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Australian senator gives 9 minute speech about vaccine damage.

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posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 05:52 AM

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts called for attention in the Senate for victims of vaccine damage on Wednesday. He named Caitlin Georgia Gotze, a healthy 23-year-old woman who died of a heart attack after her second Pfizer shot. The cause of death was asthma, a condition Caitlin never had, the senator said. He also mentioned Reginald Shearer, a healthy and active man, who died after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. Daniel Perkins, a 36-year-old healthy father, died of a heart attack in his sleep after his second Pfizer shot.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics is also involved in this scandal and cover-up. Although the agency has a budget of $400 million a year, the most recent death data is from November last year, Roberts noted. And the most recent birth data is from 2020. Birth data was normally available after six weeks, not more than 15 months, the senator said. “Do they cover up miscarriages?”

Full transcript:

More and more people are speaking out. More data will come over time, I really wonder what the long term effects are, how do we look back at this piece of history in ten years.
edit on 3-4-2022 by Sander1976 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 06:58 AM
When a politician with guts start speaking up then you know someone he knows that is close to (him) will then and only then start shouting .

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: Sander1976

Not sure what the truth is but the wife of Daniel Perkins is none to happy that her late husband is being used in this charade

Grievi ng wife of dad-of-two, 36, who died in his sleep blasts One Nation senator who wrongly claimed he was killed by Pfizer jab: 'He had NO right'

'But when I actually watched the speech that Senator Malcom Roberts gave ... I was in utter shock and disbelief that someone who has no idea who my husband was, his circumstances or beliefs, felt that they had any right to mention his name in such a way,' she said.

'My husband is not a number in your statistics Mr Roberts and neither is his name. 'It will not be used for your political stance on the Covid vaccination. Your speech with regards to my husband’s name was untrue and written in poor taste.'

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: UpThenDown

It mentions in your article that he died of an enlarged heart with no prior illness. It also states that the means of death still reside with the coroner, which I can only take to mean that they have not been released yet. It does seem an awful lot to me like a vaccine related injury. In my opinion the wife just doesn't want to believe that it could have been the vaccine that did it. It's an awfully large pill to swallow, you know; the egregious and outright blatant collusion with pharmaceutical companies that have willingly put out a product that KILLS people.

Good thread sander

I hope this group of senators in Australia and the Military's suit in the US prove fruitful. These companies and compliant government bodies/officials need to be held accountable for what they have done.

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: andr3w68

These were similar to my thoughts upon reading that article. I do think that the grieving wife's insinuation that the comments were politically motivated to be a bit questionable-- could it be the senator is hoping to avoid any more grieving relatives of vaccine injured, and not looking for a few votes?

An interesting point was brought up in the comments, too. If the man passed away back in December of 2021, why is the autopsy report still pending? That's a long time to determine why a seemingly healthy young man went down for a short nap and never woke up.

I do think that the senator's intent to honor or bring attention to people who may have suffered vaccine injury was misguided/unsuccessful in this case.
edit on 3-4-2022 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 12:55 PM
You can't even go to hospital these days (ambo takes 2 hours) and see a doctor in under 6. this plandemic is havoc. so many people with a sniffle, so everyone must be treated as a care bear.

it would take yonks to get an autopsy report out, what with all this rife....

eta: and I called one because my heart rate was 190bpm for more than 3 hours... talk about shenanigans. dysphoria to them all..
edit on 3-4-2022 by jerich0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: UpThenDown

Sounds like Mr. Perkins' wife is in denial due to guilt...she probably urged him to get the poison that killed him in the first place.

edit on 3 4 2022 by MysterX because: error

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 01:24 PM
So is ATS suffering more server issues, or has someone forgotten to pay the bill again? It keeps going dead, for ages.


posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Sander1976

Birth data and all-cause death data. It does not seem to exist anymore. Probably because the figures are being massaged. Personally, I think we will never know. More pressing events always seem to conspire.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: Sander1976

Not sure what the truth is but the wife of Daniel Perkins is none to happy that her late husband is being used in this charade

Grievi ng wife of dad-of-two, 36, who died in his sleep blasts One Nation senator who wrongly claimed he was killed by Pfizer jab: 'He had NO right'

'But when I actually watched the speech that Senator Malcom Roberts gave ... I was in utter shock and disbelief that someone who has no idea who my husband was, his circumstances or beliefs, felt that they had any right to mention his name in such a way,' she said.

'My husband is not a number in your statistics Mr Roberts and neither is his name. 'It will not be used for your political stance on the Covid vaccination. Your speech with regards to my husband’s name was untrue and written in poor taste.'

It may well be that this man's death had nothing to do with the jab, but the other side of the coin is the governments and media of Australia are all too willing to use anyone and everyone as a covid death to push the vaccines.

Case in point.

A young child under five years old has tragically died with Covid, as health officials urge Australians to get vaccinated.

The South Australian child was suffering from underlying health issues which contributed to her passing and will not officially be counted as a 'Covid death'.

The state recorded a further 5134 new cases on Friday with 169 patients needing to be hospitalised and seven in intensive care.

South Australia's Chief Health Officer Professor Nicola Spurrier (pictured) sadly announced a child under five years old has died with Covid© Provided by Daily Mail South Australia's Chief Health Officer Professor Nicola Spurrier (pictured) sadly announced a child under five years old has died with Covid
The South Australian child had with underlying health issues which contributed to her death and will not officially be counted as a 'Covid death' (stock image)© Provided by Daily Mail The South Australian child had with underlying health issues which contributed to her death and will not officially be counted as a 'Covid death' (stock image)
The child was one of two deaths in the past 24 hours with a women in her 80s also dying after being diagnosed.

Chief Health Officer Professor Nicola Spurrier said the child was suffering from severe health problems was on a palliative care pathway when diagnosed with the virus.

'When you have underlying health problems, it does make you more susceptible,' she said.

'What we can do as a community is we can get ourselves vaccinated.

And again.

Heartfelt public tributes have flowed for a South Australian toddler who died with COVID-19 and was "adored beyond measure" by her devastated family.

Key points:
The 13-month-old toddler died in her sleep last week
She had COVID-19 and a report is being prepared for the coroner
Tributes have flowed for the infant, who was "adored beyond measure" by her siblings
Karly Conry's daughter Dakota was barely a year old when she died last week.

She was COVID-positive but it remains unclear whether coronavirus was the cause of the 13-month-old's death, and a report is being prepared for the SA coroner.

Adelaide woman Brooke Page, who is close to Dakota's family, has established a gofundme page on their behalf.

She said that the lives of Dakota's parents Ryan and Karly "changed forever" on December 28.

"Their darling 13-month-old Dakota grew her wings and went to heaven," she wrote.

"She went to bed as per normal the night before and unexpectedly passed hours later.

"She had then tested positive to COVID-19, but the cause of her passing is still unknown."

Dakota is believed to be the youngest person to die with COVID-19 in Australia.

Just search "Australia's youngest covid death" and you get page after page of this garbage!

This lady is the only one to object to her husband's name being used, which is within her right, but not the rest. And using this one person to dismiss everything else he has to say is dishonest at best.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 09:21 PM
He's clearly making it all up. /sarc


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