posted on May, 3 2022 @ 07:01 PM
There seems to be some forum readers that are upset about people posting certain subject matter. Specifically, implanting humans and Young Global
Forum posters are simply relaying publicly available information, much of which comes from a single man; Klaus Schwab.
Here's Klaus giving the timetable to microchip everyone:
Microchipping Humans
Here's Klaus bragging about Young Global Leaders:
Past and Present
Here's Klaus admitting that he created the Young Global Leaders to "shape the future":
Calling on Leaders to Act
Here's Klaus bragging about Tony Blair and Putin:
Here's Klaus admitting that they "penetrate the cabinets":
Penetrating the Cabinets
More Penetration:
Penetration 2
When people post about an agenda to microchip people, they are simply relaying not only Klaus's own words, but publicly available information in a
When people post about Young Global Leaders, they are simply relaying what Klaus himself admits, on video, multiple times, on a global platform.
We've all seen how their "shaping" of the future has panned out over the past couple years.
It will keep going if the Young Global Leaders keep getting into office.
It is only sensible and rational that forum posters talk about these subjects. The information comes from a very credible and influential source and
the material is worthy of conversation.