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Bush Administration Kills Nuclear Fallout Study

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posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 09:42 AM
The Bush Administration has pulled the plug on it's seven year old Nuclear Fallout Study headed by the renowned Dr. Joseph L. Lyons. Lyons, a professor at the University of Utah was informed on March 21st that the program was abruptly axed by the government, ironically at a time when the development of nuclear weapons is the most relevant.

The Utah Thyroid Disease Study hardly seems like a financial burden on the federal purse. In seven years, the investigation into thyroid cancers linked to radioactive fallout has cost the federal treasury only $8,049,988, roughly the amount the Pentagon spends every two hours in Iraq. Or consider this: from 1990 to 1995, the federal government spent more than $90 million in legal fees to fight off claims from downwinders and workers at nuclear weapons plants over the health consequences of bomb-making and testing.

Lyons believes, with good reason, that the study was axed for political reasons. "The only interpretation I can put on it is that the Bush administration doesn't want to know the health effects of fallout on American citizens," Lyons told the Desert News.

The scientist also said it was an extremely rare occurrence for the CDC to pull funding in the middle of a major study. "I've never know it to happen before," says Lyons, who has been researching the links between cancer and fallout since 1977.

Located 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas, the Nevada Test Site, established in 1951, sprawls over 1,500 square miles of desert basin and range country. Between 1951 and 1992, the Pentagon and Department of Energy conducted at least 925 nuclear blasts at the site, more than 100 of the explosions were above ground, open-air tests, which cast a radioactive pall over much of the American West. Even the underground tests vented plumes of radiation.
More information can be found at:

The puzzling move by the Bush administration could be tied in with the recent move to further develop implication of nuclear weapons within the US military. As to why they don't want to know the effects and the striking correlation with radiation and thyroid cancer, who knows?

But don't be surprised if a nuclear explosion surfaces on US soil within the next few years and is downplayed as having 'little to no effect on the American people'.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by Simulacra

The puzzling move by the Bush administration could be tied in with the recent move to further develop implication of nuclear weapons within the US military. As to why they don't want to know the effects and the striking correlation with radiation and thyroid cancer, who knows?

But don't be surprised if a nuclear explosion surfaces on US soil within the next few years and is downplayed as having 'little to no effect on the American people'.

Dontcha know by now that in order to control the population you have to dumb them down? After all, what we don't know won't hurt us, eh? Thing is, does anyone think they will be protected from nuclear fallout? Including those in power who push the buttons? No one can escape it.

All's I can say is take your Vitamin C and lots of it! I read somewhere it can help counter the effects of radiation.

Scary times ahead for sure. Good find Simulacra

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by AlwaysLearning
All's I can say is take your Vitamin C and lots of it! I read somewhere it can help counter the effects of radiation.
Scary times ahead for sure.

Agreed, scary times are ahead. I hate for this post to sound apocalyptic but just in case this occurs, Vitamin C is a good way to counter the effects of radiation but Potassium Iodate actually prevents the radiation from entering your thyroid gland and causes mutations/cancer.

Here is some more info on what Potassium Iodate is important in the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.

I would rather spend the price of value meal and have a bottle of this stuff in my house and never use it than be caught in the aftermath of a Nuclear explosion without something that could very well save my life.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 12:32 AM
Vitamin C Potassium Iodate

Is their any thing besides them that can help counter act nucular fallouot?

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 12:53 AM
Wow, excellent find. I voted you way above.

I have posted regarding the nuclear war media blackout in America and also the statistical probability of nuclear war in the following two threads:

Media Blackout Regarding Nuclear War?
Deterrence Theory is a Fraud

We are being kept in the dark for a reason. I think you may be onto something here with the "dumbing down" thing. What happens to the sheeple when the shepard has sold them to a company that makes sheepskin car covers?

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by sexygeek
Vitamin C Potassium Iodate

Is their any thing besides them that can help counter act nucular fallouot?

