posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 05:36 PM
I continue to pledge my allegiance to the source of my income. Others try to use alternative forms of payment for my allegiance such as sweet talk,
pretty pictures on magazine covers I cant avoid seeing, using politics or religion, anything really to say we two strangers are on a team and they can
somehow find a back door. Well, I ceased all affiliations with any and all organizations both political and religious, I dont have a membership to
any club or society, I dont have a hobby anyone can share my time with so really, the only way to get ahold of me is through business, where money
matters. I have cut off all other avenues. Let me tell you, my personal well being and health have since improved a lot. Get this: some people
believe that because we were born in the same state or city I somehow owe them something or they have some special authority over me. I proved them
wrong and exposed their greed for free support. Man I love money, theres nothing money cant do, I want as much money as possible.
edit on
8-12-2022 by SeriouslyDeep because: (no reason given)