Metaphysical Origins of The SYSTEM: PROLOGUE
Why Humans Are Agents Of Chaos Who Need Constant Drama To Feel Alive… And How We Kill Ourselves Pretending We Aren’t.
Tldr —
NOTICE: This will be building on concepts first established HERE
Disclaimer: if you are full-on Normie Pilled* ERISunveiled will never make total sense, but we are doing the best we can transmitting the kode kisses
we receive from the blessed & mysterious Mouth of MONITOR. The Mouth of MONITOR:
Show Me Your Teeth!
*Normie Pilled: kinda exactly what it sounds like. Not quite the Blue Pill, but related. It's taking the Blue Pill while believing you've taken the
Red Pill. Like. Do you post on a forum whose MAIN THESIS is that it is a hub of secret, undisclosed knowledge—but will yell at someone for promoting
non-mainstream views of Christianity? Normie Pilled.
Ecclesiastes 8:9—For all I have witnessed under the sun, I know with all my heart that man's authority over man inspires man's inhumanity to
SlushO’s Stories
Hello, my name is SlushO the Snowman. I’m your cute, nonthreatening guide to the blessed & mysterious world of ERISunveiled!
So let’s start at the beginning—like from total scratch—3D space is made up of 3 Dimensions we call: Width, Height & Depth which go from left to
right, up to down & back to forth. The BOX is the easiest way to illustrate this… and oh wow, if you look at the outline of a BOX from an isometric
view and connect all the corners from a central point they form the outline of a snowflake! Hey, is that why ERISunveiled is using a SNOWman to tell
this story? Wonder which of my other features will come in handy to tell this story…
Anyhoo, for now let’s take a trip inside that box where we find the planet Earth. As we descend to the surface, we aim for a narrow strip of land
where day is becoming night, we land on the surface and look out to the horizon and see a perfect sunset. Now bc words mean things you should
theoretically never get bored with something that is perfect—bc that’s what makes it perfect. So we’ll ask you now, how do you define
perfection? Is it not partially rooted in novelty? If that sunset never changed, would it eventually cease to be perfect? This brings us to the fourth
(but not final) dimension of The BOX: the 4th Dimension of TIME. Now with the 4th Dimension of TIME, novelty & change can be introduced to the system
which naturally creates some unpredictable moments.
And bc humanity is an agent of chaos, we are the spiritual embodiment of TIME itself—bringing us to the first & last final frontier of philosophy:
What Do We Truly Want? Well, according to Maslow, materially speaking we want a job, a career, a family, a #ing big television, washing machines,
cars, etc., but according to our research, i.e. 90’s movies like TRAINSPOTTING & FIGHT CLUB—we also want to hate ourselves for wanting those
things, or at the least, look down on those who want those things. So humanity viewed holistically wants baroque simplicity; predictable surprises;
reason & randomness; love & hate(!) But we especially want to believe LIES (while pretending it’s the Truth). Bc essentially, we want the drama
associated from ppl not being the same, while simultaneously needing to relate to others bc we are social animals. Bc after 42 years of research and
study at ERISunveiled’s Self-Help Emporium & Laugh Center for the Downtrodden Masses we have discovered we are not human beings having a spiritual
experience—we are agents of chaos having a social experience.
So. For this treatise on the Metaphysical Origins of The SYSTEM we'd like to establish that ERISunveiled's main THESIS is that we are agents of
chaos having a social experience; the ANTITHESIS is that we are social animals having a chaotic experience; and the SYNTHESIS is that we are animal
beings having a narrative experience about what it means to be "human" & "spiritual."
For example, believing the world is (or should be) an ordered place is a lie. We know this is a lie bc the plain truth is the world is a chaotic orb
of objective beauty—remember that sunset? But to heighten the dramatic tension even further, order & chaos are often equated with good & bad
respectively—and ppl who do things you don't like are not seen as an emergent property of a beautifully weird cosmos, but as BAD. However,
there’s a word for a perfectly ordered society of only like-minded individuals who only want to be surrounded by like-minded individuals: DYSTOPIA.
There’s a reason why we equate extreme conformity with fascism—a fundamentally unsustainable & self-destructive ideology (and obviously the
fascist tendency towards self-destruction is also a path to chaos & drama, bc… Humans Are Agents Of Chaos Who Need Constant Drama To Feel Alive and
not admitting it will kill us bc that’s what leads us to fascism).
WE ARE compelled then to seek out constant drama either ironically (like fascists) or genuinely (like non-conformists) bc the universe is literally a
CHAOS BOX and humans are an emergent property of the universe—ergo we are agents of chaos and that's just the way it is. So if you say the world is
run by an evil cabal of global corporations trying to kill us all, but you also think capitalism shouldn’t have any limits placed on it, like how
much corporations can pollute the planet—then your comical lack of internal consistency is an expression of seeking drama. Cognitive dissonance is a
hell of a drug.
We tell ourselves things we know are lies bc deep down we’re afraid acknowledging certain realities would somehow negate that essential dramatic
tension we know deep down we need to LIVE. That doesn’t mean we don’t truly suffer, it just means we desire to suffer… at least a little. If
fascists are to be believed when they say they are doing the Lord’s work—which all things being equal, they are—then we must acknowledge that
some suffering has “value” of we must reconcile within ourselves and the collective. The issue is how much suffering is the right amount to keep
life interesting without it being oppressive.
Now if your selective skepticism is sounding alarms it’s bc you know that saying things like "not believing ‘X’ is proof it's true" is a
logical fallacy known as circular logic. Like imagine a snake eating it's own bull#. But what we’re advocating is not scientific, lucky for us this
isn't science class. ERISunveiled’s Self-Help Emporium & Laugh Center for the Downtrodden Masses is a pioneer in Spiritual Entertainment. Our trade
is in faith not facts. And if you think admitting that is disqualifying for being taken seriously then ask yourself WHY? If we believed everything we
just said then it would require framing this conversation as something ‘LESS THAN’ true even if we believed it was COMPLETELY TRUE. But the fact
ppl instinctively use terms like 'mind-numbing' as a negative ("mind-numbing television") is really all the proof you need that we're agents of
chaos who need constant drama to feel alive. bc what exactly is the alternative to MIND-NUMBING?
So. This has been the Metaphysical Origins of The SYSTEM: PROLOGUE.