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Correlation between Salmonella and Hepatitis in children - My humble theory

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posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 10:42 AM
I just read an article (Italian media) that talks about the recent salmonella cases related to Kinder Eggs.

Suddenly, it dawned on me that there may be a correlation with the recent hepatitis cases amongst children.

In the Guardian article, food contamination is excluded because of the global effect, however, Kinder eggs are eaten globally, and mainly by children... lest we forgot, Easter coincided with the outbreaks of both salmonella and now, hepatitis.

I'm no expert and only did a quick search to see if salmonella poisoning can lead to hepatitis. I think it can, but it would be interesting to see what the medically inclined amongst you think.


Excerpt translated from Repubblica article:

However, something went wrong and 151 cases related to the consumption of these chocolate products were reported in ten European countries: Belgium (26 cases), France (25 cases), Germany (10 cases), Ireland (15 cases), Luxembourg ( 1 case), the Netherlands (2 cases), Norway (1 case), Spain (1 case), Sweden (4 cases), United Kingdom (65 cases). There was also a case in the United States of America. The most affected were children under 10 and women, who accounted for 66 percent.

From UK Guardian

The chocolate-maker Ferrero is recalling some batches of Kinder Surprise eggs in the UK due to a link with salmonella, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has said.

Investigations led by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), Public Health Scotland, Public Health Wales and Public Health Agency Northern Ireland found a link between reported cases of salmonella poisoning across the UK and the Kinder eggs.

The wide geographical spread of cases means there is no obvious connection between the children involved which rules out contaminated food, for example.


Health officials are continuing to investigate a sudden surge in cases of hepatitis or liver inflammation among young children.

Several possible causes are being looked at, but it looks likely that a common virus which usually causes colds, vomiting and diarrhoea has a role to play.

ETA: Covid and/or vaccines have been excluded by experts.

edit on 28/4/2022 by Encia22 because: Tinkering with Kinder toy

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 11:02 AM
I though Salmonella was only in fresh products and meat.

I guess you learn something new every day.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: Encia22
The adenovirus currently sweeping the US is known to affect the liver on rare occasions, so combining salmonella may just be the trigger- but not to worry! Big Pharma is working hard to save us with the new mRNA technology! Another reason to get this stuff in your body if you don't like the first reason!

January 14, 2022 - Pfizer and Moderna are utilizing the same mRNA technology found in Covid-19 vaccines to try to develop a one-time universal flu cure.


posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 11:35 AM
I wonder what could possibly cause hepatitis in children out of nowhere? Have we done anything different lately with billion of people on the planet?


This strange study says the mRNA covid vaccines cause hepatitis:

And this strange study says mRNA is reversed transcribed into liver cells albeit in vitro:

I'm sure that has nothing to do with it, so I'm gonna go with it's caused by some random virus.
edit on 28-4-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Another lame jab that will not work and will end up killing more than helping, Flu mutates just like any other virus, is not cure for mutating virus and never will at least for now.

Is some big push for this mRNA crap into every single human in earth, it borders on demonic, this days, people should be very aware, if the pushers did not got you the first time, they sure going to try again and again.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 05:16 PM
Lately the cucumbers around here taste terrible. I love cucumbers, and I have ruled out any sort of covid side effect, because everything else tastes flavorful.

The last organic one we had just tasted old, but something was wrong with the about ten cucumbers that we had bought over the last couple of months. If it was just a miticide, it usually peels off, the rotten taste seems to be all the way through, which means to me some kind of microbe has gotten into it. I can tell if something has food poisoning from bacteria or fungus but cannot tell what kind it is. It could just be something that won't cause us harm in the cukes, but it could be something that is a threat.

This is up here in the U.P lately, When a cuke starts to get mushy, it could get a real bad taste, but these are hard....rotted and not mushy is a problem. Like I said, I really like cukes and I can put up with a little old taste...but I threw out about ten cukes over a couple of months, I know if something is bad...grew up on a farm and learned what to look for when I was under ten years old. I wouldn't even throw those cukes out to the animals, I don't want to make them sick. If this is some sort of chemical they are using to preserve them, it is definitely being produced by microbes..not natural at all.

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Lately the cucumbers around here taste terrible.

There was a video going around of foreign people eating American grown cucumber and saying they
tasted like....poop. They were asking why they tasted so bad.
Wonder what is going on?

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: Encia22

My bet is that the increase in hepatitis cases we're seeing is somehow related to the dangerous injections so many have taken in the last 18 months.


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