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Get Ready For Expensive Food

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posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 02:36 PM
The news is making it around that the wheat supply is disrupted globally. Its being blamed on the Ukraine hoax, but its really manufactured.

First, let's remember how much impact wheat has on our lives.
Wheat products make up ~25% of livestock feed. So, wheat goes up, it costs more to feed cattle, and everything made from cattle costs more too.
Milk, cheese, whey protein, cassein protein, curds, margarine, butter, and meat all come from cows.

When you think of all the areas wheat is used, this could be a very major concern.

In the US, we had a surplus on dairy, until Klaus Schwab had Canada go nazi; now that's gone (we got a lot from them).

Sooner or later, sheep will see the prices rise and supply dwindle, then they'll panic-buy anything and everything, even if they can't use it.

Think about getting things with long shelf lives that are still cheap.

As far as the shortages go, I've mentioned in posts before that there were already problems with the food, long before it was being blamed on the WEF Ukraine stage production.

This link is to a November 2021 video by Ice Age Farmer. The video explains how farmers were having problems getting fertilizer to grow crops:

Adding to the problem, the elites have decided to shut down shipping to Russia altogether. So, under the direction of the WEF, and on behalf of the elites, no one will get any exports from Russia.

This is a manufactured famine in the works. I would also suggest that Europeans start figuring out heating solutions for the winter now; energy is going to cost you a mint.

Here's a newer video by Ice Age Farmer explaining the shipping disruption:

Start thinking about it now. When the sheep get wind, the shelves will go bare. Remember toilet paper?
It won't stop at food. If they aren't shipping to Russia, then businesses selling to Russians lose a lot, and those are jobs.
This situation has far reaching effects. A gift from Santa Klaus I guess.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 02:49 PM
I wonder how farmers fertilized the ground before chemicals came along? How did they deal with pests before chemicals came along? I know there are a couple of farmers on ATS buy I'll still call them out.
Farmers use any and all excuses to up their prices from "the grounds too hard and the crops haven't done so well" to " the grounds too wet to get the crop in" to "we don't have the manpower to reap the crops".
Now come on farmers with your "but the wholesalers dictate the price" to " transport costs have risen" to "labour costs have risen". There have been too many farmers (especially large farms) reliant on chemicals and now they can't get them the price has to rise because "but with chemicals we get a higher yield and if we don't use them it would not be viable to farm".
Just how did farmers make a living before chemicals? Very, very hard.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: crayzeed


Know many wealthy farmers?

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 03:28 PM
Honestly bring on that 'black hole sun' , can't come soon enough

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: Wisenox

When President Trump wanted to punish China with farm sanctions, every media outlet in America screamed really loud in protest too.

We are all very spoiled.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: JinMI
Yeah, Bill Gates>

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 04:07 PM
OR, we as Americans could all rally and finally break our bonds from imports.

NOW would be an excellent time to be handing out loans for people to start cultivating OUR LAND. And we still have lots of land here in the US.

NOW would be an excellent time to supply, completely, all our own energy needs. Ramp up production. That is possible TODAY.

Now would be a great time to tell China to keep all its crap and start making things here. And limit raw materials and only import those things we don't have, or can't use something we do have, in place of.

Yes, it would have its pain, but with a say, ten-year plan, it is doable. And an immediate affect is that China would poop their pants.

a reply to: Wisenox

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Well said, totally agreed.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: Wisenox

Come On Man ! Can't You See the Enemy Within the Gates ? " THEY " Want US All to Suffer . FIGHT BACK Anyway you Can Before it is To Late !!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: JinMI
Yeah, Bill Gates>

Non sequitr

He had money before he bought all that land.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

You know why we are all interconnected right?

Seem to remember reading after one of the World Wars the decision was made to interconnect all the major nations, with the thinking that if you rely on china or russia for example you wont want to fight them and that will lead to peace.

By the way I agree with you, we are one of the few nations on the planet that can probably supply north of 90% of our needs right here at home.

Short of violent over throw of the govt (I am not advocating that) it will never happen as politicians like their bribes to much.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
I wonder how farmers fertilized the ground before chemicals came along? How did they deal with pests before chemicals came along? I know there are a couple of farmers on ATS buy I'll still call them out.
Farmers use any and all excuses to up their prices from "the grounds too hard and the crops haven't done so well" to " the grounds too wet to get the crop in" to "we don't have the manpower to reap the crops".
Now come on farmers with your "but the wholesalers dictate the price" to " transport costs have risen" to "labour costs have risen". There have been too many farmers (especially large farms) reliant on chemicals and now they can't get them the price has to rise because "but with chemicals we get a higher yield and if we don't use them it would not be viable to farm".
Just how did farmers make a living before chemicals? Very, very hard.

Here in this country, in the old days, farmers would save human sh%t and animal sh%t. They also would use leaves to fertilize there gardens/fields. These days the farmers forgot the old ways and just burn the grass over their fields and rely on chemicals.
If you want to have good soil, retain the fallen leaves and use them in your gardens.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: Wisenox

Do you know how much wheat is grown in the US? We are the largest exporter of Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, and cotton in the world. We have so much, lots of it goes to waste because of insufficient storage.

Seeing these fertilizer plants go up in flames lately reinforces the idea that they are systematically engineering this global issue.

Next thing will be a cotton shortage and watch your underwear prices soar, might want to start wearing them two days in a row.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: Wisenox

Looks like a double hit....

Russia is also the world’s top wheat exporter. Together with Ukraine, both account for roughly 29% of the global wheat export market.
Ukraine is considered the “breadbasket of Europe,” and an invasion would result in the food supply chain getting “hit hard,” said Alan Holland, CEO and founder at sourcing technology company Keelvar

For those who choose to drink their lunches, forget pitching that vodka, maybe since you already bought it, you should save it....cuz isn't wheat used to make spirits?
Which Liquors Are Made From Wheat?

Then on to fertilizer....
Fertilizer: Russia, Ukraine Conflict Could Cause Supply, Price Issues

edit on Thu Mar 3 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 10:48 PM
Ok, the wife and I are going shopping tomorrow to get more flour. Look at this page on the price of wheat, up around a hundred over the last two weeks.zzzzzzzzzz

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 11:00 PM

The news is making it around that the wheat supply is disrupted globally. Its being blamed on the Ukraine hoax, but its really manufactured.

Ukraine and for that matter Russia are breadbaskets of the world.

Infographic: Russia, Ukraine and the global wheat supply.

This is a really big deal.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 11:36 PM

The food crisis is here. The EU’s agricultural ministers held an emergency meeting and are set to activate a “Food Crisis Contingency Mechanism” in anticipation of the shortages resulting from the blocked 40% of global wheat exports that are no longer flowing from Ukraine/Russia.

S. Korea’s animal feed producers are preparing to declare force majeur, unable to produce feed without the 300,000 metric tons they’d expected from Ukraine now stuck in the Black Sea.
Ice Age Farmer

We need to return to our roots and not have to rely on such imports and bring back our manufacturing. Some of those countries way south of us are going to feel double-whammy pain.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 11:48 PM
The Expensive pricing on Foods, items had been happening for a while long before the crisis in Eastern Europe.
dont blame Russia/Ukraine for the expensive pricing on foods.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Looks like the sanctions agaisnt Russia are already having a negative effect towards everyone. Russia is the biggest producer of wheat.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Canceling a country 1/8th the land mass of the planet will have an impact.
I feel bad for the great people of Russia, who have had no say in the matter.

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