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A centrist perspective on abortion

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posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: dandandat2

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: dandandat2

They can administer anesthesia to the fetus. In Utah it's the law after 20 weeks.

Utah passed into law a requirement that a physician who performs an abortion at 20 weeks’ gestational age or older must administer “an anesthetic or analgesic to eliminate or alleviate organic pain to the unborn child.”

I guess Utah is one of the more ideal places to get an abortion.

I guess, if you're a late term fetus whose existence is killing its mom, it is.

edit on 4-7-2022 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 11:08 PM
Once the fetus has brain activity, heartbeat and can feel pain, it’s a baby, worthy of the right to life, extreme cases need to be evaluated with patient and OB-gyn’s , NOT abortion docs.

Abortions have become a money making business, and given the history of Planned Parenthood, there’s good reason to question their motives. Somewhere along the way abortions became tax payer funded and yet private businesses profit from it ? The article linked below is absolutely gruesome.

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: dandandat2

Are you suggesting that the embryo/fetus has interests and rights?

From a purely humane perspective of course. From a Constitutional perspective, yes. From a legal perspective, that depends upon how the law is written, but should have some rights in accordance with their viability.

There are no easy one-size-fits-all easy answers.

Adulting is hard.

posted on May, 16 2024 @ 12:08 PM

Four or five cruise missiles to where the 4 HAMAS leaders were staying, would have saved tens of thousands of lives! (Sure, the country(s) hiding the leaders would get angry, but they would respect the VENGENCE...payback.)

Benjamin Netanyahu, should have killed the planners, funders, and suppliers of Hamas right after October 7th, like he promised!

But as former President Trump alluded to after the HAMAS attack (see below article), Benjamin Netanyahu has "issues".

Needlessly Killing thousands of innocent WOMEN and CHILDREN, when all he had to do was cut off the heads of the snake. Jesus. 😡 ni/

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: shaemac

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

There is never going to be a universal agreement of when the baby is " Life " .

But I do know this , Most woman on Earth have had abortions and don't even realize it . You can have sex and conceive but your body may decide to terminate the conception for what ever reason and you will have a particularly heavy period that month , or it can carry a little longer and become a full fledged miscarriage which is essentially your body telling you its not the proper time to carry a child . Further more you have the " morning after pill " which is effectively an over the counter abortion , and Birth-control which is again just your body having micro abortions over and over again .

If an argument must be made for when its morally inappropriate to have an abortion then that would be around 8 weeks when the fetus has a heart beat. The Truth is in the first few months of the pregnancy the fetus is just that a fetus and that is when the abortion should be carried out .

Now these Psychos who have abortions 6 months + into the pregnancy just because they decided they don't want the baby , I have no words for them .

A heartbeat is now detected at about 5.5 weeks. It used to be 8weeks but technology has changed. Imagine what it will be in another 10 years.

When I was in the abortion clinic to have an abortion, the technician first tried to see how far along I was.
If it was less than 6 weeks I could abort taking 2 pills. She had the screen turned away from me, and I became curious.
When I took a look I could see a small white flashing 'light'. I asked her what that was and she said the baby's heartbeat

I was less than 6 weeks along.
I did not go through with the abortion. I couldn't. The reason I ever even contemplated was because I was in a very long distance relationship with the father (more than 6000 miles) and it would have complicated things further. I could really never have an abortion, not now not then or ever.

My son will be 11 next month

Praise God. Thank you for choosing life. Happy early bday to your boy.

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