posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to:
not the morality of it...which is too bad.
Decades ago I tried sales for a while. I was very good at it. But the morality of it weighed heavily upon me and I had to quit. I could go into a list
of examples of the immorality of it but I think you know the list well enough. It's basically exploiting a persons ''unconscious'' weaknesses.
But, could you expand upon your almost interchangeable use of the word, ''woke'' with the word, ''trendy''? Though I hardly yes the word ''woke''
having found it a simple derogatory world to use in regards ''liberals'' I do use the word ''trendy.
I use ''trendy'' to describe the leading edge of popular culture, that is people who flock to whatever is the ''new thing'' and to at least some
degree without thought, again following an ''unconscious'' drive to be part of the ''fun'' and the ''glamorous'' lifestyles of those '' trend
While I see the word ''woke'' as being mostly used by conservatives to describe those they see as being liberal. This is an easy consideration I
think, to view all those ''trendy'' types as being liberal when to my sight their political leanings may or may not coincide with liberalism, they do
however fit nicely into that category of '''unconscious'' wannabes flocking to what ever is in vogue in the popular culture.
But the key here for me is that this ''popular culture'' is not limited to what can be considered ''liberalism''. Even use of the word ''woke'' by
those who consider themselves ''conservative'' can be seen as an example. It is noticeable to recognize just how quickly the use of that word ''woke''
caught on in conservative circles. It is used here rather constantly and however not just the only one of that ''brand''. There are many others that
fly around the info-sphere after having been used by this talking head or that pundit on TV or widely viewed pod casts.
Because, as I see it there is not just one ''popular culture''. There are several, all competing for the minds, no make that ''unconscious'' minds of
the American public.