posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 03:30 PM
So I'm having a few beers watching the World go to crap I go into the kitchen for a snack I've got peanuts but wanted a bit of a kick .
I take me a bowl out pour in some peanuts look in the pantry and see me some Honey , I was like yum so I covered me peanuts with the honey looked in
the fridge and saw some hot sauce yum again ! Fricken delicious I noticed how it was all sticking together I thought to myself wonder if I can make
some bars like this , So I looked up if you can dehydrate honey sure enough you can !!!!
My god these are going to be good I had no clue you could dehydrate honey
Nice survival food should last a long time !
edit on 6-3-2022 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)