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Autopsy Shows 37 Year Old Representative Cora Walker Died From Heart Issue

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posted on May, 2 2022 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

JJ gave my sister in-law blood clots and surgery due to the severity of it, right after getting this jab it took a year before she was "normal again".

JJ is not very popular due to this well known side effect.

edit on 2-5-2022 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 08:27 PM
fyi: Possible Coverup to Keep Increased Heart-Related Deaths Hidden from the Public

The CDC stopped publishing annual causes of death in 2020 on their website, because it would show an "unexplained" increase in heart-related deaths in 2021.

Latest public update from the CDC:

In fact, heart-related deaths increased 3% in 2021. Prior to 2021, heart disease deaths were decreasing year after year.

1. Heart Disease
Number of deaths: 695,547
Rate: 173.8 per 100,000 population

Heart disease remained the top killer in the U.S. in 2021, accounting for about 20% of deaths even as its toll ticked down year over year by about 1,400 deaths. The heart disease death rate increased by about 3% in 2021.

It will be interesting to see if the CDC keeps the number of 2022 Heart-Related deaths off their website, like they've done for 2021. They can't do this for long. Every year of additional silence looks more suspicious.

Our Federal Government and their partners in the Pharmaceutical and Medical industries, are playing a very dangerous game. Dangerous for us, and dangerous for those top officials.

It needs to STOP..

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The autopsy results were recently released for Cora Walker, the former representative from Missouri, who died unexpected last month. Walker was discovered unresponsive in a hotel she was staying in. The autopsy determined the cause of death was due to a heart condition called cardiomyopathy. Curiously, myocarditis can weaken the heart muscle which leads to cardiomyopathy. Myocarditis is one of the most acknowledged adverse events caused by mRNA vaccines.

Walker was a huge covid vaccine advocate and made extensive pro-covid vaccine comments on twitter. Infact she often made tweets pleading for everyone to get vaccinated. Her twitter name even had vaccine needle emoji's and masks in it.

The AG & I went to the same law school. Over the past 20+ years, our alma mater,
has consistently been ranked as the top health law program in the U.S.

Vaccines work — & vaccine requirements have been upheld by SCOTUS for more than a century.

The man knows better.


According to St. Louis Medical Examiner who conducted an autopsy last month, “There were no physical injuries or signs of trauma to the body.”

Graham said Walker’s toxicology report showed the presence of prescription drugs that were “all expected to be there in the amounts we would expect to see. There were no illicit substances found.”

Graham said he also conducted some genetic testing with Walker’s family to determine whether the condition could have been familial. He said those results showed no history of the condition within her family tree.

Key points:

No known history of heart issues
There was no family history of heart issues
Genetic testing shows no links
No unexpected drugs in her system
No trauma or injuries
Energetic, healthy, and low bodyweight

Twitter users were quick to make this connection as well:

Heart problems associated with the COVID vaccine are one of the many side effects listed in the #pfizerdocuments.

Cora Faith Walker died of a heart condition, Medical Examiner says


“The problem is there is no follow up. Like Cora Walker. She pushed vaccines – then she dies suddenly and we aren’t allowed to ask? Excess mortality is up significantly. Across countries, across age groups and it tracks with vax rollouts. Questions are just and must be answered,” another user responded.


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