posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 12:21 PM
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Yes there are, enzymes could naturally be lacking or deficient by genetic traits. But rarely is an enzyme totally missing, so a in those cases,
consuming a diet that has a constant supply at a moderate amount of the building blocks needed so it can be converted when the enzymes are there can
lessen the deterioration in the effected area.
So diet can make up for the majority of problems. Also it is important to note that some food chemistries do increase the breakdown of certain
enzymes...grapefruit breaks down certain amylases through inhibition of the CYP3A4 enzymes. So grapefruit makes it so that the sugar and starches
eaten are not broken down and absorbed which can lower blood sugars and overactive insulin creation. This does cause problems when tied to diabetic
meds...because it does a similar thing as some of can lead to a diabetic crash yet it can also treat the condition in place of medicines
sometimes. By eating the grapefruit it causes an increase in a newly discovered process that increases fat utilization for energy.. So there is
truth to the grapefruit diet working to burn fat. But there is more to this than meets the eye, sure you poop out the sugars instead of them being
brought into the bloodstream. This also lowers the bad collesterol and trigliceride levels in the blood, and too low is not good either. Since this
newly discovered metabolic fat burning pathway has just recently been discovered even though it has always needs to be investigated more
to help us. Right now they are trying to find ways to shut it down so those who eat lots of carbs and fats together will not get fatty liver disease
not related to alcohol consumption. Well, that sounds like they just want to make money on a new medication...not inform people how a simple dietary
change in consumption and timing can make things better.
I am disgusted in the way they are making people reliant on pharmaceudicals, I think that they should get things down and tell people possible
solutions in altering the diet or time of food consumption to lessen disease risk. It is like the pharma and medical industries don't want to help us
to stay healthy because it is not profitable to them...they all want a big paycheck to keep coming to them. I read a real lot of medical research and
try to hack method of action of pharmaceudicals and compare it to natural food chemistries and verify bioavailabilities. It is time consuming and
goes against consensus of the time created by the medical and pharmaceudical industry even though it is using the same application of chemistries...I
research things for prevention of disease, they study it to treat diseases and make money off of people for their Pharmaceudical and medical
industries. Last I checked about thirty percent of the wages and GNP in this country stems from those two industries. They create a lot of jobs but
I would rather work in a factory making things that our citizens need than to work helping them to get healthy when it could be avoided by educating
the people. Everyone's metabolic state is a little different, we cannot all eat alike, but they can research genetics to help people understand those
differences instead of doing the research to figure out what people are going to react badly to a medicine so the side effects won't be there.
But in this society we have created, people would rather eat what they like and take pills that cost more than the food they eat to treat the
metabolic diseases.