posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 12:13 AM
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Correct. Unless people are being turned instantly to dust, and no one is missing them, the reported deaths are probably accurate. As of yesterday,
the UN says 549 civilians have been killed.
The Russians must be using very weak explosives, or are intentionally avoiding the most populated areas, or both.
Large bombs incinerate entire blocks at a time.
That's how you kill tens of thousand of civilians. Russia could easily do that, if Putin wanted to.
Instead, we have 5 news services covering the same building from different angles while stating how Russians are ramping up their destruction on a
daily basis.
They must be bombing relatively empty buildings (like that "Child and Maternity Hospital"), because the body-count doesn't reflect the "mass carnage
increasing daily in severity", that News Media is trying their best to make us believe is happening.
The Ukrainians are doing a far better job of killing Russian soldiers, than Russian soldiers are of killing Ukrainians. They are awesome!