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How to get a job at Janet Airlines, how much they pay and what freedoms are forfeit upon hire?

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posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 11:16 PM
How to get a job at Janet Airlines, how much they pay and what freedoms are forfeit upon hire?

Living a high paying lifestyle with such secretive protections, apart from the normal crowd, is very attractive. What does it take to get on at Janet, how much they pay and what constitutional freedoms are lost in the process? Is it worth it? Who qualifies?

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: SeriouslyDeep

They will call you if they are interested in you.

If you are not ex-military they don't want you.

They do not give out details of their pension plans.


posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: SeriouslyDeep
i'd think it's more a job that would be " offered to you "
by others sporting alike security clearance badges

not much would be known about such due to the nda's signed and it's level of enforcement
i wouldn't think it's as high paying as some might think it to be
comfortable wages surely..... that commensurate with position with them

surely some were invited from the airforce after lengthy proving of themselves in the airforce

all guesses as this isn't an airline with a transparency issue

edit on 26-4-2022 by lasvegasteddy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: SeriouslyDeep

Probably would have to be ex military or ex military contractor to get considered. You would have to have a very clean record and know that you have kept your mouth shut about past military experiences. Also have to pass a deep comprehensive background check to be able to get whatever clearance they require. Something to consider is that companies like that use a background check service like clearforce, which was co created by traitors general Jones and john Owen Brennan. This isn't your typical background check service, its usually only used by military contractors or any contractor or think tank working with the government.

They literally check every part of your life and can see every post you ever made on platforms like FB,Twater, even ATS and other similar sites. They kind of "grade you" on how likely you are to follow orders, be reliable and most of all how likely you are to talk, spill.secrets,.even whistle blow on illegal activities. If you fit anywhere in the later examples, the algorithms they use will tell them "nope, this person will spill the beans on our illegal activities" and you will not get hired. Its kind of messed up and unconstitutional.

If one were to obtain the job the pay is probably a bit above the average for pilots, mechanics etc for JANET.
Can't think of anything else at the moment.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 06:53 AM
Position as a pilot or what. Find out the current contractor who operates those aircraft, find their job posting on their website, or email your resume direct to their HR. Nothing secret squirrel about it.
edit on 27-4-2022 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: lasvegasteddy
a reply to: SeriouslyDeep
i'd think it's more a job that would be " offered to you "
by others sporting alike security clearance badges

They are mostly military 🎖️.. the pack of jackals types..
Those that resent the ALPHA kings of the jungle.. they know they aren't the best individually, they are the beta level predators..

Alphas don't travel in packs.. it's like the EVIL power tripper NIGHT SHIFT cops (TO THAT FEW decent officers, you know these guys. Plz weed them out) that get angry when a perp is bigger and tougher than they are.
That incel level rage kicks in

The second tier... Not the highest ASVAB scores, not the guys that can get girls without bling, not the highest performers in pretty much any category amongst the active ranks..
So they go the good ol boy network route.

On the govt dime..funded by the working POOR..

high paid welfare queens..
They are the best of the worst..
edit on 27 4 2022 by LastFirst because: More thoughts

edit on 27 4 2022 by LastFirst because: Thought.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: SeriouslyDeep

Ex military only.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 01:59 PM
Driving the bus to the site and back without entering the facilities is probably not a sensitive position but the pilots are probably given BI's in case they see something during the time at Dreamland.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: SeriouslyDeep

I would guess the same strigent qualifactions to take that flight to "Homey Airport". It's compartmentalized. The pilots probably never leave the immediate proximity of the aircraft, might have a lounge with no windows. They probably ignore all but what is important to their jobs.

The pilots that get considered are usually Airforce, as JANET is owned by The Department of the Airforce. Its vetting process is likely similar to those considered for NASA.

It operates like a regional airline, just owned by the government. Its destinations read like any other regional airline. Flies to Palmdale, China Lake, Edwards, Peterson, Wright-Patterson, White Sands, Salt Lake City, amd several others.

I'd imagine it's like working for any other classified job. Its not so much a loss of rights as much as a gaining of privillege that requires a certain amount of keeping your trap shut.

* for fun *

I've flown the approach on the old FSX. "Pyramid approach" it was called. A slam dunk if there ever was one. There was a "fast mover" that passed you on final and hovered over the tarmac. And then one blasted away leaving a glowing green diamond behind.
edit on 1-5-2022 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

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