initial claimed effectiveness was for the earlier strains of COVID-19, and this has remained essentially unchanged. There were no effectiveness claims made at that stage about then future strains.

Currently, there are several strains which the vaccines are less effective against, however, less effective is not the same as not effective. Anti-vaxers exaggerate as part of their misinformation campaigns.

Through the magic of science we can conclude that you were lied to by officials, those officials subsequently admitted there is no evidence for this demographic, you still support killing children based on zero evidence of any benefit.

This is fact.

It's really messed up.

The officials gave the best advice that they had at the time. In instances when they received better information, they changed their advice. This does not mean that they were lying with their initial advice. Most of their initial advice still stands.

However, there are others who through misunderstanding, ignorance, or willfully wanting to misrepresent things, have reinterpreted their advice. This is not the fault of the qualified officials, but rather of those who have an agenda of misinformation and smear tactics.

edit on 17/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: Tekner

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

Now that Sars-CoV2 has finally met it's maker, Rand Paul realized it was the perfect opportunity to expose Fauci, but this time about the recent approval of covid shots for children. It turns out there is zero evidence that shows the shots provide any meaningful protection for children. For children it's all risk and no reward.

It's now blatantly obvious that big pharma has complete corporate capture of the FDA and CDC. Their risk management departments have determined having immunity to lawsuits for yet another EUA drug is all reward and zero risk. That's because this is once again, being granted EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION. Where is the emergency? Do people really need a 5th beach house or second yacht so much that it's an emergency?


Today I searched for the number of deaths, by age group, for all age groups under 5 years old, and for all COVID-19 vaccines, in VARES in all areas, using CDC Wonder database search.

There are six deaths.

(one of which, I discovered by drilling down, was a 'completed suicide' by 'gun shot wound' and another seems to be a miscategorized case in a 49 year old male with type 2 diabetes and several long standing comorbidities at time of death).

Do the search yourself:

Query Criteria:
Age: < 6 months; 6-11 months; 1-2 years; 3-5 years
Event Category: Death
Vaccine Products: COVID19 VACCINE (COVID19)
Group By: Age; VAERS ID
Show Totals: False
Show Zero Values: False

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Results Data current as of 06/03/2022

Wait you mean you searched for deaths in an age group that hasn't been given the shot yet and there weren't a lot?

Yes, we know how they inflate the numbers with died WITH covid versus died FROM covid. I'm not going to repeat myself anymore on that one.

Also VAERS is underreported by a factor of at least 40x.

Wait, you are expecting Fauci to have studies on the effects of a shot on particular age groups which haven't been given the shot yet?

Two of the cases were of the deaths of babies in utero after their mothers had been vaccinated, so, that happens, despite the shots not being explicitly given to that age group. It would indicate that VAERS is carrying valid data.

Also, VAERS is very likely to be under reported for really minor or temporary things, where people might think "why bother", but for major serious health events, like deaths, especially those occurring in high medical care situations, I doubt it.

Why would they be recommending it if there's no data on whether it's effective or not? Should all children just go ahead and get a booster and THEN we'll find out if it's safe? Good idea Pelosi

Effectiveness and safety of the immunizations are two separate things.

Approvals of pediatric use of the immunizations were being withheld while safety studies were being run.

Now those safety studies are sufficiently complete, researchers can study the effectiveness of the immunizations against the several strains of the virus, and using numbers of study participants.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 09:44 AM
He'll know after he tests it on the public.

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