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The Reason For Depopulation: It's The Energy Stupid!

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posted on May, 10 2022 @ 10:56 AM
So just looking at the Americas we are basically already maxed at at 1 billion, in 100 years we will still be 1 billion, so do people think the Americas have too many people now? If the USA didn't have immigration we would be in negative population growth, as is many other first world countries like all of EU. 1/2 of the humans on the planet come from just 2 countries, so if there was any depopulation going on I would assume it would be directed there than countries already in negative growth.

edit on 10-5-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2022 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: sarahvital

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: buddha
The rich like it the way it is!
withe 8 trillion people we have life is very cheep.
some one dies or disapears, no one cares...

Drill into the eath and get free heat!
temperatures at 1000 m 30'c, 3000 m 89'c and 5000 m 139'c

so if you drill 4500m deep and pump water down
you get steam back up. it is very cheap power.
why dont they do it?
they could not Make you pay as much.

"Nuclear Power" it even sounds expensive!
and they make you pay a lot for it.

Geothermal makes too much sense for us and not enough cents for the gov and their cronies with their hands out looking for free money.

what we need is room temp superconductors...

A room-temperature superconductor is a material that is capable of exhibiting superconductivity at operating temperatures above 0 °C (273 K; 32 °F), that is, temperatures that can be reached and easily maintained in an everyday environment.

Room-temperature superconductor - › wiki › Room-temperature_super...
About featured snippets

People also ask
What would a room-temperature superconductor mean?
While some cryogenically cooled systems currently leverage this, a room-temperature superconductor could lead to an energy-efficiency revolution, as well as infrastructure revolutions in applications such as magnetically levitated trains and quantum computers.Jul 7, 2021

boy wi wish i was smart enough to invent that!

how rich would I be!?

We might have them already but I suspect the data is being withheld for shock and awe purposes in a battlefield setting.

posted on May, 10 2022 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: PiratesCut
Maybe Cranberries in Wisconsin use a lot of water…..but

Cranberries grow in Swamps here. That’s why it’s called Cranberry BOGS!
Inky black swamp water from the rotting leaves and other things in the swamps making tannins.
ALL the water from these dark swamps drains directly into the nearby Atlantic ocean.
They only need the sprinklers on nights the berries will freeze before harvest and that water comes right from the Bog’s own swamp.
Many of the cranberry bogs here were made from re-claiming cedar swamps. They harvested and sold the cedar wood to pay for the reclamation.
Cedar Swamps use up a far greater amount of water than cranberries do.
I dry picked cranberries as a kid to make some weekend money during the Fall harvest.
Ocean Sprays first bottling plant is near me. I had an uncle who worked there.
There’s a bog on my property that is no longer farmed and nature is doing fine back there.
My wife and kids pick semi wild berries every year. There’s tons of them back there. The enviroment has no problem witj them being there either

I get your point but you are barking up the wrong tree bringing up Cranberries as a high water usage crop.
It’s not true.
At least not here….

a reply to: AaarghZombies


i'm from the east coast and i think every kid had to make a cranberry picker in wood shop. take it home to put mail in.

did you? lol.

posted on May, 10 2022 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

The Reason For Depopulation: It's The Energy Stupid!

What the heck is 'energy stupid'?

Unless you meant to say 'energy, (OXFORD COMMA!!) stupid'..

In any case, really? Energy?

The Universe is FULL of energy, in fact, everything that exists, even on levels people on this planet don't have a clue about, is energy.

You can get energy out of the planet's magnetic field, you can use zero-point energy as Nikola Tesla demonstrated, and as someone mentioned, there's enough energy in a cup of coffee to dry all the Earth's oceans.

How could energy be the 'reason' for anything?

In any case, if I understand correctly what you mean by 'depopulation', there's nothing wrong with something like that, if done from the right motivations, and in an ethical way. This planet is overpopulated - oh, maybe not physically, thinking that you CAN fit a lot more people here - but definitely too many stupid people making too many stupid problems so nothing is designed well anymore and so on.

With fewer people, there would be less resource consumption, less pollution, less animal cruelty (the cruelty industry produces unhealthy flesh-based crap as 'food', which is unbelievable to begin with) and the planet could be much healthier as a whole - nature wouldn't have to be destroyed and raped so much, the oceans could actually be livable for dolphins and whales and so on.

I can't see a downside of much fewer people living on this planet, compared to more and more bred to come to incarnate here in misery and unhappiness. Think about India, China, Africa, or other places and countries where there are WAY too many people compared to what the country could feasibly sustain. So much poverty and pollution is a direct result of too many people - I am not saying there's not a deliberate 'rich get richer while poor get poorer'-type manufactured flow going on, but with fewer people, it couldn't be as horrible.

I have visited a third-world country, and I am not sure if I will ever forget all the culture shocks and horrors I encountered there. Of course there were delightful things as well, like the nature (though big insects shouldn't exist in my opinion), the beaches, and the friendliness of strangers, temples and so on.

