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"Pharmakia" greek for "sorcery"

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posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 07:39 AM
food for thought
"Pharmakia" a division of I.G. Farben Chemical Company is the name of the company that employed one "Karol J. Wojtyla"(pron voy-tee-lah) a Polish salesman who sold cyanide to the Nazis for use in Auschwitz. He also helped to manufacture the poison gas. This cyanide gas along with Zyklon B and Malathion was used to exterminate millions of Jews and other groups. After the Jews were gassed, their bodies were burned to ashes in the ovens. After the war, the salesman [Karol J. Wojtyla], fearing for his life, joined the Roman Catholic church (which helped a number of war criminals to escape).

After only a short period of time, he was ordained a priest in 1946. This chemical salesman of "pharmakia" (the Greek word for "sorcery" in Rev. 18:23 where we get our English word pharmacy) was ordained Poland’s youngest bishop on July 4, 1958. Then in 1978 after a 33-day reign, Pope John Paul I, 2 Wojtyla’s predecessor, suddenly died. “The official cause of death was myocardial infarction (a heart attack). But there was a great deal of confusion in the details of his sudden death, and many were crying - murder!” 3 It has been thought that the Pope was poisoned with digitalis. 4

Mr. Gregory Christiano writes: “There are many contradictions surrounding the death of Pope John Paul I. The initial report issued by Cardinal Villot said the Holy Father had been found dead by Sister Vincenzia and not by a secretary. One report had him dead in his bathroom, the other by his desk in his bedroom. There were also discrepancies about the time the body was found, 4:30 am or 5:30 am? The official estimate was that he died at 11:00 pm on September 28th. No autopsy was performed. (The last Pope to be autopsied was Pius VII in 1830).” 5

But, in the end, the ex-cyanide gas salesman assumed the papacy as Pope John Paul II.



1. Behold a Pale Horse, Milton William Cooper; Light Technology Publishing; (December 1, 1991)

2. Pope John Paul I served 26th August - 28th September 1978

3. The Mysterious Death of Pope John Paul I [A Treatise], Gregory Christiano, July 4, 2003; [ ]

4. In God’s Name: An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I, Davis Yallop, 1984

5. The Mysterious Death of Pope John Paul I [A Treatise], Ibid

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by Sunofone
"pharmakia" (the Greek word for "sorcery" in Rev. 18:23 where we get our English word pharmacy)

And that is one reasopn I have always thought that it is not "sorcery that is evil and the downfall but "drug usage" I think the bible was saying that drugs are evil....MHO I think there are translation problems..

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 01:08 PM
is the pope a PIRATE ? not likely or just a SKULL AND BONES SECRET SOCITY elder ? does this type of symolism belong on the popes casket in st peters square beneath the basilica? see day 3
Many days of tradition, security and homage

April 3, 2005

Funeral ceremonies for a pope last nine days, a period called Novendiales. Details are set by the College of Cardinals, but some basic rules on handling the death of a pope were started in the 14th century because of a history of deceit, disorder and crime associated with papal deaths. Further guidelines are set by past church documents and the pope�s will.

Day 1

Cardinals worldwide are formally summoned to Rome.The camerlengo locks the papal apartments for security reasons.The chamberlain finds the pope�s ring (used as a seal for documents), which will be destroyed in front of the College of Cardinals to prevent forgeries. He also drafts a death certificate. Confirming the pope�s death, the Cardinal Camerlengo � or chamberlain � may or may not follow the traditional practice of tapping the pope�s forehead with a silver mallet.

Day 2

After its enbalming, the pope�s body is placed for public viewing in St. Peter�s Basilica. The Vatican plans a Mass at 10:30 a.m today (Rome time) for Pope John Paul II. The gold papal Ring of the Fisherman shows St. Peter � the first pope � fishing in a boat. The College of Cardinals begins its daily meetings to govern the church until a new pope is elected. They will decide funeral details, destroy the papal ring and plan for the election.

Day 3

Elm signifies dignity.The middle lead coffin is engraved with a skull and crossbones.(my emphasis) Innermost cypress coffin signifies pope�s humanity.

Day 4, 5 or 6

The casket is installed in its final place in the lower crypt level of the basilica. A cypress coffin is set inside two other coffins, each with different meanings. The chamberlain may allow photographs only after the pope�s body is dressed in papal vestments. The pope�s funeral Mass is celebrated at St. Peter�s.

The next 8 days after the burial

On each of the eight days that follow, a special Mass is said. The College of Cardinals designates the basilica that will be host to each day�s funeral Mass, and the cardinal to preside. But all cardinals may �concelebrate,� or recite together, the Eucharistic Prayer.

[edit on 8-4-2005 by Sunofone]

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 10:36 PM
The second coffin is zinc, not lead.

