posted on May, 23 2022 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to:
lol, this is so embarrassing.
This is apparently about a ten year old debt for $2500 (plus now any interest, and probably court costs). I was served in 2016. I hired a lawyer to
help me, we were working on setting up a payment plan of which the creditors were unresponsive.
I'm not sure how this came up again but they must have renewed the judgement prior to the five year mark, sometime last year, right after I moved...
because they had my prior address on it and therefore I was not notified which therefore led to this happening which caught me totally off guard
because I really had no idea what it could be for. Which I'm not sure is legal still, due to me never having been notified- which can be verified now
by time of move and all of that.
This is still crazy and ridiculous and super embarrassing. I'm sorry ATS for my really dramatic over-reaction and my poor financial decisions which I
made when I was very young (and I learned my lesson back then!).
It's for such a stupid amount.
I called that same lawyer up, his name and signature was on some of their papers too. Hopefully he can help me again.
False alarm. I have not been identity thefted, thank the stars for that at least!