Having to live in such a compressed, packed way in cities where there's barely any nature left because everything is so packed so people can fit in and live, is pretty nightmarish and almost dystopian. When the roads consist of potholes and rotting buildings are barely livable shacks, but yet they're tightly packed and everywhere without any space or nature, it's worse than 'Blade Runner''s world.

With fewer people, everyone could live in a way that's worthy of a human being, instead of being packed amidst noisy pollution like cattle.

Of course there's 'depopulation' and there's 'depopulation'. If you go around just shooting people in the face, that's not the kind of depopulation I mean. If you use diseases and some kind of controlled mass-murder, that's not what I am talking about.

There are ethical ways of doing this, for example, deciding not to breed. Why would anyone breed in this world anyway? I never understood the point of churning out bodies so more idiots can incarnate here, when there are clearly enough of them already here. Like, what is the REASON for becoming 'a parent'? Is there ever a good one?

I mean, why can't we talk about THAT for a change, instead of these things where there CAN be a good reason?

Choosing not to breed, and having programs for 'not giving birth', like voluntarily (and this is an important word here) choosing to take substance that performs a sort of 'long-term sterilization' (either male or female) without any side effects, doing the snip (I think this can also be done to both genders), choosing to not mate, and so on would go LONG way to 'depopulate' this planet...

... if people weren't so EAGER to just mindlessly and without forethought, breed and breed more drug users, animal cruelty adders, flesh eaters, polluter, smokers, drinkers, gamblers, homeless people, insane people, feminists, Karens and bullies, murderers and bigots, racists and rapists, gold-digging wh*res and violent freaks into the world.

I don't know where this eagerness comes from, but if it could be curbed, if people could be given information and taught to be informed and reasonable about breeding and not breeding, a lot could be done to 'depopulate' this planet. This kind of method would take some times, but what's time in a cosmic scale anyway?

Just to be clear; I am only for depopulation when it's done ethically and sustainably, from the best possible motives, not when it's done because of greed and lust for control of others, with unlawful methods or painfully.

Then again, which is more painful - to 'die prematurely' or to have to live decades breathing exhaustion fumes and other poisons in a slowly rotting, pain-filled almost-living corpse?

posted on May, 10 2022 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

There ARE good and ethical reasons for 'depopulation', especially if done correctly, but the REAL reason, of course, is the 'elite's control-agenda'.

It's all about control, and smaller group of people is easier to control. With 7 billion or whatever the number supposedly is, it's going to be harder to attain 100% control of people and all their thoughts, feelings and actions. That's right, I did mention thoughts and feelings.

So the real reason for this kind of stuff is not 'energy', it's CONTROL, as it always is when it comes to these megalomaniac oligarchs and masonic cabals that try to take over the world (or have already done it for the most part).

posted on May, 10 2022 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: tamusan

There is no such thing as global warming.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 07:07 AM
staff edit
edit on Fri May 13 2022 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: Shoujikina
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

There ARE good and ethical reasons for 'depopulation', especially if done correctly, but the REAL reason, of course, is the 'elite's control-agenda'.

It's all about control, and smaller group of people is easier to control. With 7 billion or whatever the number supposedly is, it's going to be harder to attain 100% control of people and all their thoughts, feelings and actions. That's right, I did mention thoughts and feelings.

So the real reason for this kind of stuff is not 'energy', it's CONTROL, as it always is when it comes to these megalomaniac oligarchs and masonic cabals that try to take over the world (or have already done it for the most part).

The world could actually stand maybe double its current population, the problem isn't that there are too many people, it's that too many people are grouped too close together. If people spread out then their environmental impact would be reduced.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: PiratesCut
OH, if you only knew some of things I know about Cod…LOL
I’ll leave it at that.
Salt and white vinegar. My man!!
Being a fisherman from NEW England, ya, I know a thing or three about fish.
You guys have nice Lobsters too. Ours do not have speckled shells though.
Me? I’ll take fresh Haddock over Cod every time for Fish n Chips.
Frying in Beef Tallow is the best. F using vegetable oils for frying it too!
Fresh Haddock is a white, flaky meat and much less oily. Did I talk about the worms in Cod? No? Good!


a reply to: LABTECH767

We call it Beef Dripping here and it is definitely the very best way to make good old fashioned steak cut chip's.

My mother swore by it but made cow disease put an end to it being as readily available as it once was.

Cooking with Beef Dripping (Tallow) though does create a smell you have to get used too but once you are used to it that smell makes your mouth water.
(am also a Butter fan none of those vegetable oil spreads but yes these days I do cook my inferior chip's in vegetable oil most often rape seed oil but they taste no where near as good as they did cooked in beef dripping, it is not as easy to get your hands on here anymore as well with only some butcher shop's still stocking it).

Cod is technically healthier to eat then Haddock and has more vitamin's and good for your heart omega fatty acids.

But being a Fisherman you probably know a lot more about fish having parasites and worm's than most of we land lubbers ever shall.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 02:11 PM
In 27 years the worlds population will be over 10 billion, this planet doesnt have the resources for 10 billion humans. There will be food shortages.

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