posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 10:37 AM
I have a new interview coming up on my podcast.
This one is going to be pretty interesting.
The original idea behind my podcast was to revolve around stories from people who grew up like my cohost and I, who didnt have a positive role model,
nor father figure in life.
And how they overcame challenges and became the person they are now.
Although we have drifted off from that original idea so we could continue to build an audience.
My guest - who I will leave nameless for now, is a verified and well known Hoover Crip gang member.
He spent a total of 10 years in jail, between youth offender camps and the state penitentiary.
Now, his story could of ended here.
A majority of people end up treating prison like a revolving door.
They become institutionalized.
The longer they stay in jail, the harder it becomes for them to reintegrate into society after their sentence.
He did what he had to do to survive in jail. Most people in prison say when I get out im going to better my life.
I doubt there's many people who have a release date that say once I get out im gonna screw up again.
But once he got out, he vowed to change his life around and he is one of those who actually did.
Its true for the most part that once your in a gang, your not getting out, until your dead.
However, there's nothing saying you cant become a positive influence on those around you.
My guy has used his notoriety to help the youth in his area choose a different path rather than gang life and to better the environment he grew up
He started a boxing club for gang members and at risk youth.
To not only help keep them off the streets and to learn structure and discipline. But also if it came down to it, to use fists, rather than shooting
and killing each other.
He donates money to families victimized by gang violence and to help give them a second chance.
He isn't perfect.
Old habits die hard and yes he has gotten in trouble since his release.
But him being a father now and reflecting on all the time wasted and guilt from hurting not only his family, but those around him, he does the best he
can and is paying back society in every way available to him.
I was hoping to get some audience questions from you all to purpose to him during the interview.
It can be about his time in prison.
What he did to survive in there.
Fights with other gang members.
Gang life on the outside.
His motivation for turning it all around.
Anything else your interested in hearing about from him.
I hope to see some good ones from you all.