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This is not good what is going on in Japan

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posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: enament

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: musicismagic

It was estimated that herd immunity required about 90% of population to have been fully vaccinatted with 2 shots, or to have had an infection of the virus within the last three months and have recovered. This was before the Delta and Omicron strains.

Also, the Omicron variant has mutated into four strains with the BA.2 strain showing that it is far more infectious as well as more virulent than the BA.1 strain. At the present time, little is known about the relative infectiousness or virulence of the BA.3 and BA.4 strains. And the Delta variant has not entirely vanished, but has also mutated into more than 200 sub-strains.

Currently, only 82% of Japanese have had their first dose, and 77% have had two. This is insufficient even for earlier strains.

Thats BS, we all know you can't get herd immunity with a non-sterilizing shot/treatment. The Herd immunity thing started out 75% here then it was 80% then it was 85% then 90% for herd immunity, we all know they wanted 100% compliance.

Since herd immunity can be achieved by large populations of people getting a disease and overcoming it (naturally acquired immunity), that would be an instance of a non-sterilizing process producing herd immunity. As has happened with historic plagues, such as the bubonic plague, where we have now gotten sufficient immunity among the entire population to protect us against its worst effects.

Meanwhile in the entirety of Canada not one place will give you an antibody test or provide you with alternative non approved medicines that work. Follow the money.

I am not Canadian, nor is the OP even remotely about the Canadian situation?

There is more money to be made in food and grocery retail, or in energy resources, than in pharmacy - if one were to actually "follow the money" - It is a feeble excuse for those 'conspiracists' who don't seem to actually have followed any money at all.

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

You must have seen the graph of all countries with Covid, it seems to wane and die out then they start the mass vaccinations and the deaths go up exponentially. It was obvious to anyone with a brain. That the vaccine was the problem. Here you go found it.

edit on 8-3-2022 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

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