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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

It is all hypocrisy, the USA and the West are not Democratic. They are run from what looks like an outside entity, the one who controls the banking system and allows, things to look like a Democratic system. The censorship and coerced medical procedures ended that illusion years ago.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 03:43 AM
* - It was seen that 3 helicopters landed and opened fire in the Lviv Brody district in the morning

* - Russian airborne operation at Brody, Ukrainian army repelled attack. Russian retreating to the forest near Levyatin

* - The drone of aircraft is heard the whole morning in the sky above Mazyr. – A column of military equipment of the Russian Armed Forces was seen in Brest near Pionerskaya street today (26.02) at 8:30

* - Possible Iskander-M 9M723 ballistic missile launch from Belgorod towards Ukraine

* - Borrell: I call on the entire international community to unite efforts and help end the Russian military aggression against Ukraine

* - Citizens of Sumy repelling Russian army

* - Zelensky spoke with @eucopresident, said it's time for the EU to accept Ukraine

* - Sumy territorial defense captured Russian soldier

* - The Netherlands supplies 200 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine. Ministry just announced that they are going that way as soon as possible

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: anonentity

The US has never been a Democracy. We are a Constitutional Representative Republic.

No its not hypocrisy. Its exactly what I said it is and if you dont know how our constitution works then educate yourself on it before attacking something you know nothing about.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

"The Netherlands supplies 200 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine. Ministry just announced that they are going that way as soon as possible"..

Thank you!

THIS is what I've been anxiously waiting to see.

I hope they were delivered today, Ukraine has had an urgent need for these since early yesterday.

Russia just lost around 150 more aircraft as a result of this!

Thank You Netherlands!

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: Xcathdra

"The Netherlands supplies 200 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine. Ministry just announced that they are going that way as soon as possible"..

Thank you!

THIS is what I've been anxiously waiting to see.

I hope they were delivered today, Ukraine has had an urgent need for these since early yesterday.

Russia just lost around 150 more aircraft as a result of this!

Thank You Netherlands!

The announcement from the Netherlands was 2 hours ago so hopefully they will get it today. I was also curious about the comment from the UK defense Minister, saying russian goals were not / are not being met in Ukraine. Couple that with the comments from Ukraine that Russia has had to call in reserve forces...

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: majesticgent

Zelinsky, the president of Ukraine is asking the population to make molotov cocktails and arm themselfs. With it he gives putin an excuse to bomb civilian areas. The people will become combatans and the result will be a severe distruction of buildings, indfrastructure and death of civilians. I do not think this is a wise decision to safe his country.. On the other hand it will force other countries to help ukraine from complete carnage and distruction of the country.

This early in the war russia has already commited war crimes... I hope that these soldiers will be hunted and punished when the smoke clears.

edit on 26/2/2022 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: zatara

I'm a civilian,
I've never been in any of the Armed Services.
I'm getting on a bit now, 56 years old.

If a foreign nation invaded my country I would do anything and everything possible to try to repel them as I'm sure many would on here.
Why would you expect Ukrainians to be any different?

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: carewemust

On a more serious note, why does Putin want to create millions of angry/enemy citizens inside Ukraine, during the process of replacing Zelensky, if that's his ultimate goal?

Nearly every single person in nearly every former USSR country or region will be developing a deep mistrust and disliking of Putin, and probably by extension Russians in general - if they didn't already have them - and will be deeply concerned by these developments.

Putin is surrounding himself with resentment and hatred.

Because he's obsessed with regaining past national 'glory' and greatness and his personal 'destiny'.
He's off his #ing trolley.

The best thing any Russian could do now would be to 'retire' Putin to his own personal Dacha and give him 24 hour security and 'assistance'.....or better still just put a bullet in his head!

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 04:52 AM
* - Estonian Ministry of Transport: We plan to close our airspace to Russian planes

* - British Ministry of Defense: Russian forces are 30 km from the center of Kyiv

* - Zelensky's briefing: "We survived (the night). And we are successfully fighting off the enemy attacks"

* - Security Service of Ukraine denies information by Mayor of L'viv on airborne operation in Brody

* - Defence Secretary @BWallaceMP: "We stand shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine & pursuing every option to support them in their defence against President Putin's unprovoked & illegal invasion. I'm so pleased that so many nations are coming forward with humanitarian & military aid

* - Russian troops have occupied Stanitsa Luhanska - Luhansk region administration

* - The UK has offered to conduct "logistics operations" to support the delivery to the Ukrainian armed forces of much-needed military aid, such as ammunition and anti-tank weapons, that is donated by other countries, a @DefenceHQ source says

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

The last comment about uk offering logistical support could be a game changer . If it’s flown in then can we assume the flights will be escorted ? The downing of a nato aircraft flying where it has permission but shot down by an aggressor could be a big game changer

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Didn’t anonymous declare they had hacked the Russian defense ministry and accessed information ? Could this be plans and timelines for the invasion ?

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 05:19 AM
a reply to: da pickles

The issue is does providing military aid to a country at war open the doors to the assisting country crossing from a neutral 3rd party to a belligerent. If a country illegally invades your country, and the attacking nation then gets military assistance from your neighbor, would you do anything to stop the assisting country from helping kill your people? Would you shoot at their aircraft? Ground units? etc?