Well once you protect your thyroid gland you are pretty much in the clear. However be weary of black rain. I would suggest of course eating food that was canned/bagged/boxed prior to the Nuclear Fallout. A gas mask wouldn't hurt.

The thing is once you are in the proximity of Nuclear fallout, it's pretty hard not to be effected. It's as if you jumped into the ocean and expected not to get wet. But like I said earlier, protect the Thyroid gland and you can extend your life for a little longer.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 10:59 AM
Awesome info Simulacra. Now this potassium iodate...tell me more. You get tons of potassium from it the right kind though.

Another thing we should be looking at is essential oils to fight viruses and disease.

I read somewhere that during the Spanish flu of 1918 when so many millions died, those that worked in close proximity to cinnamon bark/oils (processing thereof) did not contract the flu and survived!

Hey, if its natural it can't hurt and better that than a prescription pill or some kind of shot.

Have to run out now, but look forward to more from you.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 08:41 PM

Heres a pretty handy graph to take note of, it gives you a basis for how a Nuclear explosion could possibly effect you, distance wise...

Here's another graph of biological radiation damage, pretty accurate believe it or not.

Total Exposure Visible Effect
0-50R No visible effects

50-200R Brief periods of nausea on day of exposure. 50% may experience radiation sickness (nausea and vomiting), 5% may require medical attention, no deaths are expected.

200-450R Most members of the group will require medical attention because of serious radiation sickness. 50% deaths within two to four weeks.

450-600R Serious radiation sickness in all members of the group, medical attention required. Death to more than 50% within one to three weeks.

Over 600R Severe radiation sickness. 100% deaths in two weeks

If you want to know absolutely if there is a Nuclear explosion within your proximity 24/7, then I suggest purchasing this keychain, handy for getting a head start on shelter, organizing your family or securing safe food:

I do know a company called NEMMUNE is trying to develop a pill you can take to actually counter the effects of radiation poisioning if you do become exposed to a lethal amount of radiation and are unable to prepare for it in time. As far as eating banannas to protect the Thyroid, im not sure if it will work but it can't hurt. If this is all you have then yes, eat as many as you can mixed with plently of water. This could cause a similar effect as Potassium Iodate but PI is without a doubt the key mixture to have in case of a nuclear explosion.

I know this post sounds extremly apocalpytic but honestly, no one should die from Nuclear fallout. I provide this information to...well, save your life. Please prepare yourself, regardless of whether we see a Nuclear Explosion in our life on a metropolitan area or not. More info can be found at:

A good Nuclear protection kit that you can self construct can be found at:

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 09:41 PM
Thanks Simulacra. This is amazing information and its always good to be informed. I'll look into potassium iodate, but have been adding bananas to my diet because they have a ton of other benefits, not just the potassium.

Great work again. Thanks.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 09:45 PM
Good information,

Perhaps the study was killed because US wants to privatized our nuclear program and start the Los Alamos nuclear facility again, to build bombs.

The Carlyle group is involved two universities has gotten cold feed and the bid that was supposed to start this year is still on hold.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 10:34 PM
When I saw this article, my heart almost dropped. It looks like we are scheduled for a Nuclear Attack, let me explain.

I came across this striking article today on the United Nations official site, take note of the bold text within the article.

UN committee adopts draft treaty against nuclear terrorism
1 April 2005 – After seven years of negotiations, a United Nations committee today adopted a draft international treaty to fight nuclear terrorism, with Secretary-General Kofi Annan calling on all states to sign on to pre-empt what he called "one of the most urgent threats of our time" that with one attack could change the world forever.

The draft adopted by consensus defines acts of nuclear terrorism and strengthens the international legal framework to combat it, requiring those who threaten or commit such crimes to be extradited or prosecuted and encouraging exchange of information and cooperation among states and a broad range of mutual assistance obligations.

