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Why Putin Couldn't Invade Finland

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posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:07 AM

I knew these two countries went to war back in 1939, when Russia was working WITH Hitler and the Nazi's to divvy up Europe. They got their butts spanked back then too, I believe. The Russians. Not sure if they used the body's of their own soldiers as a bridge over a river crossing back then, but I digress.

I did NOT know Finland had these series of bunkers, that actually house the entire population! Bloody hell, a country whose Government actually looks out for the people! Imagine that, so quaint.

This makes Finland a tough nut to crack indeed. Combined with NATO equipment, Tactics and supply, makes them a damn tough nut to crack.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: Evenflo

"...combined with NATO equipment..."

^^^ This is the explanation, plain and simple.

I mean, according to all the seasoned military observers on this forum, Finland should have zero concern about a a Russian invasion, no? The Russians are purportedly getting their @sses handed to them by a rag-tag military that's most trained, efficient battalion (Azzov) is apparently the second coming of the 3rd Reich.

Speaking of digressions, nobody seems to ask why many of the Russian mechanized units are riding in incredibly outdated and cheap, old equipment. Or why the world's second most lethal air force is apparently sitting this conflict out. Must be all of those shoulder fired Stingers striking fear into the hearts of the Russian air command!

As an exercise for the reader: Google the max altitude a Stinger missile can operate at. Then Google the max service ceiling of a Su fighter. Hmmmm.

NATO membership used to mean something strategic, something reassuring in the 80's. Now it's primarily about one thing: keeping the arms trade flowing.

Also, we're now seeing the former fence sitters/neutral countries being rounded up and put into the club, ostensibly to resist a threat that the Western media and the proud, honorary Ukrainian citizens of the world would have you believe is a hollow, toothless bite from a depleted and impotent Russian military. Oh. So that's why NATO membership is expanding,

The puzzle pieces, as shown and laid out on the table, do not fit. Maybe it's time to start looking for pieces that fell (or were deliberately placed) on the floor, out of view.
edit on 16-5-2022 by SleeperHasAwakened because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:37 AM
Not sure what to say about this, though firstly props to the Finnish government for building bunkers to house the entire population. I know that RussianTroll was bleating the other day, claiming that Finland would be back at war with Russia if they joined NATO - but the argument was weak, the pre-existing treaty had been with the Soviet Union, which clearly no longer exists, and Finland made that point back in the early 90's.

Will Russia turn beligerent against Finland if they join NATO? Who knows - what would they do, declare war on NATo outright? I doubt it. They're just pissed off, with no legitimate recourse, and a likeluhodd of getting their asses handed to them if they take on the full power of NATO (unless they go down the nuke path, but that's equally terrible for everyone involved).

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:09 AM
According to British, US, and NATO military intelligence experts, Russia is a “ paper tiger”.

No worries for the Nordic countries joining NATO, which has been planned for a long time.

It is another direct front with Russia to plan an attack on them.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:27 AM
Putin really pissed his pants this time, he felt warm for a short time.. now not so much

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Speaking of digressions, nobody seems to ask why many of the Russian mechanized units are riding in incredibly outdated and cheap, old equipment

I have seen many discussions on this very matter. The consensus seems to be rampant corruption in the Russian military. I have seen interviews with Russian soldiers (pre-invasion) where they talk about how the military has lost it's way. There are pictures of Destroyed Russian tanks with their ERA cracked open to reveal egg cartons inside. The explosives presumably sold on the black market.

As an exercise for the reader: Google the max altitude a Stinger missile can operate at. Then Google the max service ceiling of a Su fighter. Hmmmm.

Probably 50k ceiling, but your not going to get any kind of effectiveness from your weapons (especially unguided) from that altitude. Only thing you can hit are general areas.

NATO membership used to mean something strategic, something reassuring in the 80's. Now it's primarily about one thing: keeping the arms trade flowing.

Hear hear brother. Americans are proud of their arms exports, and keep voting in the people that sustain this practice. Better to sell arms than to have adequate healthcare or education says the average American. And proudly so.

the Western media and the proud, honorary Ukrainian citizens of the world would have you believe is a hollow, toothless bite from a depleted and impotent Russian military.

