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Doctors decrying at Doug Ford's vaccine remarks of Vax Effectiveness, Drs Lying Again?

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posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 05:50 PM
Doctors decrying at Doug Ford's vaccine remarks of Vax Effectiveness

Doctors among the Liberal opposition leader had being the biggest promoters of these vaccination in Canada even as far supporting the vaccine passports.

They are still taking what Ford said out of context. A Doctor said something about the vax that my caught interest. The first doctor in the video claimed the following.

what we do know is that third dose of uh getting covid vaccine is very crucial and it reduces your chance getting symptomatic infection from c19 by more than 60 percent

Isn't that the same lie these same doctors claimed about the first dose? the second? the third? the fourth? people in Israel are getting infected despite the fourth dose.

How does 60% protection justify mandates, vaccine passports!?

Doctors decrying at Doug Ford's vaccine remarks of Vax Effectiveness, Drs Lying Again?

edit on 16-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 06:25 PM
Another thing you might have missed in the vid. Is how the doctors already are trying to put fear into you.
“Like it or not there’s more waves to come”

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: vNex92

60% protection against a germ that will only rarely put you in the hospital.

There is a break-even point where the vaccine is more dangerous than Covid-19. Still waiting on a study to demonstrate what that point is, for a few individual physical-condition/age combinations.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 06:44 PM
Let’s just say the third dose does reduce the chance of infection by 60%. But for how long? Is it forever? No. It is a few weeks. Is it worthwhile for most people to get it? No. Will it end the pandemic? No. Will the medical system collapse if people don’t get it? If it does, it is more of a problem with the medical system that it is that fragile that we need to constantly get vaccines every few months to protect it.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: vNex92

I entered 2020 still having a reasonable respect for doctors and nurses, and major public health institutions such as the CDC or WHO.

I already knew pharma was corrupt.

But, so many doctors and organizations at best have pushed false narratives, from 100% effective vaccines to masks and lockdowns, not to mention a false narrative of 2-4% lethality, which even now people on ATS cite, and ignoring of natural immunity, that they have besmirched the industry and abused the public trust.

I cannot believe I am still hearing doctors ignoring counter data or pushing outdated narratives. Eff them.

I also am aware that not all doctors are doing so, and some are speaking out.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: vNex92

60% protection against a germ that will only rarely put you in the hospital.

There is a break-even point where the vaccine is more dangerous than Covid-19. Still waiting on a study to demonstrate what that point is, for a few individual physical-condition/age combinations.

That's the thing. BEFORE the vaccines, the survival rate was 99.9% + for low risk groups, and 99.5% for all groups including high risk. That's including the 95% of "covid deaths" that had an average of 4 comorbidities. Only 5% had solely covid as a cause. If we took out those 95%, what would be the survival rate then? 99.99%?

Secondly, a lot of people have recovered from Covid and have natural immunity. What percent is their survival if they get reinfected? Probably 99.999%.

Thirdly, Covid a la Omicron appears to have mutated to less deadly.

Fourth, health officials now admit that the vaccines do not stop infection and transmission, the entire argument for the vaccine mandates and pushes, especially for low risk individuals. "Protect grandma." They also acknowledge that the vaccines appear to not be as effective for new variants.

Therefore, these doctors and leaders pushing these mandates and fear I think have to be compromised. If as a doctor or let's say a leading health institute they cannot assess a cogent cost-benefit analysis of the benefit of covid policies versus negative impact of these policies, and understand they may be net negative, then they have lost legitimacy. Most medicines even say on the package "your doctor has assessed that this medicine has more benefit than harm for you."
edit on 16-2-2022 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
Another thing you might have missed in the vid. Is how the doctors already are trying to put fear into you.
“Like it or not there’s more waves to come”

And that is read as "like or not there's more vaccines to sell!"


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