a reply to:
I knew so many people who have taken some losses lately.
My sister lost 12,000.00 last hit. I warned her to change some things around, but she didn’t listen. She is stubborn and hotheaded and she’ll
just dig in and not contribute anymore to certain funds, grocery stores, whoever is “jacking up the economy unnecessarily”. Thank god she owns
property. She is also a future pensioner, another thing I worry about for her.
I actually work with a woman who hasn’t had heat or hot water in some time; she broke down and told me through tears at work on Mother’s Day.
She works 7 days a week (2jobs), her husband works full time. Her daughter wants to go to college. They are sinking and freezing, but illegals can
walk right on in and get everything for free. KMA DC!
I looked up something’s that I hope can help and told her she can shower at my place whenever she wants; she won’t though, she’s proud 🥲.
Oh and wait until people start defaulting more, yeah just brilliant!
This is building back better? KMA
ETA: I’m not done ranting. Maybe if we hadn’t sent the biolabs out of the country (Obama) into the hands of the incompetent there wouldn’t
have been a pandemic? Maybe, maybe not.
Maybe, if we didn’t flank other countries borders, they wouldn’t feel the need to secure that land through wars that kill innocent
Maybe if we didn’t involve ourselves and act as provocativers towards other countries who are not part of the UN, maybe we wouldn’t have
fertilizer, gas problem.
Just the way I see it!
edit on 10-5-2022 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)
edit on 10-5-2022 by KTemplar because: (no reason
edit on 10-5-2022 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)