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Cost/Benefit: a finger on the scale

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posted on Mar, 9 2022 @ 07:44 PM
In most analysis you will read "the benefits outweigh the risks," or something to that effect. The concern here is that while the costs can be counted in material loss, the benefits remain ethereal, a projection, merely a prognostication. These same prophets of the new cult (or did it always exist), at the risk of becoming exposed to some light will only begin chanting and with a faint wave of a hand conjours thousands of more lives saved. Why stop at thousands when tens or even hundreds can be invoked? In this way they can defend against all criticisms, safely guarded in this cloak of fictional facts. We can only thank them for imprisoning and torturing us, knowing that without this benevolent evil, things would be far worse.

posted on Mar, 9 2022 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: Zenchuck
In most analysis you will read "the benefits outweigh the risks," or something to that effect. The concern here is that while the costs can be counted in material loss, the benefits remain ethereal, a projection, merely a prognostication. These same prophets of the new cult (or did it always exist), at the risk of becoming exposed to some light will only begin chanting and with a faint wave of a hand conjours thousands of more lives saved. Why stop at thousands when tens or even hundreds can be invoked? In this way they can defend against all criticisms, safely guarded in this cloak of fictional facts. We can only thank them for imprisoning and torturing us, knowing that without this benevolent evil, things would be far worse.

To understand what you just wrote, one must be living on the path of common sense these days. As you are quite aware of, common sense seems to be a rarity these days.
edit on 0300000023492022-03-09T19:49:23-06:00492303pm7 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2022 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: Zenchuck

It's certainly an eloquently worded OP, and pleasant to read, if I do say so myself.

The only aspect I found wanting was: who exactly is "the cult"?

I surmise, since this is in the Disease and Pandemic sub-forum, that we're talking about BigPharma?


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