"The Nuclear Terrorism Convention will help prevent terrorists from gaining access to the most lethal weapons known to man," Mr. Annan told the Ad Hoc Committee established by the General Assembly in 1996 to draw up an international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings and entrusted in 1998 with drafting an international convention for the suppression of acts of nuclear terrorism.

Ok now I want everyone to take a deep breath and follow me on this one, I think I may be on something huge...

The Nuclear Fallout Study has been conducted for a total of seven years. It was probably the most cost-efficient disaster prevention program to date, in government terms the cost that it took to operate the organization over the course of seven years was virtually pocket change to them. Anyway, I noticed in the UN article that this treaty was adopted after seven years of negotion, ironic that just four days after the Nuclear Fallout study was canned, a Nuclear treaty was created

Later in the article we see that this treaty will strengthen the international legal framework to combat it. Are you kidding me? Are you guys ready for a Global and extremly more restrictive Patriot Act unlike anything we've ever seen. And how is it going to be adopted?


The government creates a problem (Nuclear attack within the states)
The government waits for a reaction (We need to get the people who nuked us)
The government creates a solution based on this new treaty (Let's pick North Korea, Iran...etc to set the blame to)

I don't think you realize this guys, as im typing this im nearly shaking. How abundantly clear is it that we are being set up for another 9/11 type event.

Jesus Christ I don't even know what to say...please be prepared

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 10:48 PM
Thank you for the information. I will get some ASAP. There's no telling what comes our way.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 11:53 PM
Sim, I've thought this since mid-last-year. A disaster like that will It'll also provide a great smokescreen for global rationing of oil. Have you read the report that a "temporary" spike will drive prices up to $100 a barrel? Oh but don't worry, they'll come back down once the demand slows down. Oh that demand for oil! ...Shyea right!

We are in for some dark years.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Sim, I've thought this since mid-last-year. A disaster like that will It'll also provide a great smokescreen for global rationing of oil. Have you read the report that a "temporary" spike will drive prices up to $100 a barrel? Oh but don't worry, they'll come back down once the demand slows down. Oh that demand for oil! ...Shyea right!

We are in for some dark years.

Since America has insured the corporate interest with the War on Iraq, they now have complete control on the last remaining oil reserves in the world. Need I remind you that it is predicted that the planets oil will run out about 40-50 years (maybe even less).

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 11:43 AM

Since America has insured the corporate interest with the War on Iraq, they now have complete control on the last remaining oil reserves in the world. Need I remind you that it is predicted that the planets oil will run out about 40-50 years (maybe even less).

Yeah, I was agreeing with you. I'm saying that the 'single-nuke' theory would also provide a great smokescreen for the dawning in people's minds of Peak Oil. If a nuke goes off, that'll keep Peak Oil off the news for another year or more.

I'm in agreement with you regarding your post. Americans are being dumbed down regarding nuke-war. There is a reason Americans do not know anything about wind patterns or fallout. If all of America is ignorant of a subject, then after that detonation occurrs, the administrators of our government can shrug their shoulders (like Condi did on 9/11) and say "Wow! Who would have ever expected people to fly planes into buildings? It's beyond anything we could have imagined."

It's very effective for a politician or an administrator to play down to the level of their constituency's intelligence. It also follows that you would want to KEEP them stupid by keeping them watching CSI and American Idol until the day this happens and then the administrators can say, "Boy, I guess we were all caught by surprise, huh? Gosh, America who knew someone would want to nuke us!"

Even though CSI is the most popular crime show in America, isn't it funny that the biggest mass-murder in America wasn't investigated by forensic specialists of this caliber? All the evidence was sealed off and shipped to China as scrap. The nice thing about the PNAC making a move with a nuke is that they wouldn't have any mess to clean up except the paper trail. No eyewitness as to the bomb itself (all those people would be vaporized). Very easy to pin the tail on whomever they want.