Part of me wonders if this is not a way for some NATO members to force a situation where they are shot at by Russian forces. At that point they can invoke article V of the NATO charter (mutual self defense - an attack on one nato country is considered an attack on them all). When NATO ambassadors meet for article V (only ever been done once - the US on 9/11), if a country is not so keen on what happened, they can vote no, which prevents article V from being used. On the other hand a NATO country can also abstain from voting, allowing article V to be invoked without that countries assistance. (I have no evidence that this is occurring.. just a thought. NATO members to the East, Baltic nations, Poland etc are more on the assist with boots on the ground mentality but only because they were occupied by the USSR and have no desire to go back to that possibility again).

I would guess they will do what Poland does. They quickly get the aid to their border with Ukraine and turn it over once it goes across the border. I would guess the UK would do the same.. Send it to Ukraine via Poland / Hungary / Romania / etc..

As for the hackers they penetrated a Russian system and got info regarding their military structure. I do not speak Russian nor do I know Cyrillic so I have no idea what the info actually says. Even if I did I would have no idea who the people are. To me it looked like names and contact info (that is a guess on my part).

edit on 26-2-2022 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 05:21 AM

Russian cargo ship seized in English Channel by France
France seized a Russian cargo ship in the English Channel on Saturday, the Russian state-run RIA news agency says.

The Russian embassy in France is reportedly seeking an explanation, after a ship that French authorities said could belong to a Russian company was seized.

Authorities in France said the vessel was held after it was suspected of violating trade sanctions linked.

“A 127 meters long Russia cargo ship called the 'Baltic Leader' transporting cars has been intercepted overnight by the French Navy in the Channel and escorted to the Port of Boulogne-Sur-Mer in Northern France," an official told the BBC.

"It has been taken to the French port after a request by the French government because it is suspected of belonging to a company targeted by EU sanctions against Moscow.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 05:22 AM

originally posted by: da pickles
a reply to: Xcathdra

The last comment about uk offering logistical support could be a game changer . If it’s flown in then can we assume the flights will be escorted ? The downing of a nato aircraft flying where it has permission but shot down by an aggressor could be a big game changer

Thats the scariest part of this war. With more and more EU countries offering military aid/supplies... where will the line for "interference" be drawn? A "loosing" Russia might become far, far more dangerous than a "winning" Russia. I feel that it'll only be a matter of a few short weeks before someone have to make a decision to back down.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 05:30 AM
Whatever weapons Ukraine gets, Russia gets more from China. HJ-12, PLZ-05, let's go!

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 05:32 AM

originally posted by: YongpengSuen
Whatever weapons Ukraine gets, Russia gets more from China. HJ-12, PLZ-05, let's go!

More bs.. Russia does not import any of the Chinese junk. China buys Russian and then they try to reverse engineer it. So how bout we stop with the cheerleader for China routine. This thread is bout Ukraine. Feel free to start a love China thread and take the cheers there.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: YongpengSuen

They do NOT and have NEVER belonged to China.

As for Germany - yes and it is theirs. Russia decided to annex it after WW2.

Again knock off the chinese bs. They had nothing to do with my op.

True, but if Japan invades Kurils, then China goes to war with Japan. And South Korea goes to war with Japan too.
edit on 26-2-2022 by YongpengSuen because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: YongpengSuen

Just wondering if your working on sales commission for HJ-12

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 05:34 AM

originally posted by: Xcathdra

originally posted by: YongpengSuen
Whatever weapons Ukraine gets, Russia gets more from China. HJ-12, PLZ-05, let's go!

More bs.. Russia does not import any of the Chinese junk. China buys Russian and then they try to reverse engineer it. So how bout we stop with the cheerleader for China routine. This thread is bout Ukraine. Feel free to start a love China thread and take the cheers there.

Dude, J-16 is far more advanced than Su-30SM. AESA. Also, J-16D is SEAD / DEAD plane.

posted on Feb, 26 2022 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

I suppose we could muse about what's happening.

Notion: Putin's forces intended to pull of a repeat of Prague 1968 -- swift occupation of targeted capital city, removal of government, and installation of puppet government.

Notion: The bulk of Putin's regular forces can fight but may not be particularly motivated about attacking Ukraine. Thus, their role was to be as an occupying force once the Ukrainian government had fallen.

Notion: The defeated air assault on the airfield NW of Kyiv was part of the coup-de-main intended to rapidly seize the capital.

Notion: The Russians believed their own propaganda that most Ukrainians would welcome them with open arms. Someone on ATS predicted the Ukrainian Army would embrace their Russian "brothers" and throw down their weapons. That didn't happen, and the Ukrainians are fighting, with more determination than was expected.

Notion: The clock is working against Putin. Rasputitsa will come within a month, and, long term logistical support is reportedly a weakness in the Russian forces. If their offensive doesn't succeed quickly, many of their units may have to adopt a defensive posture until supply catches up.

So if one credits those notions, the coup-de-main attack failed and now the Russians have to move quickly with their less elite units to force a Ukrainian surrender, else logistics will become problematic and the spring rains may begin.


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