posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 06:33 PM
An earthquake just shook Hokkaido, Japan 5 minutes ago. 4 magnitude. No updates other then warning on TV. I'm worried about this one since we could
have a chain reaction from Hokkaido down to Hiroshima or Osaka. A 4 quake can rattle a house and throw stuff off the shelves at stores and even roof
tiles can become loose.
Just yesterday we had a quake in Hokkaido at 4 magnitude also. Also we just got an update from the govt. yesterday that Japan can expect more
frequent quakes and even one of a magnitude of 8.
On the heels of World War II, a magnitude 8.1 earthquake struck Nankaido, Japan, on Dec. 20, 1946. The earthquake was felt from Northern Honshu
Japan's largest island and home to about 100 million people to the southernmost island of Kyushu. The quake killed 1,362 people.
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