posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 05:54 PM
This is so sad, since when did the legislature have the right to determine for the American people that a President was worthy of an Impeachment, for
lying to the people.
If Bush did lie...then the people should not re-elect him if they didn't like that.
But if Bush did lie there is an equally good chance people would understand why, because Saddam NEEDED to be gotten rid of.
Instead now we'll have to live under a Democratic dictatorship!
This will mean Civil War. Because if Bush is impeached for an "unimpeachable" event (misinformation in the State of the Union is not an impeachable
event), then a Democratic loser will be placed in his stead by default.
You'll have Nevada Idaho, Montana, Utah, Texas, NM, AZ, probably OK, Iowa, Nebraska, probably Whyoming probably the Dakotas, probably Kansas,
seceeding from the Union before 5 years are out....I bet you.