posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 02:55 PM
Just some family gossip and ramblings.
Firstly, I think everyone has bit of a narcissistic tendency sometimes, but we all know people
That check off all the boxes!!! I’m sure as you read this you have that person pictured in your mind. T-O-X-I-C
Nothing brings out the activity like Holidays!!! You also know what I’m talking about.
I have an ex family member that is the poster child for narcissist personality disorder.
Here’s the thing, I had always gotten along with her fairly well even through some really weird incidents….She would go out of her way to make
people jealous, but I am simply NOT a jealous person. I’ll give you a perfect example. When you are expecting company would a woman typically put on
lingerie to greet that company? Yes, she did that. Weird, I chalked it up to low self esteem. There were many many things like this over the years,
but I just brushed them off. Then things started to happen that were real red flags.
She took some family photos and I noticed she distorted my face in them!! Ok, kinda weird and childish, but some whatever.
Thinking back there were so many little incidents that I brushed off, as I string them together I see there was a consistent pattern.
She absolutely hated when I had anything beautiful - house, car, kids, marriage, you name it.
She absolutely hated it when anything good happened - times of celebration, excuses were always made not to be available to come
When someone complimented me on my hair her face looked like the devil. She has long beautiful hair that I’m sure gets lots of compliments and her
pride and joy, but I have very rare hair and it stand out, maybe to make matters worse I don’t like attention on my hair, but people love to touch
it make comments etc. So that night she told me she didn’t believe my hair was *real* and another relative had to correct her and tell her I’ve
had the same hair since I was a child.
If anything bad happened she seemed to take pleasure in it. She wouldn’t outright cackle or anything, but you can catch a vibe real quick
So anyways, this person was no longer part of our family yet we still kept casually in touch. Then my parents both died.
I don’t even know how it is possible, but she made it about her! That was it. I was done, that was the last straw. I just stopped talking to her.
So fast forward. I have an Easter gathering and she is not invited obviously. She already posted something on FB about it, something about woe is her
or some crap, remember this is an ex family member by marriage.
Ok here is the part of how to drive a narcissist crazy, and this is the only thing that works. Ignore them! That is it. It drives them completely
insane, crazy, loco. They can’t stand it.
So the FB didn’t get any hits so she MESSAGES me like we are still family, talking some mushy stuff. I read it and did not respond. I am cracking up
because I know she is going nuts!
Cut them off, and zero contact. That is the only way! Don’t make it complicated, zero contact, no responses, ghost the crap out of them.
The farther you are away from the person the more you will reflect on their evil deeds! Surround yourself you good people, people that are genuinely
happy when good things happen, and sad when bad things happen. Enjoying Holidays without narcissist stress is the best thing ever! Try it you’ll
like it!