The skull and crossbones goes back to very early christianity. The Skull is symbolic of Jesus being crucified at Galgotha ( the place of the skull), and the crossed bones symbolize that he was crucified( dead/bones) on a cross ( crossed bones). This Symbol was used extensivly throughout the church, and by the Knights Templar. Pirates would use a red flag called the joli rouge( Jolly Roger). Later they accepted the skull and crossbones on pirate warships, as the Templars flew them on their fleet of warships. Christian ships being confused would not flee from the Templars. Later pirates changed it to a black background, and we have the traditional everyday skull and bones flag people often confuse with piracy.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 11:34 PM
ouch i had never heard about jp2's interesting past. i did know however about the catholic chuch helping natzi personell escape, as well as cooperation dureing the war. i guess jp2 had an awfull lot to make up for by works in the catholic tradition. no wonder he wanted his personal papers destroyed if this is the same man. it could also explain why some have reported a feeling of revilement or evil when asociateing with him.

interesting to hear that the previous pope was a possible victom of poisoning and that his sucsessor was in the business so to speak. guess it don't pay to tick off the masons. for such a benign organization they sure pop up in the most interesting circumstances. a propper investigation could have possibly found out some things of interest possibly tearing the catholic church apart.

if you find any more info please post it.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 11:35 AM
No HERE's a conspiracy thread!

On a short side note, Lady, the reason sorcery is bad is because of a couple reasons. One reason is that you're plundering in an area God knows you don't fully understand as we are finite humans.
The other thing is that in by turning to sorcery, you are attempting to take things into your own hands rather than trusting in God's judgement and direction.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by drogo
ouch i had never heard about jp2's interesting past. i did know however about the catholic chuch helping natzi personell escape, as well as cooperation dureing the war.interesting to hear that the previous pope was a possible victom of poisoning and that his sucsessor was in the business so to speak. guess it don't pay to tick off the masons. for such a benign organization they sure pop up in the most interesting circumstances. a propper investigation could have possibly found out some things of interest possibly tearing the catholic church apart.

if you find any more info please post it.

sure...ok beyond the arrogance of having the illuminatti skull and bones engraved on his coffin he is also blatantly responsible for the pedophile cover-up and even in death signaled his approval of it by appointing cardinal law to lead the first mass in the nine days of mourning-law was the one who shuffled known homosexual pedophiles to different dioceses without any reprimand whatsoever and tried to brush it under the rug-this guy was the popes "first choice"-his infultration of the church by the geman mafia is well know-see thia article for details-

Some Reflections on the Recent Papacy of JPII

by Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

While the media responds profusely to the telegenic pope who has just passed, and while he accomplished some good things such as taking a stand against the Iraq war and against capital punishment and against the idolatry of consumerism, I really do believe that history will not be kind to this papacy. This pope and his self-appointed German mafia headed by Cardinal Ratzinger will have to face the judgment of history (and very likely God also) over issues that include but are not limited to the following:

Matthew Fox, PhD theologian and president emeritus of the University of Creation Spirituality, Oakland, California

[edit on 12-4-2005 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 03:35 AM
another article exposing wojtlya and claiming ultra reactionary Archbishop of Milan, Dionigi Tettamanzi (known in Italy as the "Beast of Milan") who is reputedly one of the maximum leaders of the secretive cult of Opus Dei will be ordained next due to jp2's involvement with this secretive "church within a church"--Opus Dei members congregate in secret in KKK-like costumes and engage in practices which include wearing hairshirts and self-flagellation. They maintain a network of secret monasteries and houses where young Catholics (especially those from wealthy and prominent families) are taken for intensive indoctrination sessions. Opus Dei members have been reliably reported by deprogrammed former members to favor re-ghettoization of Jews and international military crusades against Islam. US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a key member of Opus Dei in North America.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 05:47 PM

the reason sorcery is bad is because of a couple reasons. One reason is that you're plundering in an area God knows you don't fully understand as we are finite humans.
The other thing is that in by turning to sorcery, you are attempting to take things into your own hands rather than trusting in God's judgement and direction.

In other words, it's bad because God is a greedy, egotistical little prick who wants all the power to himself, right?

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:43 AM
well if you created everything in existence you would want the credit wouldnt you?

If anyone has the justification to have an Ego it's God.

And its probably not a good idea to call God a prick by the way.

[edit on 10/01/2004 by DigitalGrl]

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 10:23 AM
Remeber to keep the thread on topic, which is that there's a conspiracy going on in the RCC to get a murderous nazi-helper elected pope and a ultra-secret sect of madmen to take power after that.

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 11:51 AM
This thread is so full of disinformation that I don't even know where to begin...

1) Cardinaly Law did not say the first mass after the pope's mass. He was not appointed by the pope t0 say any mass. By virtue of his position as archpriest of major cathedral in Rome he said the mass. Whoever had that position would have said the mass.

2) Its my understanding that none of the coffins had a skull and crossbones on them. That was reported early on but pictures of all three caskets show not skull and crossbones on it.

3) Opus Dei is not at all how your describe it. Go to their website and see what they are about. To compare them to the KKK is outlandish.

4) I would think there are better sources out there than Matthew Fox.

5) Read up on JP II's history instead of the lies you have read. He did work in a chemical factory. It was to avoid being taken prisoner and executed by the Nazi's. I can assure that Polish people of that time would not have helped sell the Nazi's gas to use on Jews and many other Polish people. JP II spent about 3-4 years for his seminary studies, so he was not "Fast tracked" for the priesthood. So he was the youngest archbishop or Krakow, so what?

6) While the RCC may not have the most outspoken against the Nazis, they also helped many Jews to escape too. I don't know how much more Rome could have done to stop the Nazis. They are surrounded by the rest of Italy, which was on the side of the axis powers. If they had spoken out with their full authority they would have been run over by the Nazi's. This might be worth discussing on its own, but to insinuate that JP II did all these things is not right.


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