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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:10 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:12 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Xcathdra

How about you untwist your panties. I wasn't deflecting anything. Jesus you guys became sensitive little things since I was last here.

and that would be why I removed my post.

Well to you then. I will remove mine too. It's just getting old. I've been attacked by numerous people in this thread simply for pointing out inconvenient realities.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:19 PM
2.26.2022 Update

Former President Trump is concerned that a WORLD WAR could begin, due to weak leadership countering Vladimir Putin here in the early stages, while there's still a "reverse" gear on the war machine.


posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
2.26.2022 Update

Former President Trump is concerned that a WORLD WAR could begin, due to weak leadership countering Vladimir Putin here in the early stages, while there's still a "reverse" gear on the war machine.


Honestly I wish Trump would just shut up. I voted for him in 16 and 20, but the media did such a good job of sinking him, he does no good at this point. And he's too old for 2024. We need fresh blood. I don't think we're gonna get it, but all he can do is hurt at this point.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:24 PM
I don’t know why everybody or some are so positive about this war. I mean the US didn’t take Iraq in a week, right. I don’t remember but it wasn’t a cakewalk, was it?

This is not going to turn out good, I doubt. Russia has too much of a superior army. And I doubt Ukraine has mountains like Afghanistan to perform a successful insurgency. Maybe they do, but I doubt it. In Vietnam, the Vietcong insurgents had North Vietnam and all kinds of jungles, and the Taliban had those mountains and Pakistan. Where are they going to go in an insurgency here, Poland?

That is very dangerous and might start WWIII for sure, or dam near start it.

Probably, the best solution to this( though too late now) was Ukraine promising to stay neutral. But it's their country, not mine, they made the choices they have to live with. I feel bad it turned into this ugly war, which probably could have been avoided.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
I don’t know why everybody or some are so positive about this war. I mean the US didn’t take Iraq in a week, right. I don’t remember but it wasn’t a cakewalk, was it?

This is one of the things I got attacked for pointing out before. The US took 3 weeks to get to Baghdad in 2003. It is a longer distance from the border to Baghdad than it is from the border to Kyiv, but still, it's only been 3 days. At the pace Western media is saying Russia should have taken Kyiv, the US should've got to Baghdad in under a week. It's just not realistic.

Western media keeps reporting the Russians planned to take the capital in 24-48 hours. How do we know that? The first day of coverage the military experts kept saying we don't know Putin's plan so we can't draw any conclusions about their pace. That kind of talk disappeared after the first day.

I'm NOT trying to support the Russians, but it really seems like the media got their marching orders on how to portray the war. Who knows what's really going on? I don't trust any of our major media entities as far as I can throw them. They're always wrong, especially about wars.

Maybe the Russians are getting creamed. I hope the reports about the Ukrainians stopping them dead are accurate, but it's too early to tell.
edit on 26 2 22 by face23785 because: Was using old spelling, my bad

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

"the US didn’t take Iraq in a week"

The U.S. did not TRY to take Iraq in a week the second time.

Took 48 hours the first time.

And IRAQ had an actual military at the time.

A HUGE military.

Ukraine does not.

putin was always lying about Ukraine being any kind of threat to Russia.

Lots of folks here too.

edit on 26-2-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: carewemust
2.26.2022 Update

Former President Trump is concerned that a WORLD WAR could begin, due to weak leadership countering Vladimir Putin here in the early stages, while there's still a "reverse" gear on the war machine.


Honestly I wish Trump would just shut up. I voted for him in 16 and 20, but the media did such a good job of sinking him, he does no good at this point. And he's too old for 2024. We need fresh blood. I don't think we're gonna get it, but all he can do is hurt at this point.

People with EGOS like Trump, Hillary, Obama, Biden, etc.. (and most of us regulars on ATS) NEVER SHUT UP.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

We didn't "take" Iraq the first time. We did get into their southeast desert but we stopped well short of Baghdad. We also degraded them for 6 weeks with an air campaign before we moved in our ground forces.

Different situation too. They had a lot of their military forward deployed in Kuwait and we were chasing them into Iraq, rather than attacking a fortified Iraq like we were in 2003.

It's really hard to compare the two directly. I'm just making the point that it's too early to draw any solid conclusions here.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:54 PM
I am just going to say.
There Are Some Certain Groups Wanted Things to Escalate In Eastern in Ukraine for many years. They were pushing things in that direction.

This was preventable.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:56 PM
When the US started their own invasions no country demanded a sanction over the invasion? because it was justified on false pretexts?

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

That is very dangerous and might start WWIII for sure, or dam near start it.

There are Certain Groups wanted things to escalate as i mentioned this in this thread.
edit on 26-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: vNex92

And that person would be Putin who has been supplying the separatists with troops and equipment every chance he gets.

Maybe you can remind everyone what happened when Putin gifted the separatists a BUK.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: vNex92

When you are one of the good guys, you get the benefit of the doubt. Not so much for evil pricks like Putin.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: Xcathdra

Ghost of Kyiv: unconfirmed Ukrainian MiG-29 pilot credited with six kills

That was proven not to be true.

It was proven true

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
When the US started their own invasions no country demanded a sanction over the invasion? because it was justified on false pretexts?

Putin is not the USA. He should know his place and sit down like a good little dictator.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 09:03 PM
The massive explosion that is going around is from the city of Vasylkiv and was an oil depot that got him.


I have been reluctant to post videos / links due to graphic content. This video only shows the explosion from a good distance away however I cannot vouch for any other videos in the twitter feed / time line.

.Twitter - Vasylkiv Oil depot hit - video


edit on 26-2-2022 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: Cydonia2012

originally posted by: vNex92
When the US started their own invasions no country demanded a sanction over the invasion? because it was justified on false pretexts?

Putin is not the USA. He should know his place and sit down like a good little dictator.


putin doesn't appear to be much of a human being at all.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
I am just going to say.
There Are Some Certain Groups Wanted Things to Escalate In Eastern in Ukraine for many years. They were pushing things in that direction.

This was preventable.

Yup - Putin could not have invaded Ukraine.

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