I'm a transfer agent. I do customer service, I'm an ADR specialist and I do CST (Corporate Stock Transfer) and Equity Compensation Services for ESPPs.
First big-girl job out of college after doing psychology as a major and working as an ABA therapist part time during school. Before that I was a
library page in high school, then I worked at Starbucks, then at Gamestop, then I also sold cigars and worked briefly at an Asian fine dining
restaurant. I'm 30 now.
Funnily enough, math was not my favorite thing, so it's kind of ironic that my current field is finances. I also manage the company's internal
website which is neat. I've been doing web design since I was eleven.
I enjoy my work and it's fun. Mostly, I like helping people
It's cool to work with people from all across the globe.
For those who are curious, the term transfer agent is a bit difficult to describe.
We are bookkeepers and we issue and deposit certificates, manage electronic holdings, make sales, settle estates, and manage trusts. We also report to
the IRS (like we issue 1099B and 1099 DIV and also foreign (non-USA) tax documents). Through managing companies of stock, we do behind the scenes
work. We are not brokers, but we do help them, financial advisors, executors, POA's, and lawyers and people who have holdings. The job involves being
able to be emotionally intelligent, since a lot of the time the people we speak to are dealing with the loss of loved ones.
I can't say specifics or tell you the company I work for, but I think it's neat that I went from not being in school (I took a hiatus and let FAFSA
pay for the rest) when I first became a member and then everything ended up working out great so I am happy to report I'm doing well. ATS was super
supportive towards me during that time between me waiting to go back to school and then you guys helped me with homework occasionally and I graduated
with a 3.74 GPA and as magna cum laude.
To help define what an ADR is:
JP Morgan's ADR.com: A valuable resource
What do you guys do?
Also, what do you want to do? I'd love to hear about you and your jobs because your service is appreciated.