posted on May, 8 2022 @ 06:56 PM
originally posted by: Dalamax
DImethyltriptomine comes to mind.
a reply to: Peeple
I used to think I had to be drunk to play good billiards and keep socks on the feet to achieve orgasm...
It was conditioning; Unringing pavlov's bell that made those foibles, eccentricities, or what love called endearing qualities instead of just "weird"
arise is important... still the same person. The difference was it was a bar and the other players drank what bars serve; so going with the flow so
did I much like how monks/nuns shave their head, put on anything that resembles a robe, and run away from home to a temple or monastery before
becoming one... then I found out they had canned coffee and started winning tournaments. The socks were a trust/intimacy barrier...
Unringing Pavlov's bell moves one closer to who that one or person actually is beyond the scars of youth and the expectations of "elders" never have I
wanted to be anyone but me so I keep refining me or polishing the mirror... No one else can do that only those that believe we are in the image of
someone else and have to become them instead believes that.
The concept people carry of "oneness" is typically deluded... when I'm walking that's all there is that is going on walking; that's oneness. If
thinking were going on walking would have ceased that's all Buddhist oneness means... walking and thinking is duality doing one or the other and not
both is the way to maintain or grasp oneness. The body walking is the cooperating cause with the original mind that said walk they remain one until
the walking ends.
What grasping has turned oneness into is like some big tarball orgy all stuck all over each other and any hermit can tell you that's already society
with its opinions as if it really matters in the then and there of whatever is occuring... it mattered at the time of whatever it was occurring and
that's where it should have been left... but atlas hasn't shrugged so we get to hear all of this stuff where it doesn't belong.
It takes practice to remain one and not in duality and it is an on going practice and the beginning and end of it often change until that's just the
way it is from all that practice. Mind and body are attached to each other but on one with each other is the best way to think of it... only due to
one or the other not being in peace; making a "speech" arise between them.
Saying nothing exists is a direct pointing to emptiness but not knowing emptiness? It become a puzzle that has like oneness been grasped wrong... if
it's not mind it's body and if it is at one then the other is empty or in a state of nothingness. When it's both? Who could possibly follow?
edit on 8-5-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing