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Hey Greenies Where's Our Green Energy Now That We Need It?????

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posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 01:18 PM
Certain folks have been calling for Green Energy for years.
the USA has 'invested' billion$ for 'renewable energy', 'clean energy', 'sustainable energy', etc etc.

well we're in a crunch now. where is it?
after all this time and money why is half of Europe scared to death to lose Putin's oil and gas?
why are we paying over $4 a gallon for gas in the USA?

I know, I know. 'these things take time'. 'we need to invest more'. 'we need to be patient'.

"Renewables such as wind and solar are intermittent, subject to the prevailing wind and solar conditions that can fluctuate greatly throughout the day. They are the least reliable source when it comes to meeting electricity demand," Walsh went on.

Least. Reliable.

European governments are frantically turning back to fossil fuel energy and nuclear power after curtailing them in their rush into green energy — primarily wind power — which has failed to keep up with increased demand due to low wind speeds for the year that began in the summer.

Now, energy demand is skyrocketing across Europe and the U.K. as countries struggle to recover from the global recession caused by the pandemic, drastically increasing their need for power.

Failed to keep up with increased demand.

The key failing of wind energy compared to fossil fuels and nuclear power is that it can’t provide base load power to the electricity grid on demand because the wind doesn’t always blow.

all these brilliant science types just now figured that out? Columbus knew that in 1492.

“The global power market is experiencing rapid power demand growth as markets recover from the pandemic. Despite all the capacity additions in renewables generation, the amount of power currently generated by renewables is still not enough to meet this increased demand,” Matthew Boyle, manager of global coal and Asia power analytics at S&P Global Platts, told CNBC.

Not Enough.

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 01:21 PM

Think again. By every objective criteria confirmed by every independent investigation, the avalanche of green dollars in Obama’s first term was a colossal waste of money. In all, Obama (and George W. Bush before him) spent some $100 billion on giveaways to wind and solar power producers, electric cars and for weatherizing homes and buildings. It was arguably one of the largest corporate welfare experiments in American history, enriching an industry and its investors. Most of this money went for research to speed up commercial applications of green energy or was pipelined into bank accounts of individual companies.

The most infamous of these was, of course, Solyndra, the solar energy company that received $530 million of taxpayer handouts and was touted many times by Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden, as the next big thing in green energy. It never produced any energy to speak of before it went bankrupt.

We have tons of fossil fuels under the USA. We're still finding them.
What is the matter with these green idiots that they can't use some common sense and utilize what we have, instead of forcing us into technology that's underdeveloped and unreliable.

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 01:26 PM
Yeah, the new windmills here in MI are failing in more ways than not producing enough.
My sister and many many people in her county are fighting them hard, with big money from the rodeo circuit. And others. They have reams and reams of research.
Affects pregnant horses and sheep.
Affects humans.

Just a nightmare all the way around.
But the companies offer big money to put one on your land.
But don't mention how much of your land, plus the access road, will be trashed.

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: ElGoobero

Green energy is also terrible for the environment. Just go visit one of those sites where they mine the resources for these electric car batteries and stuff. Greenies have a big heart, but a tiny brain apparently.

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: ElGoobero

What’s the matter with them? What’s the matter with them is they don’t even understand their own motives. All of the noise they make has nothing to do with energy or the environment (as shown by their aversion to nuclear). It has everything to do with controlling people. It’s a sick desire that some people have.

The human race will cease to exist in twelve years….. every twelve years.

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 02:03 PM
All the money is in the pockets of the politicians worth 100's of millions.......on a govt salary.. dont be idiots. thats exactly where all the green energy money has gone.

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 02:19 PM
step 1. remove all the dirty fuel. (Coal)
Step 2. (this one baffles the fluck out of me) stop producing oil at home and buy it from others. (as if the ecological impact will mean less if it's no in your back yard)
Step 3. Stand there with that really, really stupid look on your face when you become mortal enemies with the guy you were subbing out your fuel needs to and your moral compass won't let you buy gas from him.

If anyone notices the glaring similarities to the underpants gnomes, it wasn't missed on me either.

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 02:50 PM
They could have put more money into fixing the coal emmissions from coal power plants, but I guess because black stuff was doing all the work to make energy, coal plants are racist. Notice that most windmills are not black.

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 03:12 PM
Clown World is in the rear view mirror. We have passed it. We have white house mouthpiece Jen Psaki telling us that this is all for our own good, and the other day "climate envoy" Herman Munster told Russia that even though they're invading Ukraine, they "must not lose sight of global efforts to reduce green house gas emissions."

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
Clown World is in the rear view mirror. We have passed it. We have white house mouthpiece Jen Psaki telling us that this is all for our own good, and the other day "climate envoy" Herman Munster told Russia that even though they're invading Ukraine, they "must not lose sight of global efforts to reduce green house gas emissions."

War and green house gas emissions
Too funny
Ask the vets from iraq about "greenhouse gasses".

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: ElGoobero

Think again. By every objective criteria confirmed by every independent investigation, the avalanche of green dollars in Obama’s first term was a colossal waste of money. In all, Obama (and George W. Bush before him) spent some $100 billion on giveaways to wind and solar power producers, electric cars and for weatherizing homes and buildings. It was arguably one of the largest corporate welfare experiments in American history, enriching an industry and its investors. Most of this money went for research to speed up commercial applications of green energy or was pipelined into bank accounts of individual companies.