Make sure you've got a hole in the ground to jump into! If you can stay under 10 inches of concrete for one to three months and if you are not downwind from a target, you should be okay. The main questions of nuclear war will be (1) Iodide, (2) Water (clean) and (3) Food. If you can sock away three months of food in a suitable shelter, you'll have a good chance of weathering the storm. Even if nuke-war screws up Earth for a decade, it will be worth it to survive that decade. The power systems will still survive the EMP and if we have electricity, I think we could heal pretty quickly from a limited nuclear exchange. Relatively speaking.

[edit on 3-4-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 01:34 PM
I am bumping this thread because I think it's an important issue.

We were spending $8 million per year on a study to look at the effects of nuclear fallout. The study had been going on for seven years.

This seven year CDC study was axed by Bush with no reason-- a first in history.

More quotes from Simulacra's intial post:

Lyons believes, with good reason, that the study was axed for political reasons. "The only interpretation I can put on it is that the Bush administration doesn't want to know the health effects of fallout on American citizens," Lyons told the Desert News.

The scientist also said it was an extremely rare occurrence for the CDC to pull funding in the middle of a major study. "I've never know it to happen before," says Lyons, who has been researching the links between cancer and fallout since 1977.

There are those who say that America is becoming an empire. Why, if you were the empire which held the most nuclear weapons and which invented those weapons, would you want your citizens to remain ignorant of how nuclear weapons kill people? Does it make logical sense?

I'd like to quote from Wikipedia here under the subject of "Nuclear Warfare":

The idea that any nuclear conflict would eventually escalate into MAD was a challenge for military strategists. This challenge was particularly severe for the United States and its NATO allies because it was believed until the 1970s that a Soviet tank invasion of Western Europe would quickly overwhelm NATO conventional forces, leading to the necessity of escalating to theater nuclear weapons.

A number of interesting concepts were developed. Early ICBMs were inaccurate which led to the concept of counter-city strikes -- attacks directly on the enemy population leading to a collapse of the enemy's will to fight, although it appears that this was the American interpretation of the Soviet stance while the Soviet strategy was never clearly anti-population. During the Cold War the USSR invested in extensive protected civilian infrastructure such as large nuclear proof bunkers and non-perishable food stores. In the US, by comparison, little to no preparations were made for civilians at all, except for the occasional backyard fallout shelter built by private individuals. This was part of a deliberate strategy on the Americans' part that stressed the difference between first and second strike strategies. By leaving their population largely exposed, this gave the impression that the US had no intention of launching a first strike nuclear war, as their cities would clearly be obliterated in the retaliation.

The US also made a point during this period of targeting their missiles on Russian population centers rather than military targets. This was intended to reinforce the second strike pose. If the Soviets attacked first, then there would be no point in destroying empty missile silos that had already launched; the only thing left to hit would be cities. By contrast, if America had gone to great lengths to protect their citizens and targeted the enemy's silos, that might have led the Russians to believe the US was planning a first strike, where they would eliminate Soviet missiles while still in their silos and be able to survive a weakened counter attack in their reinforced bunkers. In this way, both sides were (theoretically) assured that the other would not strike first, and a war without a first strike will not occur.

This strategy had one major and very possibly critical flaw, soon realised by military analysts but highly underplayed by the US military: Conventional NATO forces in the European theatre of war were considered to be outnumbered by similar Soviet and Warsaw Pact forces, and while the western countries invested heavily in high-tech conventional weapons to counter this (partly perceived) imbalance, it was assumed that in case of a major Soviet attack (commonly perceived as the 'red tanks rolling towards the North Sea' scenario) that NATO, in the face of conventional defeat, would soon have no other choice but to resort to tactical nuclear weapons. Most analysts agreed that once the first nuclear exchange had occurred, escalation to global nuclear war would become almost inevitable.

We are encouraged to live inside US cities because that's where the jobs are. Simultaneously, government think-tanks theorize about nuclear war. They use big words like "escalation", which implies that there are levels of nuclear exchange-- a purely theoretical idea.

Our government will not allow us little folks to have even eight million dollars to study the effects of nuclear weapons and our health?

Is this right?


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