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Broken Home Podcast Episode 14

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posted on May, 7 2022 @ 08:18 AM
BHP Ep 14 is out and available across all platforms now!

I discuss the epic failure of last weekend where I accidently hit "Reply All" instead of just reply and sent a smart ass email comment to my entire mine site... HR and all.
A little over 500 people got to see a fairly embarrassing comment from me.
Thankfully, most here know my sense of humor and realized that's just how I joke around and I meant nothing malicious by my remark.
But still, didnt make it any easier showing up here on Wednesday morning. haha

I was hoping to get some ATS members instant regret stories, so I could read them on next weeks episode.
So, if you want to become internet famous, either hit the previous thread I made asking for your tales.
Or feel free to DM me or hit the website and submit your story there.

The website will be updated tonight with Episode #14 Broken Home Website

For those who prefer to use YouTube, the episode can be found at the following link:

For Spotify:

All other links to all other platforms can be found on the website as well.

Thank you to everyone who tunes in.

posted on May, 8 2022 @ 09:35 AM
I just finished listening to it on the u-tube link.
I thought it was great and you guys made me laugh out loud!

Keep it up! I think you may have a bright future doing this stuff!

Me, I’m gonna keep writing.
Maybe books, maybe screenwriting too.

I have a story in my head that would blow The Perfect Storm out of the water but my writing skills are lacking at this time. Imagine if the person who wrote The Perfect Storm had Sebastian Junger’s writing skill but had been a fisherman for decades…..
I only started writing last September and have much to learn but I know I’m getting better.
Time will tell how this all pans out but if I may, I have one suggestion.

Keep a weather eye out! I’m not going away.

I’m in my mid sixties now. All busted up from decades at sea and wheelchair bound with one leg and I’ve discovered a new passion, writing. And I have all day, every day to do it with memories from years and years working on all kinds of Fishing Boats. My favorite, Scalloping then it’s Dragging and Lobstering.

The stories of the sea that are in my head, both terrifying and beautiful. All my stuff is based from experience wether it be fiction or non-fiction. Sometimes I get lost as I write, just for a little while from the thousand things and memories that flood my head.

Good job! Keep it up!


da pirate 😎

a reply to: Macenroe82

posted on May, 8 2022 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: PiratesCut

Thank you very much!

Mark and I are actually starting to attend Toast Masters on Tuesday.
In hopes to learn how to become better story tellers.

Theres actually a lot of benefits from T.M that cross between professional and personal life.

Perhaps something like that, or maybe a creative writing audiobook could help you along?

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 01:12 PM

edit on Mon May 15 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2023 @ 05:58 AM
I'm a big fan of your podcast, and I always enjoy your insights and perspectives on the mining industry.

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