The most infamous of these was, of course, Solyndra, the solar energy company that received $530 million of taxpayer handouts and was touted many times by Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden, as the next big thing in green energy. It never produced any energy to speak of before it went bankrupt.

We have tons of fossil fuels under the USA. We're still finding them.
What is the matter with these green idiots that they can't use some common sense and utilize what we have, instead of forcing us into technology that's underdeveloped and unreliable.

It's not underdeveloped and unreliable. Your opinions are about 10 years out of date. As of a couple of years ago renewable energy sources are now cheaper to install and operate than any fossil fuel plants, without subsidies. Their costs will probably continue to decline in the coming decade. Large scale battery farms do the load leveling.

"Solar power got cheap. So why aren’t we using it more? It turns out there’s a lot of inertia built into the energy system."

"When it comes to the cost of energy from new power plants, onshore wind and solar are now the cheapest sources—costing less than gas, geothermal, coal, or nuclear.

"Solar, in particular, has cheapened at a blistering pace. Just 10 years ago, it was the most expensive option for building a new energy development. Since then, that cost has dropped by 90 percent, according to data from the Levelized Cost of Energy Report and as highlighted recently by Our World in Data. Utility-scale solar arrays are now the least costly option to build and operate. Wind power has also shown a dramatic decline—the lifetime costs of new wind farms dropped by 71 percent in the last decade."


posted on Mar, 9 2022 @ 03:42 AM

Solar is HUGELY more expensive to install
and much less reliable
and the nimbys don't want it in their back yard (ditto the wind farms)
battery storage loses efficiency
fossil fuel plants can run higher or lower as needed; sun/wind conditions limit that output

that popsci article reads like green propaganda

posted on Mar, 21 2022 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: ElGoobero

The problem with this planet is that nothing is what it's supposed to be. People focus on removing plastic straws from restaurants and think that does something, while corporations pollute this planet to a choking point, and no one even talks about airplanes, because they're considered a 'necessity'.

Different propulsion systems, as in the things they used in Atlantis (research 'Vimana' from India's Veda books if you want to know more), and taking energy from different sources, like the planet's magnetic field would already make the energy very 'green' indeed (though I abhor such terminology, why not just say 'non-polluting power' or something?).

People in 'power' fully well know about all kinds of propulsion systems, they know about 'unlimited free energy' (Nikola Tesla discovered miracles that would solve all energy problems of this planet easily if used correctly, although some have pointed out it would nowadays be insufficient for our current energy needs, but I wonder), they know about all the brilliant inventors that have been bought and silenced (this is the stuff this website SHOULD be all about IMHO), that have discovered not only how to make cars run on all kind of environmentally-friendly substances, but also free-energy or zero-point-energy devices.

They know about other planets, the beamships and such that utilize a relatively simple but effective modulatable-energy field-based propulsion with other beneficial 'side effects' as well, they know about taking energy from atoms safely (as they say, there's enough energy in half a cup of coffee to dry all this planet's oceans), they know about efficient solar energy systems, and all the things that Russia has discovered a long time ago when it comes to this kind of stuff.

You could basically just put a stick on the ground and get energy from it if you are knowledgeable enough.

However, this whole 'oil and gas' show is a great excuse to have wars and other hellish things to bring about their endgame, and they're not about to allow people become free - energy-, or otherwise. People are to be controlled and driven like cattle to do their bidding. Every able-bodied man is supposed to work themselves to death while women are supposed to .. I guess, do the same, these days. Except that women have more freedom for some inequal reason, but that fits in the agenda as well - make the genders fight instead of together build a good world.

In any case, it's pathetic to watch all this unfold; I have screamed until my throat is sore and people called me crazy.

Now the things I screamed about are unfolding and people are shocked and point out tiny hypocrisies instead of looking at the big picture. OF COURSE the 'green energy' stuff with its hybrids and talking about 'greenhouse gases' has been just a sham, an agenda, a hoax, a heist, a hustle on the people. That should've been obvious decades ago.

If they REALLY wanted 'green energy', they would've been able to unleash all the 'alternative energies' and focused on that instead of talking about plastic bags and carbon dioxide or whatever, instead of ALL the chemicals and pollutants, and they would've shut down tobacco industry and downed all air traffic until electric airplanes are viable.

But virtue signaling is more important than actually doing anything effective, which is why DiCaprio and the like travel everywhere on a massively polluting private jet while talking about 'green energy' in 'memorable speeches', oh, so passionately.

Isn't it weird, how people are willing to believe ACTORS of all people, although they know they're good actors..? All the while praising their acting skills while wathing their movies, they suddenly believe they're not acting when they're not on the big screen..? I mean, it's almost like a paradox to me; a great ACTOR speaks, and you believe him?

If TPTB really wanted to fix the problems of this planet, they would mostly be fixed already. It's deliberate, things can't be too good for people, or the people would be harder to control, and get too comfortable.

By the way, is there anyone here that believes oil to REALLY come from dinosaurs and that still uses the term 'fossil fuels'? Another big lie we're not supposed to question.. among thousands.

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