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If U Meet 1 What Would U Do

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posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by DaVirus
Nope, not me she might bring her alien comrades and take over the world with advance weaponries catching us unprepared causing us all to be killed.
We'll keep adding Scenarios to make it more fun and interesting.
Scenario 5
She decides to leave Earth. And she offers you 2 choices:1 Stay in Earth and Die OR Go to her home planet and live you two can live happily ever after.
I would actually stay on Earth because Earth is just a cool place!

i would probebly stay on earth and die with my planet and it would suck to be the only human left i would be so lonley. yup earth is cool

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Ignignot

Originally posted by DaVirus

Scenario 5
She decides to leave Earth. And she offers you 2 choices:1 Stay in Earth and Die OR Go to her home planet and live you two can live happily ever after.

i would stay here too, but not warn any1 cuz then i would sound like a cook, i would only tell my worst enemy, then when it happens ill be like told u so, just to get him pissed at me.

yup thats cool.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 09:52 PM
Lets go back to the main topic What would you really do when you meet or find a live alien?

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by DaVirus
Lets go back to the main topic What would you really do when you meet or find a live alien?

I would ask it where it was from, if not from our galaxy i would ask him to explain a little more, i would ask him how he got here, what secrets of the universe are, if there are other universes, and other things as such.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 12:21 AM
If aleins came and talked to me id whip out a hot loaded stainless steal 45. and blow that things green bug eyed brins out!!! lol

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 09:08 AM
LOL i would never ever tell it to anyone from the government!

1. No one would believe you.
2. No one would even try to believe.
3. They could put you in a hospital for mentally disabled people if you don´t stop about it. (very scary
4. Everyone would just laugh at you.
5. Mankind is just to dumb for such things atm.

And if im not going to pee my pants when i see the alien i will surely help him. And as a return i would ask for a trip to pluto and back...passing all our planets to sightsee them. Hmm maybe i would even ask if i could take control over the ship myself for a min or so hehe. (Hey i would pay for the extra gas! :p )
And if thats not possible i would ask for some kind of medical or wound treating device or some health diagnosis tool lol. Now THAT would be something REALLY useful.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by DaVirus
Lets go back to the main topic What would you really do when you meet or find a live alien?

if i found a live alien i would have so many questions for it. but if it starts being hostile i would have to shoot him.. what a waist of a brain.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 12:24 AM
Well, I'd just love to have an intelligent philosophical conversation with an alien about life, the universe and everything. I dig really deep, inteligent conversations about the nature of everything.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 12:28 AM
no, because if u told the government they would A) put u in a psych ward if they didnt believe you or B) kill you to remove the evidence.

unless you believe in nueralizers, which isnt a stretch if you believe in aliens, especially the ones that would solicit random hillbilles for help after traveling a few thousand light-years to get here.

*oops i see someone already mentioned my AB point. good job.

as far as going with one.

If they asked, it means 1)benevolent types that care what u think 2) weak types that have to trick you for either intergaltical legal reasons or 3) just cus they are really weak. 4) its a loaded question for psychological evaluations (but why?) 5) for some other reason they are being curteous (but what could they possibly want?)

otherwise why not just nab you instead of asking the question. To me it seems really fishy, and its probably not going to end well.

[edit on 2005-4-3 by NuTroll]

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by DaVirus
If you meet a nice Alien that needs help would you tell the government about it. I personally will not tell the government except for maybe people that I really trust but other than that I won't tell the government. Well then what would YOU do?

[edit on 31-3-2005 by DaVirus]

[edit on 31-3-2005 by DaVirus]

The truth is that we all know what is right thing to do and what is not. It's what we choose that counts (for something I guess
I'd probably help as much as possible.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 03:17 AM
If i saw an alien in my yard i would get my shotgun but I dont even know if I would go outside. If I did meet it and it made me feel uncomfortable I would shoot it, and earlier I thought I would turn in to the cops but an earlier post reminded me that the government might whack me so I dont talk. If I did manage to talk to the alien without shooting it, I probably would not give him any information about the government and other related stuff. If asked to leave earth, I would politely decline since earth is the best place in the universe.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 05:32 PM
I meet an alien. Grey skin, small mouth, big bloody eyes, what would I do?

I would start an interplanetary porn ring, with magazines, websites and dvds. It would be the ultimate ultimate business venture too, because if NWO/MJ12 whoever want to cross breed us, y'know?

Corporate funding, baby!

Nothing else needs to be said I win.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 02:46 PM
If i met an alien I would get a load of people round to speak to it then report it to the news or someone
then when the government actually gets winmd of it they wont be able to cover it up because too many people know.

Also if a hostile asked me where the capital was id probable say all ofEurope apart from Austrai Belgium and the U.K (itys where i live dud)

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by DaVirus
Lets go back to the main topic What would you really do when you meet or find a live alien?

Your question is just way too open:
You meet an alien... OK, then: is that alien looking good or ugly? You could just stay or run... Is that alien, independantly from its appearance, friendly or not? (or at least looking like)... Another good reason to stay or run.

Let's suppose so far that you have been strong/stupid/crazy/curious enough to stay... What in the world can be a support for "we have a relationship"? Does that alien talk English or whatever else language that you are speaking?

OK, now, let's go far far away from reality. So we do suppose this alien is looking alright (not too frightening, that is), that he/she is friendly enough not to abduct you or do you harm in any way. We need to remember that still that entity is speaking English, or whatever language you're speaking yourself. So?

What do you say to that alien? Like, hello how are you? Or how was your journey? Or how has been the weather? Or what?

Now, really, back to serious, I understand your aim, but this is a question without any answer so far. Can you wait a few years, and when aliens have been met, ask it again?

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 06:33 PM
Upon seeing an alien, in this case lets say a grey alien, I would urinate and deficate immediately in an involuntary, subconcious attempt to avoid the impending abduction, much like some frightened animals do when facing extreme peril.

As this was happening I would probabally start making some kind of raspy gasping sounds as I started to hyperventilate.

Then, as my mind reeled in horror at what was before me, I would stagger backward in blind disbelief, most likely tripping over something and severly banging my head thus further hindering the impossible notion of escape.

At this point I would presume all hope is lost but I would still wriggle and flail in terror as the aliens paralysis beam lulled me into sweet amnesia-butt-rape-land.

Did I mention full loss of and even forced release of all bodily wastes? Yeh...

Edit: I typed a forbidden group of letters constituting an idea that has also been forbidden. I have realized my wrongdoing and have not recieved the days rations as punishment for my terrible construction of textual evil. Heil Bush! Heil Bush! Heil Bush! Heil Censorship! Heil Bush! Heil other bad things! Heil other bad things!

[edit on 18-4-2005 by SilverStar]

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 07:15 PM
I would say to the alien, make me a machine to copy $100 bill notes exactly and I will help you. Then I would laugh like Dr. Evil, "Muhahaha!.......Muhahaha!....Muhahahahaahahaha!"

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 08:46 PM

If you meet a nice Alien that needs help would you tell the government about it. I personally will not tell the government except for maybe people that I really trust but other than that I won't tell the government. Well then what would YOU do?

I'd help him....

For the keys to his ship, starcharts, and some galactic credits for food, gas and tolls...

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 12:11 PM
What if the alien told you like the 'real' history of the planet like humanity was just an experiment and stuff like that would you blow his brains out start a religious cult or asked to be taken to his planet (or any others you can think of)

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