posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:34 AM
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At the bottom in the middle is the play button, left of that is the back 15 button, left of that it should say 1, click that 1 and it's speed adjust,
slow down, speed up.
Ok, so when Bisping said his night terrors began after Boy Scout Camp....I was on the edge of my seat waiting for Joe to bring that up, it looked
like Joe thought the same thing but just didn't want to.. probe..further. I mean, the boy scouts are like the Other Cathlic Priests, most people
don't let their kids anywhere near those establishments Anymore because I swear they encourage molestation and rape of kids. If not encourage, they
condone it by hiding it and not bringing those sick sons of witches to justice, they hide these monsters and give them new jobs in New towns,
sometimes in New countries, they give these predators new victims.
Personally, I immediately felt sick for Bisping, I hope he like, accidently murdered another camper, as apposed to him having been raped. He might
know what causes his night terrors, but I doubt it, he is a tough guy, what he would consider an "Alpha", I would place money that his ego buried
that trauma so deep, wrapped it in a reoccurring brain fog reminiscent of the MIB brain wipers, then water boarded with scotch until that memory is a
blur. His ego isn't ready to deal with him being a victim, and it probably never will, he is a very proud guy, as he should be. When you suppress
super traumatic, possibly even a very violent rape, yea, night terrors are one of many side effects that are possible.
I personally wish we would have a new witch hunt, but for pedophiles.