posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:53 AM
How about worst personal years? That be a slide? Probably………
Anyway, it could be interesting. I vote DBCowboy write something up to start it.
I’m not talking about major tragedy kind of stuff, just life stuff that made one particular year really suck.
You know where my mind immediately goes I’m sure.
If someone starts it I have one year in mind people won’t believe……beyond crazy.
Yes, it begins on a bright beautiful Winter morning two days after Christmas as we sailed through the dike on the 86 foot Mariner for what we believed
was going to be a great trip (even though we knew we were heading out to work the massive man-killing rock piles of Asia Rip) during what we thought
was the beginning of the average but early January thaw as it was still called in those days and we all felt like we were on top of the world.
We could not have been more wrong, none of us
The year following that day…….alI can say for now is WOW!
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