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Pop-Culture Mirrors Reality, Again

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posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 02:30 PM
I made this comment as a reply to a post by Virtuoso regarding a 19 letter nucleotide sequence found in the vaccine, that also happens to be under patent:
The nucleotides are associated with the furin cleavage sites under patent by Moderna, but also found in nature.
There is a good quote from Virtuoso's post detailing how rare it is for this kind of match to happen:

researchers claim there's a 1 in 3 trillion chance that this sequence from Moderna's patent would randomly occur in nature.

That post reminded me of an article about the mysterious furin cleavage sites:
The origin of SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage site remains a mystery
Essentially, scientists were trying to trace the origin of covid through its link with the furin cleavage sites.

The origin of this strain is linked to the emergence of the novel furin cleavage site in the viral spike glycoprotein.

So, if the origin of covid is linked to the furin cleavage sites, and they're under patent, then someone made it in a lab.
Now it becomes interesting to see how it got to bats.

The analysis of the phylogeny of these three strains showed that the first to diverge was the pangolin coronavirus, with the RatG13 being the closest. However, when only the spike is analyzed, there is a high similarity between the pangolin CoV, RaTG13 and SARS-CoV-2...
They found three coronaviruses that were very similar to the SARS-CoV-2 at the genomic level. These are Pangolin-CoVs (2017, 2019), Bat-SARS-like (CoVZC45, CoVZXC21) and bat RatG13...
[B]This may indicate the occurrence of recombination events between the Pangolin-CoV (2017) and RatG13 ancestors.

Recombinant events sounds like a bit of lab work to me.  It may be very possible that comparative research into the pangolin and bat furin sites leads to discoveries of what exactly was done to develop the bioweapon.  If the pangolin was the first to diverge, then maybe they took it back to the lab and improved it with the bats.
I should probably add that I believe they were actually testing the mRNA vaccines when they 'discover' the viruses in nature.  Make sure you don't kill them too quick, and provides another fake zoonotic vector.

So, what are the chances that South Park also links the origin of covid to bats and a pangolin?  Well, they made that connection in their 'Pandemic Special'.  Here's a plot summary from wiki (clip at bottom):

A news report reveals that the pandemic's origins were traced to a bat in Wuhan, which prompts a flashback to Randy's visit to China, during which he and Mickey Mouse had sex with a bat. Realizing that they are responsible for the outbreak, Randy is overcome with guilt. A later news report reveals that the source was instead determined to be a pangolin, with which Randy and Mickey also had sex.

The clip on YouTube:

Strange coincidences seem to be the new normal these days.
edit on 24-2-2022 by Wisenox because: Put plot summary in quote bubble.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: Wisenox
Pandemic special eh?
Nice mustache!

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 02:58 PM

a reply to: Wisenox

So, what are the chances that South Park also links the origin of covid to bats and a pangolin?

There was an abundant supply of reports blaming bats and pangolins for the origin of covid before that South Park episode was even made . The Bat soup origin was old by then .

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Tellurian

Yes, but it strikes me as odd, considering the importance of the 19 nucleotides and their uniqueness with the furin sites. The ending narrative was bats.
The researchers backed up the divergence of the furin sites to the pangolin.
The episode aired in Sep 2020, and the research regarding the furin sites was published in Feb 2021.

Given that the hour long Pandemic Special takes time to write and produce, I find it very coincidental that they too chose to back it up to the pangolin, instead of the official bat story.
The significance of the 19 nucleotides makes it seem more coincidental to me, especially if they're the smoking gun they appear to be.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 05:59 PM

a reply to: Wisenox

Given that the hour long Pandemic Special takes time to write and produce, I find it very coincidental that they too chose to back it up to the pangolin, instead of the official bat story.

Now, with a staff of about 70 people, South Park episodes are typically completed in one week, with some in as little as three to four days

Apparently there was an ample supply of reports referring to the alteration of the virus clevage sites being done in a lab ....

The structure of the 2019-NCoV virus genome provides a very strong clue on the likely origin of the virus

edit on 24-2-2022 by Tellurian because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 06:13 PM

edit on 2242022 by MetalThunder because: Truth


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