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31 Patriot Front Members Arrested In Idaho.

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posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: putnam6

The police were asked about that. You can still make your own judgement.

However if you know a Pride event is going on and see 30 people all dressed alike, with their faces covered and piling into the back of a U-haul in a hotel parking lot, I might call the cops to check it out also. That does not seem like normal behavior and these days you never know where crazy people are with weapons in addition to very many vocal anti lgbtq groups that are out there.

ok, here's the plan.

we all meet at the ramada inn. they have a pool and bar..

we have a room where everyone can change into their new dockers and face masks before we all get into the truck.
remember, what ever you do, don't act suspicious!

do they expect us to believe these guys drove cross country with gas prices the way they are and to dress like nerds
to watch a gay parade?

who is gonna stand out more? the gays or them?

stupid feds.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 06:27 AM

originally posted by: Thrumbo
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

The article on Fox says they were taken one by one to squad cars and demasked, then packed into a police van or something like that.

The pics with their hands tied were taken when they were first plucked from the U-Haul.

As for the rest of this thread with the antifa comments, don't they call that whataboutism?

Well what about antifa? But antifa gets away with it.

Antifa doesn't get caught before hand, they're already at the event, and the ones that dont get away do get arrested. You're thinking of huge BLM protests where there were thousands of people and all hell breaking loose, not a small group trying to sneak into an event. And if 31 guys in black fatigues and masks were seen piling into a U-Haul and the cops were called, they got pulled over, this same outcome would happen.

They didn't get preferrential treatment because they were antifa. Every situation is different. It almost sounds like people are salty because "their guys" got caught and the "other side" guys didn't.

no, but the criteria for the arrest was uniformity and face coverings. So it stands to reason that now, it's enough to arrest anyone who dresses alike and covers their face in a crowd. Round them guys in black and face coverings up and put them in jail. They look like they were about to riot.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: network dude

It's called " Reasonable Suspicion "

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: network dude

It's called " Reasonable Suspicion "

right, so now ANTIFA can be arrested just for dressing the same and using face coverings. This will be much easier for future use, you know, since the same group won't be in charge forever.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: sarahvital

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: putnam6

The police were asked about that. You can still make your own judgement.

However if you know a Pride event is going on and see 30 people all dressed alike, with their faces covered and piling into the back of a U-haul in a hotel parking lot, I might call the cops to check it out also. That does not seem like normal behavior and these days you never know where crazy people are with weapons in addition to very many vocal anti lgbtq groups that are out there.

ok, here's the plan.

we all meet at the ramada inn. they have a pool and bar..

RAMADA is an anagram of ARMADA.

I think not.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 07:18 AM
Watch, CNN, NYT, Washington Post, MSNBC, ABC, CBS you know the ones are gonna be talking about this story non stop, will be all over their websites, probably on the front page but some dude showing up at Brett Kavanaughs place with Guns, extra clips and ammo, handcuffs, survival knife, tactical gear and actually says he was there kill Kavanaugh is just a "nothing to see hear here" new story for those same websites.

Barely even a mention of it from any of those places and the story was gone within 24 hours.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 07:34 AM
The names of the arrested have been posted. There are individual posts and backgrounds, previous arrest info and chat messages from some of them. Unicorn Riot had previously posted leaked videos, chat logs, etc from Patriot Front.

The previous report can be found here

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: network dude

Certainly, if they are dumb enough to pile in a U-haul and keep written documentation of their plans, then by all means arrest them. Again, these are not huge charges, I'm sure most will be released quickly. But, at least no riot occurred yesterday, so that's good.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: network dude

It's called " Reasonable Suspicion "

right, so now ANTIFA can be arrested just for dressing the same and using face coverings. This will be much easier for future use, you know, since the same group won't be in charge forever.

If the police have " reasonable suspicion " then that would apply to any group.

No exceptions.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 07:44 AM
Did these guys have any weapons with them in the UHAUL...or were piles of bricks already deposited at the scene for them ahead of time?

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: alldaylong

You do realize they were not arrested for dressing the same or for all being in the U-haul right? Whatever the police found inside the U-haul warranted the charges.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: AgarthaSeed

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: putnam6

The police were asked about that. You can still make your own judgement.

However if you know a Pride event is going on and see 30 people all dressed alike, with their faces covered and piling into the back of a U-haul in a hotel parking lot, I might call the cops to check it out also. That does not seem like normal behavior and these days you never know where crazy people are with weapons in addition to very many vocal anti lgbtq groups that are out there.

Spare me.

You're describing Antifa for the past 3 years.

DB. Love u buddy. It's not even worth arguing the theoretical implications of this event. The fact that it's a sham overrides any talk of racism or politics ( that's what they want.)

Answer me this..if 31 men are under arrest why in God's name are they allowed to keep their full masks and sunglasses on?

They aren't. Under no law enforcement anywhere are arrested individuals allowed to hide their faces.

Feds. They assume you're stupid.

I've not seen the vid in the OP yet but the one I saw had the kneeling facing each other in balaclavas in groups of 5 - 6 and vastly outnumbering police who had their backs to the arrested.

I've little doubt the group were up to no good (if genuine0 but the behaviour of police was plain odd - in the UK police sometimes use agitators to draw out violent/militant people in protests - this looks like they could well be trying to incite the pride crowd to me but I don't know how things work in the US.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 07:54 AM
I sure hope corrupt Feds didn't stage this to coincide with the J6 hearings.
Because that would just be too much of a coincidence.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 07:57 AM
All right wing, conservative, Christian protesters or counter protesters need to be rounded up and incarcerated at any cost!
They are terrorists and seditionists.

Only left wing, democrat approved protesters (rioters?)
can peacefully protest!

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 08:03 AM

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: network dude

It's called " Reasonable Suspicion "

Then arresting Those who are clearly breaking the law should be a no-brainer.

Arrest Them, AG Garland:

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: frogs453

This is clearly another FBI setup , like January 6th , in order to create more division and to create new laws to 'protect' us from these 'extremists right wingers'

It worked , everyone in this thread is trying to prove their point.

The point is that our so called government is the enemy ,not we the people as a nation.

The government has encouraged BLM/antifa riots (there are videos with politicians encouraging riots) ,
no arrests for protesting in front of a judge's house , but this just 'planning to protest' , 'got them arrested' (not really as it's FBI agents).

We need to wake up AS A NATION and We The People and realize they want us arguing instead of facing them

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 11:34 AM
Its obviosuly a staged operation in my eyes. Anitifa or another Soros rent a mobb. For a photo opp and set a a narrative

Faces covered to the max so you can't identify them from othe protests.

You wait. The headlines now are republicans are homophobes, to try win back some of the voter base

We gonna see alot of these staged operations as the elctions approach as the Democrats have no ethical ways of winning voters.

reply to: frogs453

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Yep. Except these guys had to use a U-haul. I guess that they couldn't afford the Coach busses with the catered lunches, bottled water and people to act as medics.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: frogs453

If they are getting on busses don't call the police because it's just Antifa and you will get arrested.

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