posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to:
Why feel guilty about cancer??
You didn’t cause it. It happens because of (smokng, stress, genetics, industrial chemicals, natural radiation,… man made radiation, bio chemistry,
old age,…) and seems “built in” to our DNA ((Tree of Life???) which explains the “other Tree” in a goda davida!!! (You will get it!)
You are not a “witch” that can conjure up cancer at a whim (there are: genetics, environmental, random variations, old age, diet, and several
other causes for the Big C).
Wishing or praying or making a deal with God only works on TV or the movies.
Please, the only things keeping you feeling “guilty” is your capacity to feel at all. Reading years of your posts made me realize how much you
really care, and feel, about living beings!
Sorry life has dealt you a double bummer hand. But you didn’t have a choice as to when it happens or even why!
Everyone responding to this thread seems to feel like that: your guilt is misplaced.
Hope that your tramas will fade to false doubts and ancient times!!