posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 01:10 AM
Unfortunately, this doc is filled with the Greer dogma that the USG and through their secret SAP programs have developed the technology to “take ET
home’ as one of the whistleblowers has said on their death bed. He believes and espouses that theory along with three or four of the commentators on
this doc. They offer no proof of this, that the USG has mastered these super alien technologies. They say there are trillions of missing SAP money,
well, the likely truth is it would take zillions and zillions of dollars and maybe millions of years for them to master the technology they claim the
USG has.
They talk so dogmatically about that, again, with no proof of the assertion. And a couple of them even say outright that many of the UFOs are USG
technology stolen from the ETs, more Greer unproven dogma, in which they offer not an iota of proof of these assertions of this secret technological
power of the USG.
Then they aver that on one hand, the USG secret SAP programs have gotten all this super technology they’re hiding, and at the same time are using it
to scare the public into a human versus alien war. (A notion, again, without any proof only conjecture based on the evidence of the threat talk coming
out of TTSA.)
A couple of these commentators even are saying the UAPs seen in the Nimitz video are USG UFOs, again without any proof, just supposition that fits
into their conspiracy dogma.
It gets stale hearing this mythology of the secret power of the USG having this alien tech. One suggests from the Corso tale of the UFO Roswell alien
crash in 1947where he claims he was the head of distributing advanced alien tech to the USG and industry. That makes little sense in that that tech
did suppose to have been given to the industries, so in that instance, they DIDN’T hide the supposed tech. So are they hiding it or are they not? If
so, you can't use that Roswell( a likely fairy tale anyway) story by Corso.
Just goes to show you that these commentators aren’t even up on the facts of UFO mythology and history.
So, overall, this doc is a stale piece of Greer and his follower’s perspective, again mainly filled with conspiracy theories about sinister
government coverups of secret technology---going to lengths of murder and mayhem to cover this up. Although, this has elements of the truth in terms
of the Military-Industrial Complex complaints-- it stretches too far into unsubstituted conspiracy claims of omnipotent secret government players who
have the ability to heal the world by allowing this alien super technology to be released.
It's a nice myth.