On the contrary, they have a very robust and dangerous military. What they lack is any kind of critical thinking, any sliver of competency in any level of their military or government. Their idea of bridging a river is to dump enough of their own destroyed equipment and bodies into a river until they can walk across.

These Orcs are sacrificing all their little Orcs, and none of the Orcs back home seem to care.

Either way, Finland will be a barrier to Vlad's dream of a new Soviet empire. And so will NATO.
Makes you wonder what the world would look like if Europe resisted Russia's expansion in the 60's.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

(unless they go down the nuke path, but that's equally terrible for everyone involved).

You know, I have a sneaking suspicion that if they ever lit those candles, half of them wouldn't work. They probably had a bunch of their rocket components pilfered and sold on the black market.

The sad state of their equipment is a sight to behold.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 11:21 AM
Putin don't want Finland and has no intentions there, this is just NATO sabre rattling. I believe Putin has already got what he want off Ukraine and that's the Black Sea coastal ares. Now his problem is how to disengage and keep these areas.
I have to say the UK media is going full tilt with Ukrainian defenders of the steel place with pictures of the heavily mutilated "defenders". The problem is where in the steel works is a tip top trauma hospital. Men with amputated limbs like they've come out of a top hospital. BUT, one guy even has a metal splint bolted to his upper arm and THAT gentlemen would have took a top surgeon to perform. So how is it when they are trapped in the cellar of the steel works?

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

Putin don't want Finland and has no intentions there, this is just NATO sabre rattlin

Russia has been the one threatening Finland about joining NATO. how is that Sabre rattling by NATO?

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 01:44 PM
Finland just created a threat from Russian that wasn’t there prior to this.

Why are they even listening to the idiots in the fake administration in the US?

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: Evenflo
I did NOT know Finland had these series of bunkers, that actually house the entire population! Bloody hell, a country whose Government actually looks out for the people! Imagine that, so quaint.

Just to add to this, Sweden has even more bunkers/shelters than Finland (~65,000) and just like there it was mandatory for buildings to have them and if not a larger local shelter would be available.

Unfortunetly there's been little new ones built into buildings since I think around 2005 because for some stupid reason everyone thought the cold war was over, that the Soviet Union was no longer a threat and Russia was becoming a friendlier part of the world community. Not to mention shelters no longer maintained/removed. Today there is probably some pretty major gaps in the ability to shelter the population. And we've grown by like 2 million in population since then as well.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

I think BUK and S-300 batteries were mostly responsible for thwarting Russia's air war. But I guess stingers can get lucky and take out low flying jets.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: merka

Thanks for sharing!

At least in Sweden, Finland acts as something of a buffer. It's a shame they couldn't keep the bunkers though, they would add a little peace of mind.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: choomsuba
Finland just created a threat from Russian that wasn’t there prior to this.

Why are they even listening to the idiots in the fake administration in the US?


russia created the 'threat', Sweden and Finland are responding to that russian threat by joining a defensive alliance.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

I wonder if it is all planned, the best way to reduce the world population, is to Just Nuke the teeming cities, in a couple of weeks the radiation levels are safe, Then the great reset can continue, under emergency powers with the same old gang running things. Anyone of importance and their families will be whisked away to an underground safe place.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

I wonder if it is all planned, the best way to reduce the world population, is to Just Nuke the teeming cities, in a couple of weeks the radiation levels are safe, Then the great reset can continue, under emergency powers with the same old gang running things. Anyone of importance and their families will be whisked away to an underground safe place.

Exactly how long do you think those 'important' folks are planning to live underground?

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 10:32 PM
We need friends here. Close allies.

I wish we could just be... unbiased... not take any sides. Just stay silent here in the north, and hope that the rest of the world simply forgets that Finland exists. That can't be done anymore. We have to take sides.

I hope we get accepted as a NATO member and i hope we can offer something good in return also. I am thinking stuff like information technology, and obviously, training opportunities in freezing cold temperatures, for the troops of all NATO countries.

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

How long is a piece of string? but most likely when they get fed up with watching reruns of "I love Lucy"

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