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How To Fix Public Schools - Every American Needs To Hear This Speech

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posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: SevenThunders
Not enough. School vouchers instead. Let parents decide which school to send their children, including of course religious schools. Most would choose the religious schools which aren't taken over by woke politics.

Let me know when church's -- church schools pay taxes.

NO voucher without tax representation.

posted on Aug, 7 2022 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: Annee
Thanks. To be clear I am neither Left or Right politically. I don't really discuss my own political position on ATS. I would say I am a Logical, Progressive (as in the description of the word, not the political party), and non-religious. My profile lists my location as: Standing on the Moon. That represents standing back and observing the whole (not just my own "porch").
The Right touts Traditional/Traditional Values. Find more info about experts who write my book report. I am 75 -- I lived when gender roll division was prominent. I've "watched" a lot of barriers fall for equal rights. Does it get messy? Yes - control is easier. You'll have to explain to me how Liberals are about control.
In public school -- no child should be allowed to disrupt students who want to learn -- or to be disrespectful to teachers. Those students should be removed. However, humanity, social issues, etc -- are part of everyday life and just as important as academics.

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to explain to every child that he should not disturb other students from following their interests and goals of development. As a student, I remember different stuff of bullying and disruption while I was attentively listening to professors. Therefore, I am thinking about how it would be if I went to a private institution.
edit on 7-8-2022 by HectorTurner because: (no reason given)

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