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Covid: dr Cole ... again ...never give up ...

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posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 02:39 AM
Dr. Cole isn't giving up. Luckily not. We need sleepers, otherwise no train will leave the station. I can briefly summarize what Dr. Cole says (for the umpteenth time): do not take an mRNA vaccine and certainly no booster. These shots weaken your immune system. Is he right? Not that I know. But as for liver inflammation in children: I don't think that is the result of the shots, but of Covid itself. Otherwise this would never have made it to the mainstream media. At the end of the video, Dr Cole lashes out at the WHO.
Keep it save and don't panic ... Life is too short -with or without covid and the shots- to worry for long.Don't know if I can react soon enough because of work ... I love my work :-)

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 04:13 AM
Managed to make it this far not getting the shot, not going to start now when looking at the results coming in.

The cost benefit analysis has trouble all over it for the kids. Looks to be more about getting immunity protection by getting on the childhood vaccination schedule rather than what is in the best interest of the next generation.

This stuff is complex, always good to get a second or more opinions. There are a lot of things to watch out for with what can happen when messing with mRNA and who knows what else?

Maria Zeee has been doing a good job lately. does her homework and not afraid to ask tough questions.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: zandra

Kids don’t need it.

At the moment I’m on day two of having COVID and it’s bloody horrible. Wife’s been knocked around for over a week with it, still feeling really crappy.

The kids caught it too (4 year old and 11 month old) - they hardly missed a beat, bit snotty for a few days and that was about it. Didn’t stop em from running around and playing and doing what they normally do. It baffles me.

Had my second second vax in November to keep my job....some bloody vaccine if I feel this sick.

posted on Apr, 23 2022 @ 07:50 AM
Absolutely no vaccination of children. Children are the future and you can not vaccinate them with this new vaccines before all longtime side effects are known. That could take 20 years.

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