a reply to:
Greetings good Swanne of the North.
Chattel # 26482593 reporting here.
Thank-you for this OP.
ATS is really weird sometimes in it's replies, as in it feels like we are in limited ' bubbles ', and not everybody sees everything.
This is info that all members should be familiar with, and is good to refresh every now-and-then.
These are the tools of our oppressors.
Have noticed a few other things, here's one :
Have noticed a parallel between a management approach from my employer, and in our Government's™ behavior :
Also Russel Brand did a bit on it on his daily vid, about 2 weeks ago.
It's this new style of management, where they set-the employee/citizen to feel obligated to have expected behavior of an obedient slave, by
imploring-us to behave up to high levels of Codes-of-Conduct™, that they only fake doing themselves.
There is a constant do-good attitude, being pushed on us by dishonest misbehaving leaders.
But that's not really the crux of it, that's just the way we experience it.
Here's my understanding of where it stems-from : they operate now according to shifting and changing procedural compliances.
When the nature of the factors of the compliance change : the rules change for us.
All we see are the constant fuzzy rules, and how they seem to vary from week-to-week.
This puts us in a state of unsureness, and we can never be sure that we are doing what we are supposed-to.
We become weak, and dependent upon them to tell us how the rules will be applied
Might be different tomorrow, might be the same : we never know.
We become hypnotized, and dependent upon them to know what to do.
On ne sait plus sur quel pied danser !
We're paralyzed, and lose confidence in our own decisional abilities.
Personally do not have one good word to say about the types that are interested in ' Leadership™ ' in any way, shape, or form.
Anybody with a management type of attitude doesn't appreciate me much neither, LoL !!
Why would they ?
They can tell in an instant that their BS isn't being bought.
Do employees get to choose their managers ? Not really, but some movement is possible.
Why do folks think that we actually choose our politicians ? ( We don't. )
The Politicians™ are imposed on us, just like their selected and groomed ' Experts™ ' on everything and anything : just like our " Boss™ " is.
Nothing they do is for the common good, while constantly boasting that they are working for us.
It is only for the interests of the ones behind the curtains, and their chosen Partners™ .
Unfortunately : half of the population still believes that we have any kind of a say, including many at ATS...
Have you read any of the essays from
Iain Davis at In-This-Together . COM ?
What we are describing is how we observe the rubber hitting the road, but Iain Davies goes a little deeper, and explains some of the reasons for why
we are observing the various behaviors that we do.
edit on 4-5-2022 by Nothin because: same old trick, Heech-heech-heech...