My condolences to you and your family. May God bring you all comfort and peace.
I do believe that you will see him again on the other side.
None of what we see here in this realm is what it really is like.
This place is a school of sorts and is temporary .
A soul lives on forever.
The body is like a vehicle for our souls.
I believe that he is with you, and always will be right there.
And when its your time to go, I think he will be there to escort you to the other side
Talk to him. Ask for a sign that he is ok.
I lost my Dad in 2018. I asked him to leave me nickels so I would know that he was with me.
When I have really crappy days I find nickels in really strange places.
My fiance died in 2009 and leaves me dimes.
My best friend was killed in 2020 and I believe he's the one leaving me quarters.
Ask your Dad to show you a sign and keep alert for it.
Maybe you will smell him. Or he might visit you in a lucid dream.
Those are the best kind of dreams because you are aware of everything and even know you are asleep. But are in control like when you are awake and
can have conversations with your loved ones. It feels like when you are awake and you will remember everything from this kind of dream.
Maybe lights will flicker. Or your pet will act strange. Or his favorite song will be on when you turn on the radio or soon after.
Watch for birds or insects acting strangely. There are many things to watch for and you will feel it in your heart when its connected to him.
Just be patient.
Our loved ones are in a place where time is much faster than ours.
He is going to be in "ordainment" for around 7 of our years learning.. Everything.. And its not easy for them at first to do things so we can get the
message or sense them
Just acknowledge him.
Talk to him. Tell him if you get his messages, or they get frustrated and may give up trying to get your attention.
I do believe these things and I also believe in Jesus.
I do believe death is not the end, and you will see your Dad again.
Blessings to you both.